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NCAA punishes USC - Reggie Bush, OJ Mayo, Dwayne Jarrett, Joe McKnight investigation

Latest departure(s):

8 - 7/29 - USC releases linebacker Glen Stanley from letter of intent - ESPN Los Angeles

Past departures:

1 - 6/14 - Jordan Campbell

2 - 7/06 - Malik Jackson: "Tennessee hit me up"

3 - 7/06 - Seantrel Henderson released from LOI

4 - 7/07 - rs Fr CB Byron Moore has left USC, headed for LA Harbor College. He was the #6 ranked safety in 2009. He wanted a fresh start, he did not flunk out per SC boards.

5 - 7/08 - DJ Shoemate is transferring to UConn and is eligible for the opener against Michigan

6 - 7/18 - rs SR WR Travon Patterson to Colorado

7 - 7/18 - rs JR WR Brandon Carswell to Cincinnati
updated with Moore departure said:

Per NCAA sanctions, USC is limited to 15 signees and 75 scholarship players from 2011-13. Here's how those reductions will affect USC in future years:


Released players: 4
Newcomers: 18
Returnees: 50
Total: 68 (lost 8)

Departing seniors: 16
Newcomers: 15
Returnees: 53
Total: 68 (lost 7)

Departing seniors: 21
Newcomers: 15
Returnees: 51
Total: 66 (lost 3)

Departing seniors: 12
Newcomers: 15
Returnees: 54
Total: 69 (lost 2)

Departing seniors: 18*
Newcomers: 25
Returnees: 52
Total: 77

*-Projected based on roughly half of 2010 freshmen redshirting and returning for 2015
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A report that Pat Haden will replace Mike Garrett as USC's AD on August 3rd.


Pat Haden is new USC athletic director

The former Trojan quarterback and academic All-American takes over for Mike Garrett, who held the post for 17 years and is expected to retire. Garrett came under fire after the NCAA probation of USC.

Longtime USC favorite son Pat Haden will replace Mike Garrett as athletic director, beginning Aug. 3.

The official announcement is expected to come later Tuesday from the school's president-elect, Max Nikias, who will take over the position from retiring Steven Sample. That transition will also occur Aug. 3.

Garrett, the school's former Heisman Trophy-winning running back who has been USC's athletic director for the last 17 years, is expected to take the school's retirement package. He is 66.

Cont'd ...
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Sounds like USC is returning Reggie's statue.


Nikias also announced a number of changes within and related to the athletic department, naming new officials in charge of compliance with NCAA rules. And he said the university would take down murals featuring Bush and Mayo at the Galen Center, Heritage Hall and the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum.

"The Trojan Family honors and respects the USC sporting careers of those persons whose actions did not compromise their athletic program or the opportunities of future USC student-athletes," Nikias said.

He said USC would return the Heisman won by Bush in 2005 to the Heisman Trophy Trust next month.
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Re: Speaking publicly today (Jun 16, 2010) about the NCAA ruling for the first time, Bush told reporters that USC?s punishment feels like ?the closest thing to death without dying,? the Associated Press reported. He declined to address the specific allegations against him and said he has no fear of losing his Heisman, AP said.

Entire article: Reggie Bush's Heisman to Be Discussed by Football Body After Ineligibility - Bloomberg

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FCollinsBuckeye;1735289; said:
Sounds like USC is returning Reggie's statue.


That's just the school's. They give one to the player and one to his college. Heisman

Getting Reggie's might be like getting something away from Charlton Heston - before his hands were cold and dead.

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"The Trojan Family honors and respects the USC sporting careers of those persons whose actions did not compromise their athletic program or the opportunities of future USC student-athletes," Nikias said.

Sounds like the new regime in town is taking the correct approach. Kudos to them. IMO, the alumni and fans of schools such as USC deserve better than the mess in which that Garrett and Sample landed that school.
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Hiring Pat Haden looks like the first good hire by USC in months. I don't expect any of the idiotic statements from him that seemed to fly out of Garrett's mouth.

However, he should still be sentenced to damnation for the 1975 Rose Bowl.
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BB73;1735305; said:
That's just the school's. They give one to the player and one to his college.

I didn't realize that the school got one too. I had wondered how so many of Archie's Heismans were on display. There were two at Ohio State and one at the Buckeye Hall Of Fame Cafe. I was pretty sure that he didn't win three of them....:biggrin:
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Returning the statue seems empty to me...either he renounces it (or it gets taken away) or them sending the statue back really has no significant meaning. I don't see what's in it for them, considering he's still going to be listed as the Heisman winner.

Question (and I don't know)...did they send OJ's back? If not, why this one?
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Bucklion;1735396; said:
Returning the statue seems empty to me...either he renounces it (or it gets taken away) or them sending the statue back really has no significant meaning. I don't see what's in it for them, considering he's still going to be listed as the Heisman winner.

Question (and I don't know)...did they send OJ's back? If not, why this one?

1) If the Heisman Trust decides to take Bush's Heisman I'm sure that he'll be removed from their winners list. Note: (dated June 11, 2010) Heisman Trust board members have privately discussed the dilemma since the NCAA launched an investigation into Bush and the USC program in 2006, but have not commented publically what course of action, if any, they plan to take. "The Heisman Trust has no comment at this time," Heisman spokesman Tim Henning told the Register.

(What is in it for USC?) The decision was an extension of USC's self-imposed penalties, which stated USC would dissociate itself from Bush and Mayo permanently. The NCAA bylaws also stated USC would have to "show cause why it should not be penalized further if it fails to permanently disassociate [Bush] and [Mayo] from the institution's athletic program."


This from a memo sent by the school's president-elect:
The Trojan family honors and respects the USC sporting careers of those persons whose actions did not compromise their athletic program or the opportunities of future USC student-athletes. Accordingly, I have instructed the senior vice president for administration to remove athletic jerseys and murals displayed in recognition of (former basketball star) O.J. Mayo and Reggie Bush by mid-August -- before the incoming class of students moves on campus -- from Heritage Hall, the Galen Center and the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum. The university also will return Mr. Bush's 2005 Heisman Trophy to the Heisman Trophy Trust in August
2) One of the Heisman rules: "The (Heisman Trophy) recipient must be in compliance with the bylaws defining an NCAA student athlete."

OJ didn't have a "NCAA eligiblity issue" the during his time at USC.

Survey: Reggie Bush should keep Heisman | heisman, bush, ncaa - Sports - The Orange County Register
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The Sugar Bowl folks have indicated that - while the BCS Sugar win may have to be vacated if Florida used an illegal player to squeek by Fredo - Tebow's records would still stand.

Why?? Because even from Denver Tebow can hurt you with his awesomeness, His Will be done.
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