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Notre Dame 0, Michigan 38 (Final)

TGinn7;924832; said:
Honestly, this may be scUM's chance for a win, but even more honestly, the damage has already been done!

This reminds me of when Sideshow Bob called Lisa and Bart trouble-makers, or something, and Homer said, "even Lisa?" And Bob said, "Especially Lisa, but especially Bart."
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I think we have seen a pattern were if they get down by half time, they just quit.
But, for all Notre Dame's flaws, they keep playing.
I think they'll beat Carr's boys. In a very ugly game. :tongue2:
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I have to like Notre Dame in this one. Michigan quit after they lost to us last year. The Oregon game reminded of one of the old Bengals last or second to last games of the season going through the motions waiting for the misery to end.
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depending on the spread, i actually think ttun will cover. the vulvarines can't handle a scrambling quarterback. clausen is not a scrambling quarterback. he may be mobile, but he is no smith, dixon, or edwards. it's still a big game. scum doesn't so much want to win as not lose. that can still be a great motivator. all they're playing for now is proud. that is it.

what worries me is mallett. then again, we won't see much of a pass rush from notre ame. moreover, mallett may not be much of a letdown from henne anyway. something tells me that scum will be giving about a touchdown to notre ame. it could be bet down by the domer faithful to 6 by saturday. just a guess. i'm taking maize and puke in this one. our lady of mediocrity can't handle mike "post-game presser toughboy" hart.
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Taosman;924724; said:
My Gosh!
Do I love the idea of having him(Mallet) an easier/slower target! :biggrin:

The big knock on both Mallett and Clausen coming out of high school was their lack of speed. Since they were recruited by Michigan and ND, everyone talked about their all-timer arms and no one brought up their lead feet. It will come to haunt both programs in a few years when every blitzing defense gets to them 4-5 times a game. Jim Tressel has shown he knows what to do with big, lumbering Michigan quarterbacks. :)
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As far as strengths vs weaknesses go I'd say tsun should win. Tsun can run the ball well while NoD can't stop it at all. NoD does not run the type of offense that can take advantage of tsuns defensive weaknesses.

All that said, throw it out the window. Tsun quit last week and has very obvious team chemistry/leadership issues. I can't pick a team that I can't be sure will even show up to play. They burned me when I gave them the benefit of the doubt thinking they would come out angry and beat Oregon.

I want tsun to win, I think they should be able to but I can't honestly say I expect them to at this point. IF they come to play I think they will but thats a HUGE if right now.
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Taosman;924724; said:
My Gosh!
Mallet looks slower than Henne! He's(Mallet) an easy target.
Maybe he loses some weight and gets a little quicker/mobile?
But, boy!
Do I love the idea of having him(Mallet) an easier/slower target! :biggrin:

What's funny(or sad, don't know which) is Brad Nelson commented that despite Mallet's large size he is quite mobile.
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How about a game between Syracuse and FIU?

Those are the only two teams in the country with less total offense than Notre Dame. Even Akron, with what we did to them, ranks ahead of ND.

I have to see this game. It's like being in HS and two geeks call each other out after school. You have to watch.

And sure, somebody has to win. But regardless of how putrid both teams are, somebody also has to lose. Can you even imagine having a closet full of that teams garb?
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I can't root for Michigan... EVER!!! This is the one and only game I root for ND each year. Well, I tend to quietly pull for them in the USC game, but let's just keep that between us, okay?

Here's another factor in this year's UM/ND game: I want BOTH teams to end sub 500. I think it's a given with ND given their upcoming schedule. On the contrary, I have a feeling the Michigan will get things going in the Big 10 schedule. Not that they will win the Big 10, but they have a better shot at becoming bowl eligible. So, I'll take any UM loss that I can take at this point. Besides, I'd love for those bastards to lose the "we've been to a bowl for 32 straight years" crap. Yeah, well you haven't actually won many bowl games, so who cares how many you've been to. It's kind of like those back-to-back Rose Bowl tee shirts that I saw Michigan fans wearing. HA! You lost them both, jerkbags!!! I hope we never brag about losing in bowl games. I'd like to think Buckeye aspirations are higher than that.
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Oh8ch;925109; said:
How about a game between Syracuse and FIU?

Those are the only two teams in the country with less total offense than Notre Dame. Even Akron, with what we did to them, ranks ahead of ND.

I have to see this game. It's like being in HS and two geeks call each other out after school. You have to watch.

And sure, somebody has to win. But regardless of how putrid both teams are, somebody also has to lose. Can you even imagine having a closet full of that teams garb?

Woody Allen vs. Mo Rocca??
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