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NCAA punishes USC - Reggie Bush, OJ Mayo, Dwayne Jarrett, Joe McKnight investigation

muffler dragon;1728945; said:
at Minnesota
Minneapolis, Minn.
vs. Washington *
L.A. Coliseum
at Stanford *
Palo Alto, Calif.
vs. Oregon *
L.A. Coliseum
at Arizona *
Tucson, Ariz.
at Oregon State *
Corvallis, Ore.

I see the six games above as being very good chances for the Trojans to lose. Oregon State has beaten SC the last two times in Corvalis, Arizona is going to have a very good squad this year, Stanford has beated SC with less talent, Washington's Locker may be that stud we all expect him to be this year, Oregon isn't just Masoli - they have a LOT of good players on both sides this year. Minnesota I just throw in for kicks, and the fact it's in Minny.

That may all come true, but the point is that they have enough talent -- still--
to be in all of those games with a reasonable chance to win them. Next year and the year after that may be different, but unless there's a mass migration they were a deep squad with much more talent than the rest of the teams they played.
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Injuries devastated them last year. Why would they be much better this year with less depth and normal attrition? They won't be. They are going to have to start depending on more and more true freshman and we know how that goes even if they still will be top talent. It will make for a more competitive, more unpredictable Pac Ten. Great for the fans. :tongue2:
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cincibuck;1729136; said:
That may all come true, but the point is that they have enough talent -- still--
to be in all of those games with a reasonable chance to win them. Next year and the year after that may be different, but unless there's a mass migration they were a deep squad with much more talent than the rest of the teams they played.

I don't disagree at all. However, we saw how much a more athletic team fell off the map last year. I don't see the coaching staff being able to instill more mettle in a less gifted team. Thus, I see something equivalent to or worse than last year.
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As bleak as it looks for USC the answer to their prayers, of course, would be the right head coach. I know that Lane has his own thread, but I think it is appropriate to summarize here just who this guy is:

His first real coaching job was as an assistant at USC in 2001 - just 9 years ago.

The highlight of his coaching career to date - and his only true "success" - were the two years he spent as USC's OC in 2005 and 2006.

These six years as an assistant were all Al Davis needed to name him the youngest HC in NFL history. One and a half years later (after going 5-15) Davis fired him, calling him a "flat-out liar" and accusing him of "bringing disgrace to the organization".

Nonetheless, his college recruiting prowess was sufficient to land him the HC job at Tennessee where he went 7-6 including two losses by more than three touchdowns in his last four games.

THIS is the guy who is going to win with 60 scholarship players at USC.
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Oh8ch;1729480; said:
As bleak as it looks for USC the answer to their prayers, of course, would be the right head coach. I know that Lane has his own thread, but I think it is appropriate to summarize here just who this guy is:

His first real coaching job was as an assistant at USC in 2001 - just 9 years ago.

The highlight of his coaching career to date - and his only true "success" - were the two years he spent as USC's OC in 2005 and 2006.

These six years as an assistant were all Al Davis needed to name him the youngest HC in NFL history. One and a half years later (after going 5-15) Davis fired him, calling him a "flat-out liar" and accusing him of "bringing disgrace to the organization".

Nonetheless, his college recruiting prowess was sufficient to land him the HC job at Tennessee where he went 7-6 including two losses by more than three touchdowns in his last four games.

THIS is the guy who is going to win with 60 scholarship players at USC.

Kiffin also seems to be a recruiting violation ready to happen.........
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Does Kiffin even know how to operate within the rules? That's a legitimate question. Everything so far seems to indicate "no".
What does the NCAA do if USC has several minor violations this or next year? Does it hand down a "death penalty" when it was reluctant to do so the first time? How much more would the NCAA do to USC?
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:slappy: these guys.......

The "fat" is starting to melt off. We have lost our 4th string DE, a 5th string LB and a 4th string Fullback just to name a few. I know there is more fat that is going to come off by kickoff time. Just imagine how muscular and powerful the Trojan empire will look like when we face the rainbow homo's.

****The silent message we are sending future recruits....you bett
er be NFL caliber material if you want to join our Trojan Empire!

the DE was on the 2 deep and had a shot at starting

and the "fullback" would had been the starter after Havili leaves (I bet this kid produces at Uconn running as the #2 HB behind Todman)

"muscular and powerful"........ with zero depth
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USC has run their program like a Pro team and now we see the Free Agency mindset of many players who have no loyality to the team. :tongue2:
Can the coaches they have now tranform the mindset and is that even in their plan? At first blush it doesn't sound like it. This could really get ugly.
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