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NCAA punishes USC - Reggie Bush, OJ Mayo, Dwayne Jarrett, Joe McKnight investigation

I think that this has the effect of making methomps' comment a reality. It's either going to be investigated now or never. If there is a public outcry, this could get very ugly all around.

Of course, the witnesses here are all such "stand-up" guys. :roll1:
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not sure if this has been posted

Sports: Bush accuser believes USC coaches knew about violations | lake, bush, usc, didn, money - OCRegister.com

Bush accuser believes USC coaches knew about violations

The man, who is suing the Heisman Trophy winner, said the coaches received an anonymous warning in 2005.

The Orange County Register
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The former San Diego sports marketer suing Reggie Bush for nearly $300,000 said Monday he thinks USC coaches knew Bush was taking money in violation of NCAA rules.

The man's testimony, which the NCAA already listened to as part of its investigation, could help determine whether - or how harshly - USC will be penalized for Bush's conduct, which allegedly took place during the 2004 and 2005 seasons.

"They knew Reggie was getting money from somewhere. They had to know," said Lloyd Lake. "Your family doesn't go from one extreme to the other, from barely making $1,400 a month in rent to paying a $4,200 (a month) mortgage, without that money coming from someone or somewhere."

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I am not going to read through this entire thread, but Real Sports on HBO had a pretty revealing interview with Lake. They have phone conversations admitting they took a car, money and the house. Bush settled with Lakes partner outside of court for 200k, but he cant discuss the matter anymore as part of the agreement.

If this was a re-run, and this is already been posted, then I cant wait to hear

"and in other news, we landed on the moon"

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I posted this in the Mayo thread, but since there's no comment from the NCAA or USC because of the "ongoing investigation", it's worth noting here as well.

This will probably be considered a secondary violation, for which Mayo will have to re-pay the value of the tickets ($230 each) to charity. He could also be suspended for 1 game.


NCAA won't comment on Mayo's Lakers tickets

Gary A. Vasquez / US PRESSWIRE

USC freshman guard O.J. Mayo said he was given two complimentary tickets to attend Monday's Lakers-Denver Nuggets game at Staples Center by Nuggets All-Star forward Carmelo Anthony.

By Ben Bolch, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
11:53 AM PST, January 23, 2008
The NCAA is aware of free Lakers tickets provided to USC freshman guard O.J. Mayo, but a spokesperson said today that the organization would not comment on current, pending or potential investigations.

USC sports information director Tim Tessalone said the school's compliance officials would not comment on potential NCAA violations or whether they were investigating the matter.

Mayo on Tuesday said he was given two complimentary tickets to attend Monday's Lakers-Denver Nuggets game at Staples Center by Nuggets All-Star forward Carmelo Anthony.

NCAA bylaw states that student-athletes may not receive "free or reduced-cost admission to professional athletics contests from professional sports organizations, unless such services also are available to the student body in general."

Cont ...
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I understand the slippery slope that the NCAA would have in allowing student-athletes to get free/cheaper tickets to games, but this rule seems crappy to me. I'm sure there are alot of friendships between the pros and college kids (in all sports). Sucks that a friend can't toss another friend a couple tickets when his/her team is in town.
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[quote='BusNative;107364;9]I understand the slippery slope that the NCAA would have in allowing student-athletes to get free/cheaper tickets to games, but this rule seems crappy to me. I'm sure there are alot of friendships between the pros and college kids (in all sports). Sucks that a friend can't toss another friend a couple tickets when his/her team is in town.[/quote]

Not the NCAA's fault. It's the people whose abuse makes the rule necessary.
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methomps;1073652; said:
Not the NCAA's fault. It's the people whose abuse makes the rule necessary.

I bet it went like this: Pete Carroll called Reggie Bush who called Mellow who called Mayo who then demanded that he have floor seats so that he could toss out a marble onto the floor to trip Mellow and cause him to hurt his ankle.

It always comes down to Petey and Reggie :susp:
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OCBucksFan;1073658; said:
I bet it went like this: Pete Carroll called Reggie Bush who called Mellow who called Mayo who then demanded that he have floor seats so that he could toss out a marble onto the floor to trip Mellow and cause him to hurt his ankle.

It always comes down to Petey and Reggie :susp:

oj.jpg....What about me?!?!?!?
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Okay, anybody know how long this type of investigation is supposed to take? I haven't read this whole thread, but new info seems to pop up often and it's been what...2 years? What the heck? The whole thing just stinks...like an old sandwich hanging out in one of Charlie's fat rolls too long.
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