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NCAA punishes USC - Reggie Bush, OJ Mayo, Dwayne Jarrett, Joe McKnight investigation

Yahoo article...

Source: Lake, NCAA meet
td.yspwidearticlebody { font-size: 13.5px; }By Charles Robinson and Jason Cole, Yahoo! Sports
November 6, 2007 The co-founder of a failed sports marketing agency met with NCAA investigators for nearly six hours Tuesday afternoon, apparently following through on last week's vow to turn over materials tying former USC running back Reggie Bush and his family to a string of improper benefits taken while Bush played for the Trojans.

Source: Lake, NCAA meet - NCAA Football - Yahoo! Sports
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brutus2002;986004; said:
USC better start doing self imposed penalties before the NCAA gives them the green weenie. USC just got ass raped and better get some vasoline.

That's kinda what I heard also. Not sure if it was RB or USC that got impregnated.

Thomps, what have you heard about yesterday? There is zero chatter on the USC forums and I am sure as hell not going to go over and bring it up.
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See everyone at USC thought when they paid off the other guy they were home free. Heck until Bush paid that guy off he was cut off from the university. IIRC he wasn't allowed at the RB last year against Michigan. This time they are fucked.

The NCAA has to rely on tape recordings, testimony from the persons at fault(yeah right), or the other documents that that prove guilt. The only way the Bush family is gonna testify against USC is under oath...they might end up doing that. I'm sure this agent had the Bush family sign documents. All they have to do is compare letter of intent signatures with theses documents or get other incriminating documents. Yesterday was a shitty day for USC. The are now guilty of letting one of their pklayers and his family of getting upwards of 300,000 of improper benefits. Combine this with Jarett and you have a trend.

They ought to hang them for having Bush talking to recruits. McKnight admitted it and then retracts...GMAFB. THye ought to start digging at their records office for those intermediate spanish courses taken at that tech school.

I hope they camp out there for two years like they did us. When you let snoop dog and other gangsters hang out at practice you know shady shit is going on. I just heard the toliet flush...yep I see some forfeited games,titles, and other awards. Heck If they don't get at least a 3-4 year post season ban and 50% of their schollies taken its bullshit.
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brutus2002;986173; said:
I hope they camp out there for two years like they did us. When you let snoop dog and other gangsters hang out at practice you know shady shit is going on. I just heard the toliet flush...yep I see some forfeited games,titles, and other awards. Heck If they don't get at least a 3-4 year post season ban and 50% of their schollies taken its bullshit.

Axe to grind there sir? 50% of their schollies? I do not see this as SMU in the 70's. Shadey... yes. No controll...yes. Death penalty...no.
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I heard from a guy I know thats a Michigan fan...hey he did dress up like a sheep fucker for Holloween!!!

I have no axe to grind. I think USC is renegade because Caroll wants to be the "hip" surfer dude coach and let his players do whatever the fuck they want. It finally bit them.
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brutus2002;986280; said:
I heard from a guy I know thats a Michigan fan...hey he did dress up like a sheep fucker for Holloween!!!

I have no axe to grind. I think USC is renegade because Caroll wants to be the "hip" surfer dude coach and let his players do whatever the fuck they want. It finally bit them.

No problem. We understand your angst Mr. Lake ... er, um brutus2002. :biggrin:
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HAHAHAHAHA okokokokokok I confess I'm mr. Lake.

I don't watch pro sports so I really hate seeing this crap in college although I know it exist. I think they need to make a statement. Not all of these kids are gonna be pros and the small percentage that do have the false illusion that they are guarateed millionaires. I just want it to be cleaned up.

IMO the Clarett situation was good because it woke our players, coaches, and administators up. If there was crap going on I guarantee its not now. When you lead your conference for 5 years in academic all-conference players its a positive sign about the type of people you are recruiting...letting snoop dog attend practices...not so much.
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brutus2002;986173; said:
I hope they camp out there for two years like they did us.
I am absolutely positive that you do not want the NCAA to camp out at USC just as they did with Ohio State.

I am absolutely certain that you want the NCAA to dig until they find dirt on USC and then dish it.

Which is very different from the absence of deep throated truth that the NCAA dug up in Columbus.

If Lake actually has told a story to the NCAA with teeth to it then USC will pay for Bush's deeds. But, as they aren't even confirming a meeting, let alone the content of the same, I don't know where you come up this:

brutus2002;986004; said:
USC better start doing self imposed penalties before the NCAA gives them the green weenie. USC just got ass raped and better get some vasoline. .

As for no axe to grind ...

brutus2002;986004; said:
Heck If they don't get at least a 3-4 year post season ban and 50% of their schollies taken its bullshit.

You sir DO have an axe to grind. Personally, I have no problem with that, I just don't see why you feel the need to declare yourself so, oh, reasonable in this matter. :tongue2:
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If Bush's biggest crime was taking money from people who wanted to give it to him after he was already enrolled at USC and had became a star, then I could care less. In the grand scheme of things, this is nothing.

IMHO, inducements to enroll are a bigger problem than "taking care of" a star player in the program after the fact. It doesn't make the later right, but it barely registers on the corrupt-o-meter in comparison to the former, where you have boosters "bidding" on high school kids to come play. The former usually does result in punishments that can cripple a program for a number of years (see: Alabama, Auburn, Oklahoma St, SMU). The later carries virtually no long term consequences.

Bush and his family taking payola from some hanger-on with deep pockets won't amount to squat.
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I understand what you're saying Dry, and I tend to agree.. But, there is also the philosophy that the prospects of "being taken care of" enduce the committment to a school in the first place. (Although, concidering my cynical nature re: all this, would not necessarily set one school above any other in terms of gaining an advantage in this manner)
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