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Neal Shipley - ex tOSU golfer, now touring pro

Put some money on my man this weekend to finish Top 10. Pretty cool to have a Buckeye in the mix again

Shipley came back with a 66 today, he's sitting at -3, tied with 11 players for 42nd, and made the cut. The leader is at -12. There are 10 guys tied for 9th at -7; he's just 4 shots out of the top 10 with 36 holes to go.

Making the cut puts him in line for another payday. Here how the payouts will go:

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FWIW, this was on reddit

Hi r/Golf, Neal Shipley here at the 3M Open on a sponsor invite. You might know me from low am at the Masters and the U.S. Open this year, now playing on PGA TOUR Americas. AMA!​


**UPDATE** Neal is running a little behind after his round today. We'll likely get started no later than 4:30 p.m. ET now. Thanks for you patience!

It has been a whirlwind of a year so far. From graduating college, turning professional, competing in major championships, PGA TOUR events, and playing internationally on PGA TOUR Americas, it is all happening so fast and I’m having so much fun. To earn low amateur honors at Pinehurst and Augusta, I’m just so incredibly honored. I’m grateful to 3M for having me this week, and giving me another opportunity on the PGA TOUR.

I'll be back to answer your questions at 3:30 p.m. ET after my first round tomorrow. I tee off at 9:46 a.m. ET. Let’s chat!

You can go here and read "the chat":

Here's one: Will you share the photos of you eating that your friends post in your group chat as you mentioned in the Bryan Bros YouTube video? We want to see what a real tour pro's diet looks like.

His response:

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