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NCAA punishes USC - Reggie Bush, OJ Mayo, Dwayne Jarrett, Joe McKnight investigation

808 Buck;1715819; said:

MaliBuckeye;1715820; said:
So... Oregon ("Hey, the rest of our team is in jail, you'll play immediately"), Washington (Where did Steve Sark learn to coach? Oh, yeah...), and two SEC schools?



Oh8ch;1715851; said:
A lost cell phone does not = lost cell phone records. These calls would be easy to verify.

And here we have Lane Kiffin in his second HC job and one of his first actions at each school is to have his program accuse Urban Meyer of cheating.

I call shenanigans.

And I stole this:

"Ring ring"
"Who's there?"
"UF who?"
"U eFFin' wish you went to Florida now, Sucka!"

:bow: :bow:

LightningRod;1727484; said:
oops! Florida received apology letter from USC AD Mike Garrett today saying reports of UF illegally contacting recruit Dillon Baxter were untrue.

Somebody please see if Jax if doing OK....this will crush him. :lol:
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On a related note - I am USC and I get 15 schollies each of the next three years. My roster is limited and my numbers will decline over that period.

Why do I offer a ship to a 210 lb long snapper?

You know, the one who committed a week after my new place kicker - leaving me room for a total of 13 position players in this class.

Just curious.
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USC Trojans apologize to Florida Gators, Washington Huskies for alleging contact with recruit Dillon Baxter - ESPN Los Angeles

USC athletic director Mike Garrett has apologized to Florida athletic director Jeremy Foley for inaccurately alleging that a member from the school illegally contacted Trojans freshman running back Dillon Baxter, according to a letter Garrett sent to Foley.

In the letter -- which was dated July 1 and seen by ESPN -- Garrett wrote that he spoke with Baxter and "he has now confirmed that he did not receive a call from your institution. Therefore, USC has no intention of pursuing this matter further. I apologize for any inconvenience or embarrassment this matter has caused to you and your institution."

Alabama, Oregon, Washington and Fresno State also have confirmed receiving the letter of apology.

But other than that, the USC claim was accurate! :shake:

With Kiffin at its head, they will get hit hard again within five years.
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osugrad21;1727917; said:
They will never admit it, but that saga changed ESPN also. If USC happened in '04, I believe they get the same treatment tOSU received.
Glad you archived that. It is a facinating read. I did not follow it that closely at the time, other than thinking that Mo C was not the best source - given his problems. But the thought was also formed that there must be some fire to that smoke.

That is the problem with allegations if you do not follow the low key retractions as closely as the high profile ticker headlines - you get this vauge recollection of something that is not true.
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