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Notre Dame 0, Michigan 38 (Final)

I'm watching live, but I'll be DVR-ing both games. Kinda sucks, that they're both on at the same time though, since that'll prevent me from flipping over to some other intriguing games that will also be on at that time, such as Texas-UCF, Tennessee-Florida or even FIU-Miami (for the fights).
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You know, I just realized this on at the same time as our game. I'm kinda sad now... I really wanted to just sit back with a bag of chips and laugh for a couple of hours at the circus. But there's no way I'm flipping from one of the few tOSU games I'll get to see this year.
I'm headed to a sports grille so I can watch both. New place; hope it's more grille than bar, or I'll be back before it starts.
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I'd like to know at what point Weis finds his wide ass on the hotseat, because for being such a coaching genius, that is an absolutely horrible football team. Either the talent he's supposedly been bringing in has been very overrated, or he just has done a pathetic job coaching them up.
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