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Notre Dame 0, Michigan 38 (Final)

Stadium & Main

:lol: Leave rep for hinyg8 here
HinyG8 said:
What point are you trying to make with that post? That this game doesn't hold a car wreckesque fascination for much of the country?

I'll watch because if ND losses...'Americas team' (so labeled by domers) could actually run out to an 0-8 start.

No one cares about the basketball schools you mentioned playing football badly....make no mistake: ND and UM are huge names racing into the intersection with no working traffic signals this Saturday. This game won't have huge ratings because everyone loves ND....people are going to tune in to see who losses...and then watch that program try not to implode.

It is going to be an epic crash..with the loser drawing looks from all the other programs as they speed by the crash site.

If the Irish lose Saturday and you think people are laughing WITH you....you are taking the self anointed America's Team title WAY to seriously.

It will indeed be a car wreck for the losing team this weekend...which makes the stakes incredibly high even tho the two teams don't have a win between them...and it is exactly why many will tune in...including those that don't root for UM or ND.

The magnitude of the crash is why this game hasn't been shuffled off the air. If you were both 1-1 then this game would hold some interest..but nothing like what it will attract this weekend. Why? Because it is a car crash.

If the Wolverine faithful are looking for something nice to say about this season (the real point of this thread)...beat ND and you will have people from across the country flocking in to heap praise and appreciation on UM.

America's team? Please....the line of people who can't wait to bear witness to *another* ND return to glory flaming out is longer than the arrogant ND psyche could stand to know.

I will say something out loud on Saturday I don't think I have *ever* said and truly meant: GO BLUE!!!!
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NFBuck;926949; said:
They certainly have a type.

... and a MasterCuts




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NightmaresDad;926993; said:

But let's be fair to the kids - they've only been "Michigan Men" for a year or two, so maybe they aren't total douchebags just yet...

What are they then, tampons?

Best Buckeye;927002; said:
Too late , they signed with scum and that makes them total douchebags.

No, no... come to think of it, I'm almost sure that when they're red-shirting they're called tampons.
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I see we've turned this into a wandering menstrual show.

If they're women why does OSU schedule them? If they're women why do we measure the football year by The Game? If they're women why do we give a shit how many games they win or lose, or if we're first or third on the all time wins list, or who has won the The Game most since 1920?

OSU beats Michigan and then you pound on your chest and give off the Tarzan yell... because the Buckeyes were able to beat women?

Think about it, OSU doesn't gain any glory by beating down on the likes of Youngstown State, Akron or even Bowling Green and Indiana. OSU football gains status when they beat Michigan or USC or Washington, or Penn State.

You poop all over John cooper for one reason, he couldn't beat Michigan and then you turn around and run down Michigan. Who cares, or should care, if you beat a team that sucks. If you find logic in that, more power to you. I find none.
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cincibuck;927295; said:
I see we've turned this into a wandering menstrual show.

If they're women why does OSU schedule them? If they're women why do we measure the football year by The Game? If they're women why do we give a shit how many games they win or lose, or if we're first or third on the all time wins list, or who has won the The Game most since 1920?

OSU beats Michigan and then you pound on your chest and give off the Tarzan yell... because the Buckeyes were able to beat women?

Think about it, OSU doesn't gain any glory by beating down on the likes of Youngstown State, Akron or even Bowling Green and Indiana. OSU football gains status when they beat Michigan or USC or Washington, or Penn State.

You poop all over John cooper for one reason, he couldn't beat Michigan and then you turn around and run down Michigan. Who cares, or should care, if you beat a team that sucks. If you find logic in that, more power to you. I find none.

Just our of curiosity, have you ever lived somewhere where there was a large population of scUM fans? I kind of understand what you are saying in your post, but yet I completely disagree with it on the basis of wanting to see their fans experience malaise, heartbreak, and despair. This is based on the sole reason that I went through these experiences during the Cooper years and they constantly threw it in my face. Growing up in Northwest Ohio where the ratio of OSU:scUM fans in my high school was about 50:50 (we may have lived in Ohio, but we were actually closer to Ann Arbor) I know from experience how horribly pompous their fan base is. I went through junior high and high school during Cooper's early years and then had to continue to endure these jackasses during my college years every fall when I returned from Columbus over the holiday break. Their jeers and constant claims to "superiority" graded on me for almost 15 years.

When I look at the questions you raise, I don't understand how one tragic (and I argue the more tragic, the better) year by scUM takes away from your point. Why do we make such a big deal about The Game? Why do we care about the two school's respective histories? Why do we thump our chests? Simple, they are our rivals. One year will not detract from it.

