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Notre Dame 0, Michigan 38 (Final)

Jaxbuck;925467; said:
I've got a PhD that agrees with me, makes me feel much better. :)

Another question for her; If tsun players mail it in and NoDorO is so bad they can't take advantage of it, who wins? I still keep coming back to tsun.
I'm trying to figure out why this game, between two of the worst teams in college football is getting any pub? I mean, are people talking about the McNeese State vs UL Lafayette game? Because this game is of the same magnitude of this ND vs UM tilt.
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I have to go with UM on this one. Sports rivalry aside, I respect Michigan as a university and member of the Big Ten. I don't have that same respect for ND.

At the end of the day, as fun as it is to make fun of him, Llllloyd seems to be a decent man who wants what's best for his players and university. Contrast that with the egotistical blowhard that roared over in South Bend. Hey Charlie, how about waving that Super Bowl ring in the camera one more time. Is that the one you earned for breaking down film?

As nice as an 0-3 Michigan would be, watching the domers go 0 for the Big Ten is infinitely better.
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im in a lose-lose here, there will be a winner.....maybe itll end in a tie after 32 OT's, doubtful. But i can see michigan pulling this one out. hart is going to eat up that lucky charm defense, as well as manningfag, and arroganton. sCUM d will be able to look decent against this putrid offense of notre dame. sorry fellas, clausen is HORRIBLE. hell, i can throw screens and dumps to my runningbacks too! i loved it when he was peeling his own ass off the turf after knockdown!
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ORD_Buckeye;925518; said:
I have to go with UM on this one. Sports rivalry aside, I respect Michigan as a university and member of the Big Ten. I don't have that same respect for ND.

At the end of the day, as fun as it is to make fun of him, Llllloyd seems to be a decent man who wants what's best for his players and university. Contrast that with the egotistical blowhard that roared over in South Bend. Hey Charlie, how about waving that Super Bowl ring in the camera one more time. Is that the one you earned for breaking down film?

As nice as an 0-3 Michigan would be, watching the domers go 0 for the Big Ten is infinitely better.

Normally, I would agree. But I would love to see Michigan lose their 100-year consecutive bowl appearance streak. Or whatever they're up to. 30-something. Anyway, they keep saying it's the longest streak in the nation. So I'd like to see it ended.

Michigan will play 8 Big Ten games. I'm of the opinion, now, that the Big Ten is down. Michigan will win some Big Ten games. Even if they don't get better, I don't see them losing more than 5 Big Ten games. And probably fewer than that. Michigan needs to lose 4 Big Ten games and one out-of-conference game to lose a chance at a Bowl Game.

I'm going to root for Michigan to lose every game, from now on.
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Watch College Football Today. If there isn't something about the Notre Dame QB situation I'll be shocked. All pre-season the "experts" sat and said this was a dog of a team and yet all pre-season the first, second or third story was the Notre Dame QB situation. I'm sick of having ND shoved down my throat. Let them start the season oh and six and let's see if the press can get a grip.
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cincibuck;925622; said:
Watch College Football Today. If there isn't something about the Notre Dame QB situation I'll be shocked. All pre-season the "experts" sat and said this was a dog of a team and yet all pre-season the first, second or third story was the Notre Dame QB situation. I'm sick of having ND shoved down my throat. Let them start the season oh and six and let's see if the press can get a grip.

Rather than being sick of it, why not enjoy the fact that ND is having their suck-fest shoved down their own throat. Everybody is talking about just how fucking bad they are and what a pathetic season they are going to have. Enjoy watching Charlie eat his words about not rebuilding and then enjoy watching Charlie eat everything else in sight.
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