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NCAA punishes USC - Reggie Bush, OJ Mayo, Dwayne Jarrett, Joe McKnight investigation

Ok, I took a look at the complaint and it sheds some light on things.

1. Lake is claiming that Denise, Lamar, and Reggie formed a partnership. The reason he does this is that partners are jointly and severally liable. Absent a partnership, Reggie can't really be called upon to pay for the actions of Lamar.

2. Lake is suing on behalf of himself individually and in his capacity as GM of New Era. He is doing this presumably so that he can get at Bush for benefits Michaels provided. Any attorneys have any insight on the effect of the Michaels settlement in this regard?

3. Lake makes no mention of sports agency or sports representation. He characterizes the benefits as being given in exchange for a promise to repay when able and a promise not to accept money from anyone else. I suspect this owes largely to the Miller-Ayala act. I wonder, if pressed, whether Lake would admit in a deposition that future representation was agreed upon or was a motivating factor for the benefits.

4. Lake claims that Bush reassured that he would repay the money in a "written communication" on January 14, 2006. I remember this from when the suit was first filed, but has this ever been mentioned in more detail?
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Bush case plaintiff to testify March 10

Another war of words broke out yesterday in the Reggie Bush cash-and-benefits lawsuit. But this time, for now, the parties ended up with an agreement: Plaintiff Lloyd Lake is to give his deposition March 10, and possibly March 17, in a conference room in San Diego Superior Court.
?There are metal detectors there, so nobody will be bringing any guns,? said Lake's attorney, Brian Watkins.

Earlier this week, Lake walked out of his scheduled deposition because a man accompanying Bush's attorneys was carrying a gun. Watkins called it intimidation; Bush's attorney, David Cornwell, said it was simply a legal security precaution against Lake, who is a convicted felon with a history of gang ties.
The downtown law firm where the deposition was to take place, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman, said in a statement that it ?has a zero tolerance policy for weapons on our premises and the incident recounted in press reports clearly violated that policy.?
Lake has sued Bush, the 2005 Heisman Trophy winner, seeking repayment of almost $300,000 from Bush and his parents for cash, a vehicle and other goods the Bush family allegedly was given while Bush played at USC in 2004 and 2005. The NCAA is investigating whether Lake and his former partner in a startup marketing agency gave the Bush family impermissible benefits.
Yesterday morning, Lake's mother, Barbara Gunner, was scheduled to give her deposition, but that didn't happen either. Watkins said it was because he wasn't notified about a change of venue for the testimony until the night before.
Cornwell had a different version.
?Ms. Gunner was properly served and, like her son, found an excuse not to appear to tell her story under oath,? Cornwell said. ?This is an odd strategy for a crew who has professed for two years to have valid claims. Their reluctance to testify under oath is a reflection of the legitimacy of Lake's claims and exposes the continued execution of their scheme.?
Watkins said he has served notice for Bush to give his deposition Feb. 25. He said he would give the transcript to the NCAA, whose findings in the case could jeopardize Bush's Heisman and USC victories in which Bush played.
But that date also remains in doubt because Cornwell indicated it wouldn't happen then. If Bush doesn't show, Watkins said he will ask the court to compel Bush to testify.

Entire article: SignOnSanDiego.com > Sports -- Bush case plaintiff to testify March 10
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No deposition from Bush
New Orleans Saints running back Reggie Bush failed to take a scheduled deposition Monday, after his attorneys filed a motion with the court asking that testimony of both the former USC star and his parents be concealed from the NCAA and media.

Bush was set to testify in San Diego in a civil suit brought against him by former New Era Sports financier Lloyd Lake, who is seeking to recoup nearly $300,000 allegedly given to Bush and his family by the failed sports agency. But the contents of Bush’s deposition have become a major sticking point, as attorneys for Lake have said they would provide transcripts of the depositions to the NCAA, which is conducting an investigation into whether Bush took cash while playing for the Trojans. The motion filed Monday apparently seeks to block Lake’s attorneys from sharing the depositions, naming both the NCAA and the media in the motion.

“It’s so that we can’t share the transcripts with the NCAA, which is a huge admission of guilt,” said Lake’s attorney, Brian Watkins. “Reggie Bush has repeatedly said that he has nothing to hide, and now that he has to testify under oath, he’s saying he doesn’t want what he says shared with the NCAA. Now all of the sudden it’s ‘Hey I’m going to have to admit to some things and I don’t want them out there.’

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No news, just an opinion by Fiutak.


USC and the NCAA

For some reason, USC hasn't been nailed with anything regarding the Reggie Bush situation, and while that time may soon come, it's taking time. A lonnnnnng time. Meanwhile, the program is just as strong as ever with loaded recruiting class after loading recruiting class ensuring the program will be in the national title chase for the next several seasons. For fans of Oklahoma, Alabama, and others who've recently had to deal with NCAA justice, it seems like the Trojans are getting away with things that others would be steamrolled for. Whether or not you agree with the NCAA rules and the violations, if all the Bush allegations are true and USC is given a mere slap on the wrist, watch for the fan bases of 118 other programs to go ballistic.
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Lloyd Lake's lawsuit against Bush is scheduled to start in March, 2009.

