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Nebraska Cornhuskers (corn)

Note to HuskerFromOhio - we're not even playing in the Big Ten Championship Game this year. We lose Crick, David and Dennard from a shaky defense. We have yet to blow away anyone with our new offense.

This isn't exactly the right time to puff out your chest. Especially on another team's board.
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knapplc;2053053; said:
Note to HuskerFromOhio - we're not even playing in the Big Ten Championship Game this year. We lose Crick, David and Dennard from a shaky defense. We have yet to blow away anyone with our new offense.

This isn't exactly the right time to puff out your chest. Especially on another team's board.


I've really appreciated the reception I (and other Husker fans) have gotten here on BP. But it requires that you exhibit classy behavior if you want to be treated with class! That statement from HuskerFromOhio was the epitome of LOW class.
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HuskerFromOhio;2052836; said:
Us and Michigan are the class of the B1G next year IMO

Sigh :shake:. What an epic bag of fail. Especially since you're not on HUSKERBOARD, you're on BUCKEYE PLANET. Riddle me this, Batman...were you dropped on your head as a kid?

What do you even base the statement on? Were you watching games this year? What planet are you on?

I'll bet you were one of those guys that liked the Mikey Bo version of the Tunnel Walk, weren't you? Or worst - you supported Steve Peterson.....


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knapplc;2053866; said:
They play that thing EVERY GAME now. Not for the actual tunnel walk, but during player introductions 30 minutes before the game. It's kinda catchy... but it gets old.

What I think of when I hear that crap is them jumping out of that damn plane and thinking to myself...."Why didn't they push Cally out first?!?"

For those that may need a bit of history on this one....

Steve Peterson - the guy who railroaded the school from 2003 to 2008 - got the grand idea to hire this guy to redo a song that has been played by countless teams for a pregame ritual.

Ya see, the entire point of having something like this is to get people EXCITED about what is about to happen. The words goosebumps, chills, and amped should come to mind. For example - here's the first use of Sirius as a pregame (as far as I know):

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYFlzJyxWlw"]chicago bulls introduction - YouTube[/ame]

If that doesn't give you goosebumps, chills, or anything when he says, "FROM NORTH....CARRRROLLINNNA..." you ain't human.


Here's the crappy one:
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tkumo6bZefE"]Mikey Bo - Nebraska Tunnel Walk (Huskers) - YouTube[/ame]

EDIT: funny thing is, looks like the Bulls broke from tradition as well. Here's their crappy version of the same song:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvNDQkcqkfU&feature=related"]Chicago Bulls Intro Animation And Theme Song - YouTube[/ame]
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HuskerFromOhio;2052836; said:
Us and Michigan are the class of the B1G next year IMO

This post wouldn't be so offensive if you gave us some of your reasons. But given that you posted the same UM prediction over in the Denard Robinson thread, to which several posters responded with lists of players UM will be losing at the end of this year in addition to pointing out how UM's schedule is much more difficult next year, it's pretty evident you haven't put much thought into this post.
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buckeyesin07;2053908; said:
This post wouldn't be so offensive if you gave us some of your reasons. But given that you posted the same UM prediction over in the Denard Robinson thread, to which several posters responded with lists of players UM will be losing at the end of this year in addition to pointing out how UM's schedule is much more difficult next year, it's pretty evident you haven't put much thought into this post.

Yes. I don't really even find it offensive as much as just a waste of time to read it. He can have whatever opinion he wants, but what makes this board the best is the discussion. There's nothing inherently wrong with thinking programs as storied as Nebraska and M*ch*g*n could be the class of the B1G next year. It's all about the approach and backing it up. So, let me say something to our friends from around the B1G who post here. You won't get any grief from the majority of the posters here for saying stuff like HuskerFromOhio said if you answer the 'why'. Bring the stats, rosters, something that supports your claims and you'll be fine. This is not a smack board. If you want to talk smack, there are plenty of other forums around for that...
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Wells4Heisman;2054705; said:
Looks like Nebraska is losing Carl Pelini to Florida Atlantic.

If he goes, its with blessings...

Later, ESPN's Joe Schad reported that Pelini and Florida Atlantic had a "verbal agreement" and that Nebraska Athletic Director Tom Osborne recommended Pelini to the school. Osborne confirmed to The World-Herald that FAU Athletic Director Craig Angelos had called him inquiring about Pelini.

"I told him Carl had a lot of ability," Osborne said. ?Carl's intelligent and he has a lot of experience at the high school and college levels." Nebraska defensive coordinator Carl Pelini denied a CBSSports.com report Thursday night that he had been offered or accepted the job as Florida Atlantic's new head coach.

Omaha World Herald Link: http://www.omaha.com/article/20111201/NEWS/312019740/-1
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Just curious, but with Nebraska being 3rd in their division, what are their hopes/aspirations for next year?

MSU will likely be down with Cousins finally ending his 30-year career. Would seem like if Nebraska can beat the pooverines in Lincoln, you have a shot.
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