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NCAA punishes USC - Reggie Bush, OJ Mayo, Dwayne Jarrett, Joe McKnight investigation

sandgk;995113; said:
Morphed into a combo of Ford and Reagan have we? :wink2:

muffler dragon;995939; said:
Fixed it for ya.

With the correction, we can throw in a little Rudy G.

Why can't we just open the poli board back up to give these guys somewhere to go. I don't go to the poli board because I don't want to even see this kind of thing. It doesn't do me any good. It doesn't do anyone any good. It has nothing to do with football.
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DaddyBigBucks;996040; said:
Why can't we just open the poli board back up to give these guys somewhere to go. I don't go to the poli board because I don't want to even see this kind of thing. It doesn't do me any good. It doesn't do anyone any good. It has nothing to do with football.

Sorry for the levity.
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DaddyBigBucks;996040; said:
Why can't we just open the poli board back up to give these guys somewhere to go. I don't go to the poli board because I don't want to even see this kind of thing. It doesn't do me any good. It doesn't do anyone any good. It has nothing to do with football.


Did you really feel those were political posts?
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DaddyBigBucks;996040; said:
Why can't we just open the poli board back up to give these guys somewhere to go. I don't go to the poli board because I don't want to even see this kind of thing. It doesn't do me any good. It doesn't do anyone any good. It has nothing to do with football.

You sound like Ross Perot a bit there.


/couldn't resist
//but agree
///and wish slashies would appear more here
//lot's slashies
/I built a slashy hill!
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Interesting post from Diznick on the Scout $ board in regards to ESPN not giving much coverage of the investigation:

Diznick said:
Fact: Disney owns ABC and ESPN
Fact: Dick Cook is the Chairman of Disney
Fact: Dick Cook holds a degree in political science from USC
Fact: Dick Cook has served as a USC trustee and as president of the USC Alumni Association
Fact Dick Cook is the Chairman of Disney
Fact Disney owns ABC and ESPN
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brutus2002;1024268; said:
Somebodies in trouble!!!!

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OCBucksFan;1024429; said:
Agreed, Bush has a ton of money, nothing has been proven that I know of, so I can see his lawyers doing everything to keep that book from making it to stores.

But that still shouldn't stop methomps from arranging with Petey to send us his recruits, right?
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