USC's Pete Carroll might be a witness in Reggie Bush case

[COLOR=#333333 ! important]A judge schedules the civil trial against the former Heisman Trophy winner to begin in March 2009.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#999999 ! important]By David Wharton and Gary Klein, Los Angeles Times Staff Writers
2:12 PM PDT, May 2, 2008 [/COLOR]
SAN DIEGO -- USC Coach Pete Carroll and one of his assistants could find themselves summoned into the courtroom as part of the contentious civil lawsuit involving Reggie Bush, an attorney in the case said today.

A would-be sports marketing agent, Lloyd Lake, has claimed that he gave Bush cash and gifts while the 2005 Heisman Trophy winner was playing college football. Lake's attorney, Brian Watkins, said Carroll and running back coach Todd McNair could play a role in his trial strategy.

"Both Pete Carroll and Todd McNair are most likely going to be witnesses," Watkins said by telephone after a morning court hearing in San Diego. "I can't talk about what we're going to be asking them."

McNair, reached by telephone, declined to comment. Carroll could not be reached.


Reggie Bush developments could spell trouble for USC

[COLOR=#333333 ! important]Across the country, LSU Coach Les Miles finally gets rid of troubled quarterback Ryan Perrilloux, a positive development for the defending national champions.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#999999 ! important]Chris Dufresne
3:15 PM PDT, May 2, 2008 [/COLOR]
USC and Louisiana State split the national championship in 2003 and shared news Friday in the baggage claim carousel at BCS Terminal 4.

In San Diego, a judge set a trial date in Lloyd Lake's civil suit against Reggie Bush. Reaction in Trojanland: "uh-oh."

In Baton Rouge, LSU Coach Les Miles finally handed walking papers to discipline-challenged quarterback Ryan Perrilloux. Reaction in Gumboland: "What took so long?"

Assessment: Bad day for USC, good day for LSU.

Bush might actually go to trial in March 2009 and possibly drag Pete Carroll's program through the mud.

The farther the Bush case is distanced from 2004 and 2005, the better for the Trojans, but the damage assessment scenarios remain unchanged.

If it's determined USC had nothing to do with an alleged off-campus money grab from a dubious hanger-on, the NCAA won't hit USC with major sanctions. If USC is involved, well, that would be a good day for UCLA.

If Bush acted alone, he could lose his 2005 Heisman Trophy and USC might have to forfeit games in which he played. If Bush is ruled to have been ineligible in 2004, the year USC won the BCS title, it remains doubtful the Trojans would be stripped of their championship. The NCAA does not govern the bowls, so USC's title would have to be recalled by the Associated Press writers (fat chance) and the voting coaches (fatter chance).

The secret in football is to win first and ask questions later.
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Any surprise there? Bottom line is that without tangible evidence of some agreement - a signed contract, impartial witnesses to such an agreement, recorded audio, etc - it's simply the word of a convicted felon against Reggie Bush and Pete Carrol, both golden children of SoCal. Similarly, the NCAA is toothless as well without either Bush or USC admitting wrong doing or some gross preponderance of evidence against them (which doesn't exist now, by all appearances). Once again, programs that self report and play by the rules get screwed, and teams that stonewall the system will get off scot free.

This whole debacle is going to really weaken the NCAA's enforcement ability. They're going to have to give some program the death sentence to put the fear of God back into schools, because once this shakes out nobody, and I mean nobody, is going to fear the NCAA.
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TheIronColonel;1155589; said:
Any surprise there? Bottom line is that without tangible evidence of some agreement - a signed contract, impartial witnesses to such an agreement, recorded audio, etc - it's simply the word of a convicted felon against Reggie Bush and Pete Carrol, both golden children of SoCal. Similarly, the NCAA is toothless as well without either Bush or USC admitting wrong doing or some gross preponderance of evidence against them (which doesn't exist now, by all appearances). Once again, programs that self report and play by the rules get screwed, and teams that stonewall the system will get off scot free.

This whole debacle is going to really weaken the NCAA's enforcement ability. They're going to have to give some program the death sentence to put the fear of God back into schools, because once this shakes out nobody, and I mean nobody, is going to fear the NCAA.
I wouldn't imagine that any attorney would push a case this far without some type of tangible evidence. No judge in his right mind would let it come to this far along either. IMO there is something provable.
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If I recall correctly from the Real Sports piece doesn't Lake have taped conversations with Bush's father? They played some snippets of those tapes on the program.

I agree with the above poster. Ohio State self reports the Troy Smith $500 and they get their name dragged through the mud on national sports shows, internet pieces, and the Alamo bowl game (another national stage). Clarett is found to have flat out lied about most of his allegations yet the biggest sports outlet in the nation treats his word like gospel.

The biggest star at USC in 20 years receives thousands of dollars, cars, and houses and what do you hear of it? Nothing.
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ysubuck;1155604; said:
The biggest star at USC in 20 years receives thousands of dollars, cars, and houses and what do you hear of it? Nothing.

A mole in the Trojan's PR department concedes that the number of pixels devoted to the Bush / Lake / USC saga is approaching Avogadro's number ...

If you count all the screens on which the news has been seen.
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sandgk;1155611; said:
A mole in the Trojan's PR department concedes that the number of pixels devoted to the Bush / Lake / USC saga is approaching Avogadro's number ...

If you count all the screens on which the news has been seen.

It's been years, but would that be 6.28 x 10 to the 23rd power??:biggrin:
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