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Notre Dame 0, Michigan 38 (Final)

Echoing what other posters have said, its really just unfortunate that there has to be a winner, when both teams are this terrible. The way ND is playing right now, I dont know if they could beat Navy. I really dont.

I say that after 4 quarters of the worst football imaginable, the refs call the game and just give both teams a loss. Or at least a tie. A win in this game really shouldn't count as a win.
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BuckeyeTillIDie;924540; said:
Did anyone see the clip of Hart prediciting the win?

He had psychotic murderer eyes the entire time.

Exactly what I was thinking. He apparently still hasn't realized his predictions aren't going too well. Or he has, and he can no longer stop himself - thus, the crazy eyes.
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tibor75;924537; said:
But with PSU coming up, if scUM loses this, they're going to be 0-4.
You're giving Morelli too much credit. PSU will find a way to make it ugly and keep the score close enough for a signature, 4th quarter "Henne heave."
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OK, this now rises as the greatest challenge of all time. Not for these crappy teams, but rather for the poor bastards broadcasting it. You can put bells and whistles on manure, but it is still manure. How do you make money broadcasting this?

My solution by the way is very simple. You go for a light comedy feel, bring in Larry the Cable Guy, and let him and Holtz broadcast it. Holtz has to be himself, that alone would provide Larry with more material than he knows what to do with.
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Notre Dame sucks. How many points has their offense produced so far this season? I do think that GT and Penn State are both very solid opponents but still, the Irish have stunk it up bad.

How about the scUMmers? Just my opinion but I truely believe that the 2007 Wolverine defense probably can't hold anyone to under 30 points. Anyone!!!!! There were alot of people that were really tooting the horn of Appalachian State but now it appears that the "greatest upset of all-time" had more to do with Michigan being real shitty than it did with ASU being good enough to go 5-3 in the Big Ten or whatever shit it was that some people were trying to say on this site. An unranked D1-A team came into the Ann Arbor a week after ASU and put the boots to those ass holes in a whole lot worse of a way than the Mountaineers could have ever hoped to do!

I'm not trying to take anything away from the Mountaineers or the Ducks but they should all consider themselves lucky that they caught Michigan at the right time. The time I'm talking about is 2007...the entire season. I don't think the program up north has what it takes to right themselves at all this year. They are thoroughly fucked. Completely exposed and naked for all to see. The media told them that they would be the 2007 Big Ten champs and possible National champs and they believed every word of it but they forgot one thing, they still had to prepare to compete this season which it now appears they didn't do. They didn't prepare for shit!

In both defeats this season, someone from the opposition has (in the post game) questioned the conditioning and/or the heart of the Michigan defensive line. Maybe it's a conditioning problem or maybe it's a heart problem or you know what, maybe they are just not that good! Maybe it really does take more than just putting on an intimidating helmet and walking onto the field to suck seed at Michigan. Welcome to reality boys!

Michigan will be ND's weakest opponent so far this season....by far. I think that ND, suck as they do this year, will still find a way to beat them. If Chad Henne isn't going to play and if Mike Hart is going to keep grabbing his hamstring and limping off the field every time an opposing player touches him and if that defense is going to just let opponents run right by it on it's way to running out of gas by the 3rd quarter and if Lloyd Carr isn't able to find a way to light a fire under his crumbling team, then it's likely that Chuck Weis will be able to come up with a way to beat those women.

Honestly, if ND just comes out and hits them in the mouth one time I think the entire scUM program will, collectively as a team and in unison, crumple into the fetal position and resort to thumb sucking in a childish attempt to find a happy place where they can all cope with the terrible joke that the college football gods have played on them. Preseason number Five! LMFAO!

And even if scUM should find a way to piss me off and beat ND. What is it exactly that lies ahead for the trash in maize and blue. They've already lost twice. There appears to be no way in hell that they will be able to beat Penn State. No fucking way!!! That's atleast 3 losses. Let's see, Purdue will likely spread out that D and rip them a new asshole. The Boilers have scored a ton so far this season. That's probably loss number 4. At Illinois? On the road versus another mobile QB, chalk up another possible loss, that's 5.

At Michigan State? Damn those rivalry games can be tough especially when you are as vulnerable as this years scUM team appears to be. Dantonio will have MSU ready to rock and roll. Loss number 6 thank you very much! At Wisconsin? LOL! Give me a 7 and I'll be in heaven! Also, no bowl game for Henne and Hart's senior season. That would be a grand result!

Finally, November 17th rolls around. The young 2007 Buckeyes won't seem so young anymore and for good measure, Tressel bitch slaps that sorry excuse for competition one last time to run his record to 6-1 head to head against FrankenLloyd. Eight losses in their final season. Goodbye Chad Henne. Goodbye Mike Hart. Goodbye Jake Long. Goodbye Lloyd Carr. Goodbye Mario Manningham (leaving early no doubt). Thanks for the memories! You guys will never be forgotten. Parting is such sweet sorrow!

