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NCAA punishes USC - Reggie Bush, OJ Mayo, Dwayne Jarrett, Joe McKnight investigation

i find the "THESE PLAYERS WILL BE MOTIVATED!!!" argument funny

the school is in the midst of major NCAA sanctions/scandal

player defections are going on

all this together with a brand new coaching staff

I dont see how anything positive can come out of this.... a lot of distractions and negative things, I doubt this team will gather some sort of motivated inspiration

it is much more likely that this season ends up a major train wreck for USC then them going undefeated and praying for a fake media title
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HonuBuck;1728527; said:
Up until the sanctions, I never would've thought/said this even if I had smoked a 55-gallon drum of crack: Hawaii will give them a game in their opener.

How can they take this vacation trip seriously? Will their heads be in the game at the start? Or at all? It would not surprise me if Hawaii led in the 4th quarter.
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some dude who has smoked ENTIRELY too much ganja said:
EVERYONE always has work tio do. Stanford loses it's big rtunning back. Who will fill this huge gap? Just anyone? Oregon loses the linchpin of its spread O. Is this an easy thing to fix right away?

On the other hand, for USC, last year was a REBUILDING year. One whole year of getting abused is past us, and past our very great young QB, Matt Barkley, who now has the greatest pallet of gamebreaking talent in memory to either hand off the rock to or pass it to....in the persons of Bradford, McNeil, Tyler, Gable, Baxter, D.J. Morgan, Rojo, Butler, Carswell, Ausberry, Patterson, Havili, Shoemate, Ayles, Grimble, Teldford, Christian Thomas, Robert Woods, Prater, Marqueath Ambles...and do you know? I am tired just TYPING all these super threats.


BTW I should note that dude's screen name is "Ahab". It's fitting. :rofl:
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Taosman;1728491; said:
Until last year USC's depth was always their ace in the hole. Their depth is just about gone right now and they haven't played a game yet. They will have a year similiar to last and Barkley will get hurt. They could be worse. A lot worse. The back end of their schedule could be quite challenging by the time it rolls around.


DateOpponent / EventLocationTime / Result
09/02/10at Hawai'i
Honolulu, Hawaii
8:00 p.m. PT09/11/10vs. Virginia
L.A. Coliseum
7:30 p.m. PT09/18/10at Minnesota
Minneapolis, Minn.
12:30 p.m. PT09/25/10at Washington State *Pullman, Wash.
TBA10/02/10vs. Washington *
L.A. Coliseum
5:00 p.m. PT
10/09/10at Stanford *
Palo Alto, Calif.
5:00 p.m. PT10/16/10vs. California *
L.A. Coliseum12:30 p.m. PT10/30/10vs. Oregon *
L.A. Coliseum
5:00 p.m. PT11/06/10vs. Arizona State *
L.A. Coliseum
7:30 p.m. PT11/13/10at Arizona *
Tucson, Ariz.
5:00 p.m. PT11/20/10at Oregon State *
Corvallis, Ore.
5:00 p.m. PT11/27/10vs. Notre Dame
L.A. Coliseum
5:00 p.m. PT12/04/10at UCLA *Rose BowlTBA

Well look at that schedule. Do you see anyone, especially with Massoli doing 5 to 10 in Oregon Correctional and Notre Dame replacing the Pickle, half their receiving corps and a good portion of their line, that even a watered down USC can't compete with? Let's face it, the Pac 10 minus USC isn't going to turn many heads this fall.
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cincibuck;1728768; said:
Well look at that schedule. Do you see anyone, especially with Massoli doing 5 to 10 in Oregon Correctional and Notre Dame replacing the Pickle, half their receiving corps and a good portion of their line, that even a watered down USC can't compete with? Let's face it, the Pac 10 minus USC isn't going to turn many heads this fall.

at Minnesota
Minneapolis, Minn.
vs. Washington *
L.A. Coliseum
at Stanford *
Palo Alto, Calif.
vs. Oregon *
L.A. Coliseum
at Arizona *
Tucson, Ariz.
at Oregon State *
Corvallis, Ore.

