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O.J. Mayo (Official Thread)

just disconcerning when a major talent like this has so many off-the-court issues.. and not even finished with HS yet

dismissed from school for fighting or fighting threats
physically accosted a referee during a game
charged with possession (misdemeanor or not is immaterial)

Have to wonder if this is a preview of things to come... all this and he's in the midwest... what happens when he gets to glittertown... look out... and my first impressions are he has handlers that come from MC's litter...

Is Ron Artest this guys father?
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gost8;778703; said:
If you want to see funny check out the SC board responses to this topic. Basically the consensus there is since he wasn't actually smoking a joint when the cops got there, the bag obviously wasn't his and he had no knowledge it was even there.
And of course the usual... it's just weed argument.

So is it your opinion that the response on a Buckeye board to a Buckeye recruit in this situation would be different?

And my personal favorite:

"I don't know what "news" your reading. OJ is a great student, athlete, and a person. You should be happy that he is coming to your university. He is in very little trouble over the marijuana thing. The official controversy is another thing i suppose you are talking about, that was NOT his fault, don't judge people without knowing them"

I hope that is in the sarcastic font as well.

How should I know the context for some randomly quoted post?

NJ-Buckeye;778824; said:
just disconcerning when a major talent like this has so many off-the-court issues.. and not even finished with HS yet

dismissed from school for fighting or fighting threats
physically accosted a referee during a game

You're kidding, right? Accosting a referee?

charged with possession (misdemeanor or not is immaterial)

Have to wonder if this is a preview of things to come... all this and he's in the midwest... what happens when he gets to glittertown... look out... and my first impressions are he has handlers that come from MC's litter...

Is Ron Artest this guys father?

Yeah, it always turns out bad when kids have trouble early in their lives.
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NJ-Buckeye;779122; said:
suspended a number of games for it
He got a two game suspension, took it to court and got the suspension suspended, and that's the last I heard. I saw a video where he came in contact with a ref but couldn't tell if it was intentional. Apparently someone did think so.
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methomps;779094; said:
So is it your opinion that the response on a Buckeye board to a Buckeye recruit in this situation would be different?
My response would be. If this kid changed his mind and wanted to come to Ohio State I would not like it. And I have posted my feelings on marijuana on a couple of occasions on this board.

methomps;779094; said:
How should I know the context for some randomly quoted post?
Ummmm, click the link to the SC board that is right in this thread. http://mbd.scout.com/mb.aspx?s=15#S=15&F=1721&T=224208
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gost8;779275; said:
My response would be. If this kid changed his mind and wanted to come to Ohio State I would not like it. And I have posted my feelings on marijuana on a couple of occasions on this board.

That's fine. But I wasn't asking your opinion. You were laughing at some of the responses, and I was asking if you thought any Buckeye fans would post similar responses.

Ummmm, click the link to the SC board that is right in this thread. http://mbd.scout.com/mb.aspx?s=15#S=15&F=1721&T=224208[/quote]

I still don't see the post you quoted.

And my personal favorite:

"I don't know what "news" your reading. OJ is a great student, athlete, and a person. You should be happy that he is coming to your university. He is in very little trouble over the marijuana thing. The official controversy is another thing i suppose you are talking about, that was NOT his fault, don't judge people without knowing them"

I hope that is in the sarcastic font as well.
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maybe im the only one who feels this way. i feel sorry for oj. he never had the chance to be a kid... ive never seen so many people wanting a kid to fail. i hope oj finds some form of guidance in his life. hopefully floyd can provide it out in socal. hopefully pete will also reach out. he has not matter what you guys say has had done a great job with high profile players.
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methomps;779289; said:
That's fine. But I wasn't asking your opinion. You were laughing at some of the responses, and I was asking if you thought any Buckeye fans would post similar responses.

Ummmm, click the link to the SC board that is right in this thread. http://mbd.scout.com/mb.aspx?s=15#S=15&F=1721&T=224208

I still don't see the post you quoted.

Hmmmm your right it is gone. But that is where I pasted it from. A guy from UCLA I think was talking about how much trouble this kid was going to be.... and that was the reply. And I wasn't laughing at some of the responses, I was laughing at most if not all of the responses. The "how do you know it was even his" and the "its just weed" also "the Floyd will straighten him right out" responses are funny to me. Just like you though the responses in this thread were funny.
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jimotis4heisman;779299; said:
maybe im the only one who feels this way. i feel sorry for oj. he never had the chance to be a kid... ive never seen so many people wanting a kid to fail. i hope oj finds some form of guidance in his life. hopefully floyd can provide it out in socal. hopefully pete will also reach out. he has not matter what you guys say has had done a great job with high profile players.

I don't feel bad for him in a minute. The second you start conducting yourself a certain way this kind of thing happens. Oden has received just as much hype yet I've never heard anything other than positives from the media. When the media (sports media that is) is generally rooting for a kid to fail, there is an underlying reason. I am glad OJ has nothing to do with our university.
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For real.... I mean what is the big deal? He is only under the microscope of about everyone in the high school and college basketball community. No need to try to keep his nose clean. :roll1:

It's weed dude. So what?

I've seen the video with the official, and it appears obvious to me that the guy took a dive. I don't have any specific info about the fight at NCH.

I've smoked plenty of weed in my life (although none in the last 5 years). Hell, the President of the United States used to do lines. So why should we judge this kid?
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StadiumDorm;779576; said:
It's weed dude. So what?

I've seen the video with the official, and it appears obvious to me that the guy took a dive. I don't have any specific info about the fight at NCH.

I've smoked plenty of weed in my life (although none in the last 5 years). Hell, the President of the United States used to do lines. So why should we judge this kid?

So what? It's I-L-L-E-G-A-L. Thats so what. It like saying, he shoplifted dude, so what? And whether you have or do smoke it doesn't matter. He has a lot riding on the decisions he makes right now. If he was coming to Ohio State I would be very worried. I mean was it so long ago that we had a kid that made some poor decisions while he had the world be the balls? Look where he ended up. And yes I am sure that the official took a dive to get this guy into trouble. Its a big conspiracy by the refs to get this kid suspended from basketball. :roll1:
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StadiumDorm;779576; said:
It's weed dude. So what?

I hope you're kidding. Just in case you're not, let's start with the facts that it is an illegal drug and that it is harmful to just about every system in its user's body.

I've smoked plenty of weed in my life (although none in the last 5 years). Hell, the President of the United States used to do lines. So why should we judge this kid?

Ah, I see. The age-old argument that if you did it (or if you can point to one public figure who has), then it must be ok. Great logic. :roll1:
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