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NCAA punishes USC - Reggie Bush, OJ Mayo, Dwayne Jarrett, Joe McKnight investigation

brutus2002;1025067; said:
Not from Jimmy Joes Methomps...I heard it used to be Stanford's junior college for car repair!!! Next thing you know USC will accept students to transfer that intro class in for classes like Calculus.

Just sayin

Let's just say what you heard is true...for the sake of discussion. Do you really think USC is one of a few programs that do this? Have you ever been around a D-1 program's academic support system? You would be very surprised at how many loopholes there really are....sadly, when the NCAA closes those loopholes, it usually hurts the good students more than the marginal.
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brutus2002;1025067; said:
Not from Jimmy Joes Methomps...I heard it used to be Stanford's junior college for car repair!!! Next thing you know USC will accept students to transfer that intro class in for classes like Calculus.

Just sayin

Well, you got me there. I'm sure Spanish at LA Trade Tech must just be a USC tradition. It's not lilke UC-Berkeley or UCLA would accept those classes, right? Or would they?

UC Transfer Course Agreement
Los Angeles Trade Technical College (06-07)

This agreement lists courses transferable for unit credit at all UC campuses.
==== Spanish ====
* SPANISH 1 Elementary Spanish I 6A 5
SPANISH 2 Elementary Spanish II 3B 5 UC-H
SPANISH 3 Intermediate Spanish I 3B 5 UC-H
SPANISH 4 Intermediate Spanish II 3B 5 UC-H
* SPANISH 21 Fundamentals of Spanish 3
* SPANISH 22 Fundamentals of Spanish 6A 3

Dryden;1025063; said:
When my son grows up, I hope he chooses Ohio State over USC.

I saw Pete Carroll spit on an orphan and club a baby seal once.

I'm just sayin' ...

We should all be so lucky as to get spit on or clubbed by Pete Carroll.
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Just remember, methomps is an anagram for

set hmm op

What more do you guys need? Clearly, he's a top member of the Petey gang. He knows more than he's telling. And now that they've stopped the bloody waterboarding, maybe even motorboating, we'll probably never know...
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buckeyesin07;1060685; said:
The book "Tarnished Heisman: Did Reggie Bush Turn His Final College Season into a Six-Figure Job?" comes out January 15. Should be an interesting read.

Pimping their role as front-runner in the Bush-SC-gate story, Yahoo has put up an excerpt from "Tarnished Heisman" on their site. (Long)

The following is an excerpt from the book "Tarnished Heisman" by authors Don Yaeger and Jim Henry, reprinted with permission from Pocket Books, a division of Simon & Schuster Inc.
The book includes transcripts of recorded conversations between Bush, his stepfather LaMar Griffin and Lloyd Lake, one of two financiers of New Era Sports & Entertainment. In Chapter 1, the authors open the story on Dec. 10, 2005, the day Bush was awarded the Heisman Trophy, following his junior season at the University of Southern California.
On Rivals - a follow-up (I think) to that excerpt is offered.

Delanoy, speaking exclusively to Yahoo! Sports, said he took part in a three-way call with Bush and former New Era agent and officer David Caravantes in early December 2005, in which he said Bush appeared to be "fully on board" with New Era Sports. During the conversation, Delanoy said Bush voiced approval for several aspects of the web site New Era was planning, which was to include the sale of game-used memorabilia when he went to the NFL.
"Dave (Caravantes) told Reggie that I was one of the top web design marketing companies out there and that I'd be handling a lot of stuff for them in the future. And Reggie said, 'We're cool. I'm down with that,' " Delanoy said.
"I was telling Reggie the revenue that could be generated, looking at it from what I had done in the past with Chad Johnson, Sean Taylor and Willis McGahee. I said: 'Listen, you're one of the biggest names out there. You could be making a lot of money through this thing. We'll get your jersey on sale there and autographed items, pretty much soup to nuts.' I was telling him to save his game-used stuff from USC to sell and that he could be getting thousands of dollars for a pair of cleats. And he was like 'Oh man, yeah, that sounds really good.' And that point, Dave said that (Dave) had actually started working on endorsement deals with shoe companies and things like that."
Asked whether the conversation convinced him Bush was committed to New Era, Delanoy replied, "Yes, totally."
Caravantes, who has been investigated and fined by the NFL Players Association for his association with New Era, denied the conversation ever took place.
"I spoke with Reggie Bush once in my life and that's it," Caravantes said. "That was late one night when (Lake) got him on the phone with me and I just introduced myself and told him I'd be the agent working for (New Era) if the business got going. That was it. Whatever that guy (Delanoy) is saying is absolutely false. It's absolutely (expletive)."
Geek said : He said?
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