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Notre Dame 0, Michigan 38 (Final)


"Hey coach? Ya think these rings might be able to block for me? At the very least they may be able to distract them for a sec..."
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Michigan 38Notre Dame 0
Hart makes good on guarantee
Wolverines back gashes Irish for 187 yards; defense comes to life
Sunday, September 16, 2007 3:45 AM
By Larry Lage

Associated Press
Tony Ding Associated Press
Notre Dame's Jimmy Clausen is sacked by Michigan linebacker Shawn Crable (2), defensive tackle Will Johnson (97) and defensive end Tim Jamison.

ANN ARBOR, Mich. -- Michigan took care of Mike Hart's guarantee with ease.

Hart ran for 187 yards on 35 carries and scored two touchdowns, and Ryan Mallett threw for three scores to lead the Wolverines to a 38-0 win over Notre Dame yesterday.
"You couldn't write it any better than that," Hart said.
Michigan handed the Fighting Irish their worst loss since beating them by the same score in 2003. The Wolverines (1-2) also avoided their first 0-3 start in seven decades.

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DaytonBuck;931077; said:
Apparently Russell Crowe was at this game as a guest of Lloyd Carr

Carr is a genius. He knew what a distraction Crowe would be to Jimmy the Pickle...suprised he didn't have him out there in full gladiator gear. As disturbing as the imagry is, what Woody said is correct...you can't play football with an erection.

Dantonio is on the phone with Brad Pitt as we speak.
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Buckin' A;931083; said:
After yesterday, there is no doubt in my mind....Chuck is absolutley an offensive genius.

Yes, Hefeweisen is an offensive genius as proven by the following stats after 3 games:

Notre Dame total offensive yards after 3 games: 345 yards
Notre Dame total punting yards after 3 games: 1019 yards

When your team's total offensive yards is almost 1/3 of your team's total punting yards, well that is a truly brilliant offensive mind at work.

A good vbet might be in which game this year will NoD and NoO total offensive yards equal total punting yards.
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