Now granted, if we as Buckeye fans are honest with ourselves, the reason the rivalry exists is because scUM is the one school we have not been able to dominate over our long and storied history as a program. However, I once again emphasize that one year, or even several years strung together, has zero impact on this perspective. The reality is that eventually, scUM will have talented teams again. Their program will find great coaches and players in the future. Hence, one tragic year will not hurt the rivalry and in no way hurts Ohio State--even this year, where our strength will be determined by how we perform against Washington, Penn State, Wisconsin, and our bowl game. So what if scUM is not on that list this year? It will not take away from my opinion of what this team accomplishes--whatever that ends up being.

So, I say in agreement with others here: F'ck scUM! I hope they completely implode and the Carr era ends in complete disgrace. Losing record, no bowl? I say bring it on! Let their fans be knocked off their pedestal for once. Let Ohio State get one game closer to balancing its all-time record against the weasels and get approx 7 games closer them in all-time wins. And most importantly, allow us the opportunity to throw it their face--after all, isn't that what rivals do?
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buckeyegrad;927370; said:
Just our of curiosity, have you ever lived somewhere where there was a large population of scUM fans? I kind of understand what you are saying in your post, but yet I completely disagree with it on the basis of wanting to see their fans experience malaise, heartbreak, and despair. This is based on the sole reason that I went through these experiences during the Cooper years and they constantly threw it in my face. Growing up in Northwest Ohio where the ratio of OSU:scUM fans in my high school was about 50:50 (we may have lived in Ohio, but we were actually closer to Ann Arbor) I know from experience how horribly pompous their fan base is. I went through junior high and high school during Cooper's early years and then had to continue to endure these jackasses during my college years every fall when I returned from Columbus over the holiday break. Their jeers and constant claims to "superiority" graded on me for almost 15 years.

When I look at the questions you raise, I don't understand how one tragic (and I argue the more tragic, the better) year by scUM takes away from your point. Why do we make such a big deal about The Game? Why do we care about the two school's respective histories? Why do we thump our chests? Simple, they are our rivals. One year will not detract from it.

Now granted, if we as Buckeye fans are honest with ourselves, the reason the rivalry exists is because scUM is the one school we have not been able to dominate over our long and storied history as a program. However, I once again emphasize that one year, or even several years strung together, has zero impact on this perspective. The reality is that eventually, scUM will have talented teams again. Their program will find great coaches and players in the future. Hence, one tragic year will not hurt the rivalry and in no way hurts Ohio State--even this year, where our strength will be determined by how we perform against Washington, Penn State, Wisconsin, and our bowl game. So what if scUM is not on that list this year? It will not take away from my opinion of what this team accomplishes--whatever that ends up being.

So, I say in agreement with others here: F'ck scUM! I hope they completely implode and the Carr era ends in complete disgrace. Losing record, no bowl? I say bring it on! Let their fans be knocked off their pedestal for once. Let Ohio State get one game closer to balancing its all-time record against the weasels and get approx 7 games closer them in all-time wins. And most importantly, allow us the opportunity to throw it their face--after all, isn't that what rivals do?

Great post
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buckeyegrad;927370; said:
Just our of curiosity, have you ever lived somewhere where there was a large population of scUM fans? I kind of understand what you are saying in your post, but yet I completely disagree with it on the basis of wanting to see their fans experience malaise, heartbreak, and despair. This is based on the sole reason that I went through these experiences during the Cooper years and they constantly threw it in my face. Growing up in Northwest Ohio where the ratio of OSU:scUM fans in my high school was about 50:50 (we may have lived in Ohio, but we were actually closer to Ann Arbor) I know from experience how horribly pompous their fan base is. I went through junior high and high school during Cooper's early years and then had to continue to endure these jackasses during my college years every fall when I returned from Columbus over the holiday break. Their jeers and constant claims to "superiority" graded on me for almost 15 years.

When I look at the questions you raise, I don't understand how one tragic (and I argue the more tragic, the better) year by scUM takes away from your point. Why do we make such a big deal about The Game? Why do we care about the two school's respective histories? Why do we thump our chests? Simple, they are our rivals. One year will not detract from it.

Now granted, if we as Buckeye fans are honest with ourselves, the reason the rivalry exists is because scUM is the one school we have not been able to dominate over our long and storied history as a program. However, I once again emphasize that one year, or even several years strung together, has zero impact on this perspective. The reality is that eventually, scUM will have talented teams again. Their program will find great coaches and players in the future. Hence, one tragic year will not hurt the rivalry and in no way hurts Ohio State--even this year, where our strength will be determined by how we perform against Washington, Penn State, Wisconsin, and our bowl game. So what if scUM is not on that list this year? It will not take away from my opinion of what this team accomplishes--whatever that ends up being.

