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NCAA punishes USC - Reggie Bush, OJ Mayo, Dwayne Jarrett, Joe McKnight investigation

methomps;1089353; said:
Lake gets deposed Tuesday.
Or not, as the case was - bodyguard showing a gun brings Lake's deposition to premature end.

A lawyer for a sports marketer who is suing football star Reggie Bush said he and his client walked out of a deposition Tuesday after a bodyguard for Bush's attorney opened his jacket to expose a pistol. "He made sure we saw it," said attorney Brian Watkins, who represents sports marketer Lloyd Lake.
Watkins said Bush attorney David Cornwell told him the bodyguard had a permit to carry a concealed weapon. The bodyguard identified himself only by his first name and did not present a business card, Watkins said.

Watkins said the man also flashed the gun to Lake in the building's lobby before the deposition.
"It's outrageous that he shows up strapped for a deposition," Watkins said. "That's outrageous conduct in the lawyer world. Come on, we're lawyers. I don't threaten people, I sue them."
Cornwell did not return phone calls and an e-mail seeking comment.
Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman, the law firm that hosted the deposition in its San Diego office, said it was investigating. It said none of its lawyers were present at the deposition.
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OH10;1090852; said:
And yet ESPN is still ignoring the story...
osugrad21;1021928; said:
Interesting post from Diznick on the Scout $ board in regards to ESPN not giving much coverage of the investigation:
Fact: Disney owns ABC and ESPN
Fact: Dick Cook is the Chairman of Disney
Fact: Dick Cook holds a degree in political science from USC
Fact: Dick Cook has served as a USC trustee and as president of the USC Alumni Association
Fact Dick Cook is the Chairman of Disney
Fact Disney owns ABC and ESPN
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OH10;1090927; said:
And yet, while every other sports news outlet has the story on the front page, ESPN buries it in the college football section that no one clicks on after signing day.

This from the same network that has to fill time by having a faux tournament to decide the greatest highlight ever or the ultimate sports figure.
:lol: You'd think the Bush scandal would fit pretty well alongside this topic
True Lies

What the Mitchell report revealed, Roger Clemens denied. So as he and Brian McNamee sit together before Congress, let the day of reckoning begin.

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jwinslow;1090952; said:
:lol: You'd think the Bush scandal would fit pretty well alongside this topic

ESPN loves this story. If it wasn't for Clemens and McNamee, they'd have to start up a tournament on Sportscenter to see who is the biggest douche on the network.

Dana Jacobsen and Sean Salisbury are the #1 seeds.
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OH10;1090927; said:
And yet, while every other sports news outlet has the story on the front page, ESPN buries it in the college football section that no one clicks on after signing day.

This from the same network that has to fill time by having a faux tournament to decide the greatest highlight ever or the ultimate sports figure.

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OH10;1091054; said:
Funny, because when I go to ESPN.com, the last headline is this:

Ray Evernham joining ESPN as NASCAR analyst

There's no headline at all for the Bush case. I seriously doubt you're getting a different ESPN.com than I am.

EDIT: Refreshed the page about 6 times... still no Bush story. Sorry, but I'm calling a photoshop.

You think I faked the printscreen of the front page? :slappy:

Ok, here is the printscreen from the "More News" link under the top stories. You can see that the Bush story ranks just below the front page cut:


And now looking at the Evernham article, you can see from the timestamp that it was updated at 12:35 ET. This is after my post (12:27ET), but before your post (12:40ET).


That is when the story got pumped to the front page and replaced the Bush story. Either that or I managed to make a flawless photoshop in the time between when the Clemens and Sampson photos and stories (and the video links on the right) went up and the time I posted.
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That is when the story got pumped to the front page and replaced the Bush story. Either that or I managed to make a flawless photoshop in the time between when the Clemens and Sampson photos and stories (and the video links on the right) went up and the time I posted.

Damn you're good.
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