this is a fun debate and quite a few great posts along the way (Cinci, grad, dryden).
It's tough to choose when the two most hated rivals play each other.
Here's my take:
I actually respect the scUM football program. That doesn't mean that I don't hate to lose to them more than any other team. But I sure don't respect their fans - especially the bandwagon fans who reside in Ohio (and there are plenty in SW Ohio too, not just central and northern Ohio). It's alos satisfying for scUM to have a really bad season every four years or so, but I wouldn't want them to make a habit of it, for the same reasons as Cincibuck.
Notre Dame, because of their uber-arrogant fans (who can only be occassionally topped by scUM or PSU fans) and the brownnosed media, gets no respect from me whatsoever.
Therefore I always root for them to lose, no matter who they are playing (except maybe Miami, FL).
If you're wishing for another scUM meltdown, you may be in for a dissappointment. You can never underestimate the ability of a CW-led ND team to make the opposition look good.
Hell, you might even be reading on the scUM boards on Saturday night how Mallett should be given the starting job over Henne, no matter what Henne's injury status - simply because ND will make him look like he's playing against a HS team again.
So I say I would much rather see ND start 1-7 than scUM. Even at the risk of scUM getting thier act together enough to be a serious threat for the B10 title and the 3rd Sat in Nov. (which I expect will happen, too).
I also feel confident that this will be LLLLLoyd's last year, and hopefully English goes with him. Not that English can coach worth a damn, but he's a great recruiter. ND will have to live with ol' Charlie for a while, because of the stupid contract extension they gave him. Look for years of no defense and sporadic offense from the Domers - and no loss of arrogance from their football intellectually-challenged fans. Maybe they should all watch some episodes of "My Name's Earl". Karma can be a bitch.