With a loss to ND next Saturday, the prima donnas will be in serious jeopardy of racking up a 9 loss season. It is atleast in the realm of possibility. Probably too much to wish for but a 7 loss season appears within reach from this current vantage point. This is quite possibly, the worst Michigan team of all time! Please God, I pray that you let this happen. I NEED to see the Wolverine nation in agony. They deserve to suffer. Please hurt them in every way possible. Thank you God! I love you! You are such a good God! Send them all to football HELL! In your name I pray, Amen!

And God Bless The Ohio State Buckeyes!!!!!

Notre Dame 30 (because everyone scores 30 against scUM)
Michigan 21 (scUM scores 3 times as many points as they did against
Oregon but Mallett throws 4 INTs and Hart misses the
2nd half with a pulled hamstring. Unfortunately, this
doesn't stop him from running his mouth in the post game
interview as he yet again guarantees a Michigan victory
in the very next game versus Penn State. Good God,
learn when to shut the fuck up already! Does anyone
know the recipe for Humble Pie? Fax it to Mike Hart
would you please! Either learn to live with mediocrity or do
everyone a favor and put a gun barrel in your big mouth
and make the pain go away you pathetic loser! Is there
anything worse than a loser who doesn't know he's a loser?
I mean, get a God Damned clue for once in your life!
Either that, or just shut the fuck up for two seconds so
maybe you could fool the public at large into thinking that
you might actually be a class act for once.)

The 2007 University of Michigan Wolverines: 3 wins 9 losses. I like the sound of that!!!!!

Go Bucks!!!!!
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spadukins;924613; said:
Please God, I pray that you let this happen. I NEED to see the Wolverine nation in agony. They deserve to suffer. Please hurt them in every way possible. Thank you God! I love you! You are such a good God! Send them all to football HELL! In your name I pray, Amen!

And God Bless The Ohio State Buckeyes!!!!!
That's good stuff right there. :oh:
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Why expect ND to score 30 on Michigan when they have not scored an offensive touchdown in 8 quarters this year? Michigan can move the ball...ND can't. Michigan is bad, but ND is going to go 4-8 at the best this year, and they will probably go 0-8 to start.
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Yahoo! Sports - Dan Wetzel - 09/08/07

Two of the biggest names of all time (if not the biggest) meet next week in what for decades has been a great rivalry with national implications. Instead we'll find out who's better, Michigan's collapsing program or Notre Dame's down in the dumps one?

In ESPN's "Bottom 10" rankings last week the Wolverines and Irish were labeled the fifth- and 10th-worst teams.

It turns out they were overrated.

Yahoo! Sports - Gerry Ahern - 09/08/07

"I guarantee we win next week," Hart said, referring to his team's matchup with Notre Dame.

An outrageous statement by Hart (25 carries for 127 yards in the loss), perhaps. But the Fighting Irish also are 0-2 after a loss at Penn State on Saturday, setting up a clash of the Titanics right here next weekend.

* * *

One guarantee here: the losing coach next week - Carr or Notre Dame's Charlie Weis - will feel unprecedented wrath.

"Clash of the Titanics" - that sums it up beautifully! :slappy:
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I'm definitely pulling for ND next week, because Michigan has one of the longest (if not the longest) streaks for reaching bowl games. Oh how I would love to see that streak end this year. ND losing is always good too, and that's what I would bet on.

As bad as Michigan's defense is, ND's offense is terrible and no where near ASU or Oregon. Michigan still has a decent D-line with a group of LBs and DBs who can't find their ass with both hands. With some decent pressure on the ND QB, whoever that might be, the DBs should still be able to keep things under control against a less than impressive group of WRs. On the other side, it's still a strong WR group against the ND secondary. Mighty Mouth will get good yardage in the run game, so if Mallett doesn't completely piss his pants, Mich should be able to put up a few points.
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BuckeyeTillIDie;924540; said:
Did anyone see the clip of Hart prediciting the win?

He had psychotic murderer eyes the entire time.

He gets a little fussy when he hasn't had his binky in a few hours.

Buckeye737;924655; said:
I'm definitely pulling for ND next week, because Michigan has one of the longest (if not the longest) streaks for reaching bowl games.

They have the longest since Nebraska had their's snapped a couple seasons ago.

The Golden Ostrich vs. Lloyd Christmas v3.0, round 1.
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ND vs. UM, 2007 season.

The entertainment value of this one is a lot like watching Lindsey Lohan driving a '62 Dodge Dart toward a railroad crossing, racing a speeding freight train to the spot.

A great game for Thump to watch; fiery crash to ensue!
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This game will be entertaining because of the two true freshman QB's playing.

One team has no O, the other has no D. ND will probably finally score an offensive TD, if for no other reason than the michigan D has Brandon Harrison and Johnny Sears.
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Clausen has NOTHING to work with, and I thought, all things considered, he looked damn good last night. I was impressed. I still don't like him, and don't buy the excuses Mike Patrick & Todd Blackledge were making for him re: his recruitment, but regardless, the kid is going to be a player.

He has a start, at night, in Happy Valley, under his belt. An afternoon in The Big House with the whine & cheese crowd will be a picnic for him now.
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