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NCAA punishes USC - Reggie Bush, OJ Mayo, Dwayne Jarrett, Joe McKnight investigation

matcar;1728004; said:
It wasn't your age, Kilborn especially and Patrick and others were talented, cared about their delivery and had a certain wit that is lacking today. ESPN offers less and less of that today.

Something about monopolies and what you have to do, pay, to keep your audience. They've got a lock on Saturdays, a product that damn near sells it self and no one else is interested in taking that away from them.
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Buckeye86;1728065; said:
...(We) knew way the hell more about the conference expansion story from following it on here than any of the dip[censored]s talking about it on ESPN.

Truer words were never spoken. Spinning the PAC-12 as a winner, (by adding Colorado and Utah???), was a painfully stilted attempt to avoid backpedaling from the "PAC-16 = Genius" narrative that their laziness had devolved into.
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matcar;1728004; said:
It wasn't your age, Kilborn especially and Patrick and others were talented, cared about their delivery and had a certain wit that is lacking today. ESPN offers less and less of that today.

Its very simple ESPN = MTV, old school MTV played music videos, Old school ESPN actually bored on a legit sports and sports new channel. New school MTV plays whatever will get it any money same with ESPN.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1727985; said:
The only thing I watch on ESPN or its conglomerate are actual games. I sometimes give College Game Day a chance, and sometimes I make myself watch the CGD studio team just so I can have something to write about when doing game previews... but, other than that, ESPN, etc.. is a non factor in my life.

That said, I can be caught listening to ESPN radio from time to time - but nowadays, it's really just the local guys on my drive home rather than Cowherd and the like.

I don't know if the ESPN v. Ohio State war was the cause, or if that's just about the time I realized they didn't really have a lot of valuable things to say about anything. I guess what I mean is - back in the day, Kilbourne, Patrick, Eisen, etc. had a pretty funny thing going on. They delivered sports highlights with a nice flair... maybe it was my age, or maybe they really were good... I don't know... but.. in my view, at some point they (and I mean the channel, as represented by its individual personalities) just became caricatures of themselves. Too much "look at me, aren't I the hippest?" and not enough sports.

I was also quite put off by the self styled fellatio they constantly ran with their 25 year anniversary.

The only things I watch on ESPN now besides actual games:

  • 30 for 30 has actually been quite good in most instances - probably because they are commissioned works and not ESPN's own doing.
  • College Gameday and other related shows on TV and radio on football Saturdays - because like it or not, the outcomes of the college football season are influenced as much by what is said on the set as what takes place on the fields. If you really care about college football I think you have to participate as a viewer/listener.
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The only things I watch on ESPN now besides actual games:

  • 30 for 30 has actually been quite good in most instances - probably because they are commissioned works and not ESPN's own doing.
  • College Gameday and other related shows on TV and radio on football Saturdays - because like it or not, the outcomes of the college football season are influenced as much by what is said on the set as what takes place on the fields. If you really care about college football I think you have to participate as a viewer/listener.
30 for 30 yep.
I loved The 2 Escobars. Fascinating.
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buckeyemania11;1727987; said:
everyone who leaves seems to be a "flunk out" "overrated" or "we didnt need him anyway"

Sounds like something else I read once...

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Oh8ch;1727922; said:
On a related note - I am USC and I get 15 schollies each of the next three years. My roster is limited and my numbers will decline over that period.

Why do I offer a ship to a 210 lb long snapper?

You know, the one who committed a week after my new place kicker - leaving me room for a total of 13 position players in this class.

Just curious.

I agree. But...the scholarship limits are for 2011, 2012 and 2013. USC can have a full class in 2010. Apparently, that means they need to stock up on punters and long snappers.
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Until last year USC's depth was always their ace in the hole. Their depth is just about gone right now and they haven't played a game yet. They will have a year similiar to last and Barkley will get hurt. They could be worse. A lot worse. The back end of their schedule could be quite challenging by the time it rolls around.


DateOpponent / EventLocationTime / Result
09/02/10at Hawai'i
Honolulu, Hawaii
8:00 p.m. PT09/11/10vs. Virginia
L.A. Coliseum
7:30 p.m. PT09/18/10at Minnesota
Minneapolis, Minn.
12:30 p.m. PT09/25/10at Washington State *Pullman, Wash.
TBA10/02/10vs. Washington *
L.A. Coliseum
5:00 p.m. PT
10/09/10at Stanford *
Palo Alto, Calif.
5:00 p.m. PT10/16/10vs. California *
L.A. Coliseum12:30 p.m. PT10/30/10vs. Oregon *
L.A. Coliseum
5:00 p.m. PT11/06/10vs. Arizona State *
L.A. Coliseum
7:30 p.m. PT11/13/10at Arizona *
Tucson, Ariz.
5:00 p.m. PT11/20/10at Oregon State *
Corvallis, Ore.
5:00 p.m. PT11/27/10vs. Notre Dame
L.A. Coliseum
5:00 p.m. PT12/04/10at UCLA *Rose BowlTBA
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NFBuck;1728395; said:

:lol: yea, they have lost their minds

Our players believe they can win NC THIS YEAR! - WeAreSC Forums


Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 30
Our players believe they can win NC THIS YEAR!
And here is why. IF we run the table and are undefeated having destroyed a surprisingly resurgant Notre Dame team at the Coliseum before a huge national audience, well we shall potentially get the AP nod as the number one team.

Granted, other teams will advance to post season play, but if no one is left undefeated after the bowls, well there is the sticky wicket. And AP NC is a possibility. They are the only ones who the NCAA does not kick around like some old whore.

And there is this other possibility. That our appeal delays the post season stuff or else cuts it in half. There is much that is fishy about the COI's findings, and they could find themselves in serious personal legal danger if the Freeh group finds that the photo of McNair has been doctored, and go check around for yourselves WHY I sense that this might be very, very true.

But just open up your minds to what possibly lies ahead for the NCAA. IF they have shown criminal intent and criminal acts...well go figure why Louis Freeh has been brought on board, an ex-FBI chief....cuz that ain't hay, IMO. That implies to me that we might have some serious negotiating power with the great monopoly that is the NCAA. FIGHT ON! ON ALL FRONTS.

the bold part made me laugh the most

Beating Notre Dame should get them the national title!
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