I see the six games above as being very good chances for the Trojans to lose. Oregon State has beaten SC the last two times in Corvalis, Arizona is going to have a very good squad this year, Stanford has beated SC with less talent, Washington's Locker may be that stud we all expect him to be this year, Oregon isn't just Masoli - they have a LOT of good players on both sides this year. Minnesota I just throw in for kicks, and the fact it's in Minny.
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Latest departure:

5 - 7/08 - DJ Shoemate is transferring to UConn and is eligible for the opener against Michigan

Past departures:

1 - 6/14 - Jordan Campbell

2 - 7/06 - Malik Jackson: "Tennessee hit me up"

3 - 7/06 - Seantrel Henderson released from LOI

4 - 7/07 - rs Fr CB Byron Moore has left USC, headed for LA Harbor College. He was the #6 ranked safety in 2009. He wanted a fresh start, he did not flunk out per SC boards.
updated with Moore departure said:

Per NCAA sanctions, USC is limited to 15 signees and 75 scholarship players from 2011-13. Here's how those reductions will affect USC in future years:


Released players: 4
Newcomers: 19
Returnees: 52
Total: 71 (lost 5)

Departing seniors: 16
Newcomers: 15
Returnees: 55
Total: 70 (lost 5)

Departing seniors: 21
Newcomers: 15
Returnees: 52
Total: 67 (lost 2)

Departing seniors: 12
Newcomers: 15
Returnees: 55
Total: 70 (lost 2)

Departing seniors: 18*
Newcomers: 25
Returnees: 53
Total: 78

*-Projected based on roughly half of 2010 freshmen redshirting and returning for 2015
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more USC fan comedy

Looks like DJ Shoemate is transferring - WeAreSC Forums

the worst part of this is the vast majority of these guys aren't transferring because of the sanctions. They are transferring because of the depth chart and the NCAA has given them an out.

That is what the NCAA and the rest of the country wants. Maybe not to kill us, but definitely to have us suffer.

USC does not deserve any sort of punishment according to these buffoons
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the best (and most classy) one yet...

the USC boards allow this sort of behavior?

I Love Haters

Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Academy Rd.
Posts: 929

[censored] DJ. He has to be the fakest person I have ever met. With all this talk about love for our University, why would he leave? He is a [censored]ty RB and can't block to save his life. He is a special teams guy just like Jordan Campbell. He never was a Trojan and never will be. DJ you can kiss my and the rest of the Trojan family's Ass...

a long with the predictables

Senior Member

Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 522

Another misfit with no top skills for any particular position. Add him to the list of some below par recruiting in the last few years which is rearing its ugly head right now.

Senior Member

Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 243

I sure hope the players that's transferring go pro. To forego a SC degree for a few plays here or there will truly back fire on these young men down the line, IF THAT'S ALL IT AMOUMTS TO.

Tenn.vs SC....If Malik doesn't make pro= bad decision

UConn.vs SC...Shoemate is trading a SC degree for this?

LA Harbor vs SC... Byron don't get me wrong, i took exact same route..from D1 to Harbor... 25 years looking back...bad move on my part.. but good luck.

These players are looking at the NOW. Seems like good moves at the moment, i just hope they all go pro...that would be the only way their decisions payoff, looking in the rear view mirror.
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These SC posters seem to be missing the bigger picture.... even if everything they're saying is true, that all the defectors "suck" and wouldn't/couldn't play any way... the fact is, their reducing the roster further with each defection. Suppose they lose 10 more guys, none of whom was higher than 2nd string on the depth chart....


Released players: 15
Total: 61

Departing seniors: 16
Total: 60

Departing seniors: 21
Total: 57

Departing seniors: 12
Total: 60

Departing seniors: 18*
Total: 68

That's not a recipe for success. Good luck, boy blunder.
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