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Notre Dame 0, Michigan 38 (Final)

Don't know who will "win," and don't really care... but I do want to find a place to watch the game that is absolutely filled with Michigan and Notre Dame fans. :biggrin:

Ohhh, tsk tsk tsk. This must be really tough to watch. Be tough, little fans, be tough.
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Try the darkest bar on the darkest street on the darkest side of town.....

Nowmally I would go with the home team but we have an offense that can't move the ball against a defense that can't stop anyone from moving the ball.
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If we lose this game, we won't make a bowl game! As much as I don't like Carr as the head coach I feel for him, he almost broke down at the post game conference. He actually said the game had past him by and that in the next few years we are going to lose alot of football games hinting that he won't be back.
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Dryden;924687; said:
Clausen has NOTHING to work with, and I thought, all things considered, he looked damn good last night. I was impressed. I still don't like him, and don't buy the excuses Mike Patrick & Todd Blackledge were making for him re: his recruitment, but regardless, the kid is going to be a player.

He has a start, at night, in Happy Valley, under his belt. An afternoon in The Big House with the whine & cheese crowd will be a picnic for him now.

I nearly vomited my intestine hair out listening to Mike Patrick talk about Claussen like he had 4 of his babies..."There's a logical explanation for the Hummer limo...they all wanted to go in the same car! Wahhhhhh! There's so much hate on the internet! Wahhhh! They couldn't announce on the ND campus, so the only other place they could have a 15-network press conference was the college football HOF! WAAAHHHHHH!"

Hey Patrick...from me to you...it's little wonder why they canned your sorry ass on Sunday night football. Sorry, too much hate on the internet?
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Deety;925128; said:
Now I'm just a girl and I don't know much about football, but what does that minus sign by "rushing yards" mean? Does the team with the lowest number win?

Maybe THAT'S IT! Maybe Charlie Weis, the insanely incredible offensive visonary that he is, has seen, hell no, STARTED, the future of football by keeping rushing stats using the golf scoring system! So Charlie and the 3-And-Out Factory is now Tiger Goddamned Woods! BRILLIANT! BRILLIANT! <clink>
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When asked who I want to win in this game, my answer has always been "the meteor". I also never watch it, figuring that any good video of the meteor striking will make it on to Gameday's wrapup show.

This year, I might have to watch, howver, because I can't figure out how anyone can win a game between two teams this hapless. It does seem like some sort of metaphysical problem, so I asked my sister, who is a PhD candidate in Philosophy at the University of Hawaii, for her expert opinion.

(Unlike a Michigan or Notre Dame student, going to Hawaii, she knows something about winning football teams.)

Her conclusion? The moveable object (Michigan and their run defense) will prevail, because there is nothing to stop (Notre Dame's rushing offense), and therefore their ineptitude will not be a factor nor be revealed.
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Saw31;925211; said:
I'm a little scared. Putting two teams this horrible in the same stadium could be potentially dangerous. That much sucking in one place could possibly swallow us all up...I hope they take the proper precautions...

No doubt. The giant black hole of suck that is Ann Arbor may just implode on itself.
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BrutusBobcat;925172; said:
When asked who I want to win in this game, my answer has always been "the meteor". I also never watch it, figuring that any good video of the meteor striking will make it on to Gameday's wrapup show.

This year, I might have to watch, howver, because I can't figure out how anyone can win a game between two teams this hapless. It does seem like some sort of metaphysical problem, so I asked my sister, who is a PhD candidate in Philosophy at the University of Hawaii, for her expert opinion.

(Unlike a Michigan or Notre Dame student, going to Hawaii, she knows something about winning football teams.)

Her conclusion? The moveable object (Michigan and their run defense) will prevail, because there is nothing to stop (Notre Dame's rushing offense), and therefore their ineptitude will not be a factor nor be revealed.

I've got a PhD that agrees with me, makes me feel much better. :)

Another question for her; If tsun players mail it in and NoDorO is so bad they can't take advantage of it, who wins? I still keep coming back to tsun.
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