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NCAA punishes USC - Reggie Bush, OJ Mayo, Dwayne Jarrett, Joe McKnight investigation

Originally Posted by Diznick
Fact: Disney owns ABC and ESPN
Fact: Dick Cook is the Chairman of Disney
Fact: Dick Cook holds a degree in political science from USC
Fact: Dick Cook has served as a USC trustee and as president of the USC Alumni Association
Fact Dick Cook is the Chairman of Disney
Fact Disney owns ABC and ESPN

Is he from the Dept of Redundancy Department?
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Steve19;1024421; said:
It will be very interesting to see if this book actually makes it to the shelf.
Self-Publishing anyone? I got a few guides left in electronic inventory.

methomps;1024432; said:
Michael Michaels. Lloyd Lake. Lisa Lake. Could the key to unlocking the case be Mitch Mustain!??!
Didn't you see the connect-a-dot Disney post - it's Micky Mouse whose pawprints will be on this in the end.
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Damn if you gonna get away with something you might as well get away with giving a players family 300,000 in benefits. I just wish our student athletes could take intro to spanish at jimmy joes technical school for car repair and have it transfer in as intermediate spanish. Pete Caroll is one bad Mofo his players can get hundreds of thousands and his athletes can have BS classes transfer in as higher level classes from technical school.

Might as well start paying them and screw the academics...just have snoop dog show up with his gangsta's and teach the boys some morals while we are at it...hopefully there won't be a drive by...The NCAA a fucking joke.
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brutus2002;1024796; said:
Damn if you gonna get away with something you might as well get away with giving a players family 300,000 in benefits. I just wish our student athletes could take intro to spanish at jimmy joes technical school for car repair and have it transfer in as intermediate spanish. Pete Caroll is one bad Mofo his players can get hundreds of thousands and his athletes can have BS classes transfer in as higher level classes from technical school.

Might as well start paying them and screw the academics...just have snoop dog show up with his gangsta's and teach the boys some morals while we are at it...hopefully there won't be a drive by...The NCAA a fucking joke.

Ohio State does not accept Spanish coursework from community colleges?
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methomps;1024897; said:
Ohio State does not accept Spanish coursework from community colleges?
Maybe. Who knows? Does that really matter, here?

Is it really that difficult to follow this thread?

USC should get the Death Penalty. And Pete Carroll should get the chair. The Chair! The Chair! uh huh huh ... The Chair!

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