So, I say in agreement with others here: F'ck scUM! I hope they completely implode and the Carr era ends in complete disgrace. Losing record, no bowl? I say bring it on! Let their fans be knocked off their pedestal for once. Let Ohio State get one game closer to balancing its all-time record against the weasels and get approx 7 games closer them in all-time wins. And most importantly, allow us the opportunity to throw it their face--after all, isn't that what rivals do?
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buckeyegrad;927370; said:
Just our of curiosity, have you ever lived somewhere where there was a large population of scUM fans? I kind of understand what you are saying in your post, but yet I completely disagree with it on the basis of wanting to see their fans experience malaise, heartbreak, and despair. This is based on the sole reason that I went through these experiences during the Cooper years and they constantly threw it in my face. Growing up in Northwest Ohio where the ratio of OSU:scUM fans in my high school was about 50:50 (we may have lived in Ohio, but we were actually closer to Ann Arbor) I know from experience how horribly pompous their fan base is. I went through junior high and high school during Cooper's early years and then had to continue to endure these jackasses during my college years every fall when I returned from Columbus over the holiday break. Their jeers and constant claims to "superiority" graded on me for almost 15 years.

When I look at the questions you raise, I don't understand how one tragic (and I argue the more tragic, the better) year by scUM takes away from your point. Why do we make such a big deal about The Game? Why do we care about the two school's respective histories? Why do we thump our chests? Simple, they are our rivals. One year will not detract from it.

Now granted, if we as Buckeye fans are honest with ourselves, the reason the rivalry exists is because scUM is the one school we have not been able to dominate over our long and storied history as a program. However, I once again emphasize that one year, or even several years strung together, has zero impact on this perspective. The reality is that eventually, scUM will have talented teams again. Their program will find great coaches and players in the future. Hence, one tragic year will not hurt the rivalry and in no way hurts Ohio State--even this year, where our strength will be determined by how we perform against Washington, Penn State, Wisconsin, and our bowl game. So what if scUM is not on that list this year? It will not take away from my opinion of what this team accomplishes--whatever that ends up being.

So, I say in agreement with others here: F'ck scUM! I hope they completely implode and the Carr era ends in complete disgrace. Losing record, no bowl? I say bring it on! Let their fans be knocked off their pedestal for once. Let Ohio State get one game closer to balancing its all-time record against the weasels and get approx 7 games closer them in all-time wins. And most importantly, allow us the opportunity to throw it their face--after all, isn't that what rivals do?

I think I've read something similar to this before.

You're a brilliant man, buckeyegrad. :)

The rivalry won't change. Michigan's stature won't change. And what The Game means to the respective programs, and the conference, will not ever change.

Now, if anyone else sees Michigan's troubles in 2007 as an indication of a trend through the whole conference that will last for a number of years, that's their problem. But here's the thing: Michigan is indeed down. They've lost to 1AA Appalachian State, and they were ran off the field by a team that projects to be maybe only the 3rd or 4th best team in the Pac-10. It is hard to fathom that our conference standing, in the eyes of the nation, could possibly have gotten any lower after January, yet Michigan has spectacularly managed to shame ten other teams with their play.

There can now be no glory for any program in the Big Ten in beating Michigan. Quite the contrary, the goal of every Big Ten team in 2007 is to not get beat by Michigan, otherwise they'll suffer the 1AA herpes of "you guys just lost to the team that lost to a 1AA team." Michigan even representing the Big Ten conference at all this year in any way, shape, or form, would be a disaster. If Michigan pulls themselves back up by their bootstraps, what would it say about the Big Ten? What does it mean if they wind up being the 3rd or 4th best team in this conference, when they can't beat a comparably ranked program out of the Pac-10, much less a 1AA squad?

I'll go back to representing conference pride and cheering for the Big 10 teams in all their non-conference games and bowls in 2008 once the slate is wiped clean. 2007? Forget about it! Nothing can change what UM has wrought, now. Lloyd has brought this upon himself and his program. It's a black eye on the conference, and as long as they're down, we should rightfully kick them.
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buckeyegrad;927370; said:
Just our of curiosity, have you ever lived somewhere where there was a large population of scUM fans? I kind of understand what you are saying in your post, but yet I completely disagree with it on the basis of wanting to see their fans experience malaise, heartbreak, and despair. This is based on the sole reason that I went through these experiences during the Cooper years and they constantly threw it in my face. Growing up in Northwest Ohio where the ratio of OSU:scUM fans in my high school was about 50:50 (we may have lived in Ohio, but we were actually closer to Ann Arbor) I know from experience how horribly pompous their fan base is. I went through junior high and high school during Cooper's early years and then had to continue to endure these jackasses during my college years every fall when I returned from Columbus over the holiday break. Their jeers and constant claims to "superiority" graded on me for almost 15 years.

I live in Chicago--Lincoln Park to be exact--which is crawling with UM grads. For the most part, I like most of them. If I had actually gone to the school during the Cooper heartbreak years, I guess I might feel differently. To me, UM people don't come close to being as insufferable as domers.
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