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Notre Dame 0, Michigan 38 (Final)

Buckeye Maniac;924708; said:
I'm pulling for the weasels in this one. It is absolutely impossible for me to root for NoD. I will be rooting for a game in which both teams suck beyond belief, but in the end, I hope scUM pulls it out.
This is an apocalyptic-level game for OSU fans. Either Clausen wins at the Big House and Charlie is a genius again, or Mallet rallies the troops to turn the season around against glorious ole Notre Dame.

Either way, we're fucked. We have to listen to how awesomez these QBs are going to be for the next four years.
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My Gosh!
Mallet looks slower than Henne! He's(Mallet) an easy target.
Maybe he loses some weight and gets a little quicker/mobile?
But, boy!
Do I love the idea of having him(Mallet) an easier/slower target! :biggrin:
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Buckeye86;924456; said:
I hope that Michigan wins, the fact that Michigan lost to a 1-AA team makes a potential 1-2 record from them just as funny as an 0-3 record for Notre Dame in my opinion.

Agreed. Plus, it'll be nice to see the genius at 0-3 and losing to the team that lost to a 1AA team. Nobody is going to start hyping Carr as a genius, but I guarantee you that one win over a crappy Michigan team and the Charlie Weis hype will be back in full force with an added dose of Clausen hype to boot.
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I want to puke my intestines out on top of this game. What a piece of shit- I bet the companies advertising during the telecast ask for a rebate. I can't really decide who I want to lose more, it would be really nice if something were to happen to the stadium so they couldn't play it. If that doesn't happen I hope the game is so bad that they don't show any highlights. Perhaps if someone scores 100 points in another game and they find some college QB with a multi-state cockfighting operation the talking heads will have enough to keep them busy and we will never hear about this. Perhaps a freak telecomunications outage in Ann Arbor that prevents word of this game from emerging. I wouldn't mind opening the newspaper on Sunday and see the final score without knowing how it happened. This is one of those things, like what happens in public park restrooms at night, that I simply don't care to know about.
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tibor75;924537; said:
But with PSU coming up, if scUM loses this, they're going to be 0-4. And that just doesn't happen more than once in what...40 years. scuM 0-4....doesn't get better than that...

Not to mention that would put Michigan's losing streak at six games...
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sandgk;924759; said:
If they go 6-6 then they get a bowl game, pretty much no matter what else happens.

A bowl game which they'll feel is not worthy of Mighty Michigan, and thus in which they'll play uninspired football and get beat to finish with a losing record. Now how sweet would that be?
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sandgk;924759; said:
If they go 6-6 then they get a bowl game, pretty much no matter what else happens.

I gotta tell ya, with that defense, I'm having a hard time finding five wins on that schedule.

Appalachian St: Mobile QB, L
Oregon: Mobile QB, L
NoD: Depends on the Golden Ostrich, but I think scUM pulls this one out in ugly fashion, W
Penn St: Morelli will pick that secondary apart, L
at NW: Should be able to pull this out, W
E. Mich: Don't know much about them, W?
Purdue: Could get ugly, Painter will pick 'em apart, L
at Illinois: Mobile QB, uh oh, L
Minnesota: Toss up, but I'll give 'em the benefit of the doubt, W
at Sparty: I think D'Antonio's boys finally hand 'em a beatdown, further crushing their spirit, L
at Wiscy: U-G-L-Y, L
tOSU: This is the wildcard, they will most likely have nothing to lose, much like tOSU at home in '04, ?

MililaniBuckeye;924761; said:
A bowl game which they'll feel is not worthy of Mighty Michigan, and thus in which they'll play uninspired football and get beat to finish with a losing record. Now how sweet would that be?

It sure was sweet in the '05 Alamo Bowl.:biggrin:
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This game is very interesting. UM's defense vs ND's offense is a battle of mediocrity. I'd have to give the edge to ND due to QB upside, and Clausen showed good mobility and poise yesterday (as well as youth). While I don't like Weis, I believe he'll succeed at spreading out UM and attacking mismatches, and Clausen did well with the dink-n-dunk passing.

The other matchup (UM O vs ND D) SHOULD be a mismatch (w/ everyone healthy), but Oregon's defense was pretty lousy last year IIRC. With Henne out and Hart bitterly taking on the world (and his teammates) with a bad wheel, and Mario taking plays off... anything could happen.
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CleveBucks;924682; said:
This game will be entertaining because of the two true freshman QB's playing.

One team has no O, the other has no D. ND will probably finally score an offensive TD, if for no other reason than the michigan D has Brandon Harrison and Johnny Sears.

I thought Brandon Harrison was one the ones who got away because Tressel can't recruit Ohio :nerd:
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