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Nintendo Wii $250 on November 19th.

We have this debate at work everyday. I personally think the Wii is a gamecube with wireless, motion controllers. Being that the gamecube was a piece of shit, I basically view the Wii as the same. It seems like something that I would go to an arcade, and drop maybe $1 in, saying "ok that was pretty cool, but I wouldnt play it more than a couple times". The only game I was looking forward to was Red Steel, and it just flat out blows. Graphically, the PS2 and Xbox look better. Nintendo needs to just drop the console thing and work on their hand helds. Of course it's all a matter of opinion, but in dealing with them for a couple months, this is how I see it.
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BrutusMaximus;696817; said:
We have this debate at work everyday. I personally think the Wii is a gamecube with wireless, motion controllers. Being that the gamecube was a piece of shit, I basically view the Wii as the same. It seems like something that I would go to an arcade, and drop maybe $1 in, saying "ok that was pretty cool, but I wouldnt play it more than a couple times". The only game I was looking forward to was Red Steel, and it just flat out blows. Graphically, the PS2 and Xbox look better. Nintendo needs to just drop the console thing and work on their hand helds. Of course it's all a matter of opinion, but in dealing with them for a couple months, this is how I see it.
They also need to develop some of their franchises for other consoles. Zelda to be specific.
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They also need to develop some of their franchises for other consoles. Zelda to be specific.

Right. They basically need to pull a sega and just worry about making games, and only do the handheld systems. Of course again, in my opinion, Zelda, Metroid, and Mario need to all die, because 20 years of that shit is enough :biggrin:

One thing that has made me be very anti-Nintendo for the past several years has been their inability to come up with new material, and also get 3rd party support on their games. So far with the Wii, I see the same problem.
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BrutusMaximus;696823; said:
Right. They basically need to pull a sega and just worry about making games, and only do the handheld systems. Of course again, in my opinion, Zelda, Metroid, and Mario need to all die, because 20 years of that shit is enough :biggrin:

One thing that has made me be very anti-Nintendo for the past several years has been their inability to come up with new material, and also get 3rd party support on their games. So far with the Wii, I see the same problem.

I agree with everything you're sayin'. EXCEPT the part about Zelda. :biggrin:
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osugrad21;696745; said:
This thing is amazing...I've been playing Wii Sports for 2 days. Bowling, Tennis, Golf, Boxing, Baseball...awesome. I actually broke a sweat playing this thing.

Playing the Wii with my friend today, actually playing this exact game. I was winning in baseball. He tried to swing for the fences on one pitch. The string that goes around your wrist snapped and the controller went flying into the ground, shattering into pieces. We had a good laugh, but just a warning that they do break.
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osugrad21;698293; said:
Lil' Bro just walked onto a Wii as they restocked the shelves..I just got a late Christmas gift
Congrats 21! I also had similar luck.

I've been hunting 1 of these systems down for the past week or so, after hearing about how much people like the new controllers. My kids are 4 and 7, so I figured this would be a good system for them, since they would be able to do a lot of movement while they played, and not have to be thumb jockeys.

My wife stopped by the local Toys R Us this afternoon and scored a Wii. She had to buy 2 games or accessories with the system. Since they were out of extra controllers, so she bought 2 games (Cars and Splinter Cell... I plan on returning at least one of them.)
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