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NCAA punishes USC - Reggie Bush, OJ Mayo, Dwayne Jarrett, Joe McKnight investigation

localyokel;1735435; said:
Certainly brings my esteem for the Heisman down a peg or two that they're not so picky about the character of their recipients. With people or trophies, you're judged by the company you keep.

I understand them not retroactively trying to revoke a Heisman for something somebody did after they received it. It would be a can of worms trying to draw the line for where the revokable offense lies on the continuum between mass murderer and petty thief.
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Bucklion;1735396; said:
Returning the statue seems empty to me...either he renounces it (or it gets taken away) or them sending the statue back really has no significant meaning. I don't see what's in it for them, considering he's still going to be listed as the Heisman winner.

Question (and I don't know)...did they send OJ's back? If not, why this one?

Just seems to me like they are desperately trying to keep the NC's from getting revoked. I don't know how I feel about them basically writing off a former student over problems in the athletic department, seems a little mercenary to me.
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reggie the pu$$y never showed up... - WeAreSC Forums

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Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 432
reggie the pu$ never showed up...
to the adidas on line chat session. reggie: you're a loser, a cheat, you're nothing but navel lint. while other players are welcome to return to their school, you will be rejected by the whole university. i wish you were eaten by a lion while you were in south africa. and please tell your pathetic family members to stop posting on this site trying to defend a piece of scum like you. may the very worst of your past be the very best of your future. do us all a favor and please hold hands with lamar while trying to cross the 5 fwy at around 10 am.

Alabama should be stripped of its title and Mark Ingram should give back his Heisman - WeAreSC Forums

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Alabama should be stripped of its title and Mark Ingram should give back his Heisman
Alabama should have to forfeit its title due to the lack of control there from the allegations of the party are true, the fishing trip of Mark Ingram and Julio Jones,the Andre Smith agent issue and the Jerrell Harris laptop problem in the last two years occurred while the football program is still on probation. Ingram should give up the Heisman Trophy.

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Dennis Dodd says USC should also send back Mike Garrett's statue, including a comment from another AD about Garrett's attitude toward NCAA rules.


Southern California should return Garrett's Heisman, too

USC got it half right. Sending Reggie Bush's Heisman statue back to the folks in New York is a bold, noble gesture by new president Max Nikias. Sure, it's symbolic and will do nothing to stop the horrific NCAA penalties headed the football program's way.

But in one sweeping gesture, Nikias tried to declare a new era by booting Mike Garrett and hiring Pat Haden as the new AD. Not only will Bush's Heisman be packed up, any reference to his accomplishments will be wiped clean from everything USC.

On Tuesday, the Trojans began the long road back to respectability -- except for one thing. Nikias could have taken a bolder, nobler step. Send back Garrett's 1965 Heisman Trophy as well. Ridiculous? So was what went on at Troy.

Bush was young and dumb enough to have his hand out. USC's former AD spent part or all of his 17 years at the school creating the environment that allowed Bush to extend it.

I talked to a powerful AD at a BCS conference school who is former NCAA infractions committee member and who also dealt with Garrett during conference meetings at one time. It's no surprise that this AD said Garrett was clueless when it came to NCAA bylaws. When conference officials discussed pending NCAA legislation, they made sure to read it in advance so they could speak about it at conference meetings. Not Garrett, this AD said, who covered his lack of knowledge with a brusque attitude.

The implication was clear, though. You have to at least try to keep tabs on your top player and shoo away the agents. USC's penalties were earned because the school didn't foster an atmosphere of compliance. Garrett preferred to stick his head in the nearby beach sand and play the role of the despotic leader.

Given that atmosphere, "At the end of the day, the institution has to suffer," that AD told me.

Cont'd ...
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Fiu says that until Haden gets rid of Lane Kiffin, the perception of USC won't fully change.


Garrett Gone, USC Hires Haden
How does Haden clean up USC?


With the hiring of Haden, USC has taken a huge step forward in changing the perception of the program and the school, and he's expected to keep the tightest of ships as he remakes the athletic department. Now, if Haden really wants to make a statement that things are going to change, he needs to act decisively and with authority to make the house cleaning complete by going all Kennesaw Mountain Landis.

Pat Haden needs to fire Lane Kiffin.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Obviously that will never, ever happen. USC isn't going to want to pay the millions in salary and more to avoid the wrongful termination lawsuit, not that there's any desire to completely blow up the program at a time when it's trying to tread water in the hope and belief that it can become a superpower again in a hurry.

But Kiffin was a Garrett hire, and if Garrett is gone because he was part of the problem, then it has to be admitted that his hiring of a head coach was questionable in a Rod Blagojevich/Roland Burris sort of way.

It's not Kiffin's fault that Bush got in trouble, but he was part of the staff from 2001 to 2006 and has carved out an interesting reputation since then. Now it's up to Haden to eliminate as many shadows of doubt that he possibly can in a business that looks for any reason to assume the worst.

USC has a PR problem that isn't going to go away until it proves it can win big on a regular basis again without the perception that it cheated. That simply can't happen as long as Kiffin is the head coach. As long as he's around there will be those ? especially SEC fans -- who'll believe it'll be back to business as usual at USC as soon as everything from the NCAA starts to settle down a bit.


USC will go through a rocky period for a few years, but the top recruits and prospects will come back and the results on the field will be there in the very near future. However, If USC really and truly wants to change the perception of its football program, then it needs to really and truly change it. Otherwise, the hiring of Haden does nothing but add a more media-savvy, more accessible person at the top.

Cont'd ...
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BB73;1735757; said:
Dennis Dodd says USC should also send back Mike Garrett's statue, including a comment from another AD about Garrett's attitude toward NCAA rules.


TP is quoted in that article a few times as well. Said if he was at USC he 'wouldn't want to know Reggie Bush.'.

Speaking of which, Dodd must be writing some article on tOSU because it's obvious he's on campus as of writing this article.
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BB73;1735440; said:
It would be a can of worms trying to draw the line for where the revokable offense lies on the continuum between mass murderer and petty thief.

petty theft should be reason enough for Heisman revocation, imo.

to wit:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3ykWbu2Gl0]YouTube - Flutie's Miracle in Miami[/ame]

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It is nice to see the new USC president cleaning house. Unfortunately, he really can't do much about Garrett's hire Kiffin. To whack him now would most likely open up a huge contractual lawsuit that USC would be hard pressed to defend. I do have faith that the SC president and Haden will send Kiffin packing at the very first sign of any b.s.

Now, if only the arrogant and entitled SC fanbase could show as much perspective and class as their new leadership.
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When conference officials discussed pending NCAA legislation, they made sure to read it in advance so they could speak about it at conference meetings. Not Garrett, this AD said, who covered his lack of knowledge with a brusque attitude.

Shocking. How in the world does someone like this ever get to be the AD at an instutition like USC? There must be some prerequisites to the job besides being a former Heisman winner.
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Heisman trust to discuss Bush situation

The Heisman Trophy Trust says it will "consider the issues" raised surrounding USC's decision to return its copy of the Heisman Trophy that running back Reggie Bush won in 2005.
In a brief statement, the Heisman Trust, which will hold a previously scheduled meeting next Tuesday, did not indicate what action it might or might not take with regard to Bush's copy of the award. Members of the Heisman Trust have previously said they might review Bush's award if he were ruled ineligible by the NCAA.
"The Trust will be considering the issues raised in the USC/Reggie Bush matter, and after reaching a decision will publish it, but due to the complex issues involved and the Trust's desire to reach an appropriate decision, no definitive timetable has been established," the trust said. "Until the matter has been fully considered and a decision is reached, the Trust has no further comment."

Entire article: Heisman Trophy Trust to "consider issues" as result of USC returning its copy of Reggie Bush's 2005 Heisman - ESPN Los Angeles
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