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NCAA punishes USC - Reggie Bush, OJ Mayo, Dwayne Jarrett, Joe McKnight investigation

I'll be very surprised if anything comes out of this. there is only one Pac 10 football program that can be sold on national TV and it ain't Oregon. Punish USC and you kill the only TV milk cow west of the Rockies.
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cincibuck;1702277; said:
I'll be very surprised if anything comes out of this. there is only one Pac 10 football program that can be sold on national TV and it ain't Oregon. Punish USC and you kill the only TV milk cow west of the Rockies.

The real question(s) is(are): Do the guys making the decision about the punishment get any of the milk? Are they influenced by those who do?

My guess is that the answer to the first question is a flat no. The answer to the 2nd question is probably a very complicated "a little bit". So I expect punishment; but not what they deserve.
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The NCAA became a laughing stock over this whole affair. Petey is gone. Kiffin looks like he has the potential to do even worse things. The potential is there for the NCAA to try to save face.

Bush is the really guilty party, especially in how he has worked to use the bucks he earned from cheating at USC to silence those who could testify against him. Legal? Yes. Moral? Not in my opinion. To see him lose his Heisman would be a joy to behold. I will be a bit surprised if anything but a slap on the wrist is levied on USC or Bush.
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cincibuck;1702277; said:
I'll be very surprised if anything comes out of this. there is only one Pac 10 football program that can be sold on national TV and it ain't Oregon. Punish USC and you kill the only TV milk cow west of the Rockies.
Do you remember how irrelevant USC was in the 90s? I agree that USC will probably only get a slap, but it's not for the reason you paint. College Football is the golden goose and even mighty ND becoming a complete washout hasn't tainted that.
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cincibuck;1702277; said:
I'll be very surprised if anything comes out of this. there is only one Pac 10 football program that can be sold on national TV and it ain't Oregon. Punish USC and you kill the only TV milk cow west of the Rockies.

Punish USC and UCLA will emerge from their funk to light up the televisions... or Oregon...they have Phil's money so they are poised to get bigger and better.

College football doesn't need USC to prosper..this was proven in the 90's when 'SC was garbage and college football continued to grow and thrive.

Even today USC doesn't get on TV east of the Rockies all that often..at least not here in Missouri. No one will really notice if their 2-3 national games are replaced by more B10, SEC or whomever.....

I for one hope the NCAA doles out a punishemnt appropriate for the infractions..but I have my doubts as to whether they have the balls to do so....and I don't think that is about televisions so much as it is about reputations and messages.

I don't think the NCAA wants to admit some of their programs would bend the rules....just like MLB didn't want to acknowledge there was a PED problem in their game. Once the NCAA says someone cheated...the talk changes...the money becomes an issue.....how the athletes are compensated becomes a hot button and on an on.

Don't ask don't tell suits the NCAA just fine and I don't think they want to press the issue.....which is BS.
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We have now entered the time of "Too Big To Fail" college football teams.
USC, Texas, Florida, Alabama, Notre Dame and maybe The Ohio State University are the big "brands" of college that bring the big money to the NCAA and are "untouchable"! Screw every other wanna be football team like State Penn and the ACC Champ! :tongue2:
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Pete Carroll says he'll be "surprised" if USC is sanctioned | ProFootballTalk.com

Carroll's comments seem to imply recognition that stuff was happening that arguably shouldn't have been happening, and that USC has escaped scrutiny only because (in Carroll's view) there's no proof that he and/or his staff knew what was going on. "They want to know if you know and if there was any prior knowledge," Carroll said. "We endeavored in every way to do things as well as we possibly could. It's interesting and there are a lot of different variables. It's most challenging for a university to try and control everything."
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HINYG8;1702512; said:
Punish USC and UCLA will emerge from their funk to light up the televisions... or Oregon...they have Phil's money so they are poised to get bigger and better.

College football doesn't need USC to prosper..this was proven in the 90's when 'SC was garbage and college football continued to grow and thrive.

Even today USC doesn't get on TV east of the Rockies all that often..at least not here in Missouri. No one will really notice if their 2-3 national games are replaced by more B10, SEC or whomever.....

I for one hope the NCAA doles out a punishemnt appropriate for the infractions..but I have my doubts as to whether they have the balls to do so....and I don't think that is about televisions so much as it is about reputations and messages.

I don't think the NCAA wants to admit some of their programs would bend the rules....just like MLB didn't want to acknowledge there was a PED problem in their game. Once the NCAA says someone cheated...the talk changes...the money becomes an issue.....how the athletes are compensated becomes a hot button and on an on.

Don't ask don't tell suits the NCAA just fine and I don't think they want to press the issue.....which is BS.

And in the 90s the TV ratings for college football west of the Rockies were where? ESPN and 24/7 sports networks were in their infancy. You need product to keep the screen on in living rooms and bars and without USC it comes down to the rest of the Pac 10 and BYU - Boise State.

Finally, in the 90s there were 2 NFL teams operating in LA and that took a ton of interest out of the Trojans.
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cincibuck;1702545; said:
And in the 90s the TV ratings for college football west of the Rockies were where? ESPN and 24/7 sports networks were in their infancy. You need product to keep the screen on in living rooms and bars and without USC it comes down to the rest of the Pac 10 and BYU - Boise State.

Finally, in the 90s there were 2 NFL teams operating in LA and that took a ton of interest out of the Trojans.

The fact remains that the NCAA did just fine without a dominant USC to prop them up. Left coasters tuning in to watch local NFL teams didn't help the NCAA....that is just more proof that CF can survive without a strong college team in Los Angeles. When USC wasn't good..the sports fans turned to other franchises...they are a fair weather bunch. Does that mean USC should get extra scholarships to ensure they stay good and keep the LA market from drifting off to other teams and sports?

Do they even draw a large share in their local market? I know we all tuned in to watch them when they played OSU..but they only play 2-3 'big' games a year. I don't think the NCAA would have any problem scheduling a handful of big games that can replace those USC television dollars if USC gets punished.

IF they can't show USC-Stanford...then they can load up a big game for the same date...say Ohio State-Penn State or a big match up in the SEC or the ACC.

Besides, if they do get punished..does that mean people will quit watching them if they are on TV?

The NCAA is not a one trick pony named USC. They don't need USC to be a top 5 team in order to stay solvent and the West Coast isn't the dominant college football market for the NCAA...it is just one of many markets.

I don't think they will hammer USC...but I don't think that is because of USC television ratings. They took down Miami in 1995 and at the time the U was the biggest name in the sport. Miami lost 31 scholarships and the CF world kept turning even though Miami needed a few years to recover..and are still not as consistent as they were when they were cheating.

I just don't think the NCAA wants to acknowledge these problems because as long as *nothing* hapened...well...nothing happened. So they can say there is nothing to see here....everyone should just move along. That is a lot easier than admitting one of their babies got out of line, and that those misdeeds are probably happening at other programs as well. I don't think they are worried about USC's television dollars..I think they are far more worried about upsetting the apple cart that is the uneasy truce between the amateurs that play the sport for an education and the massive dollars changing hands all around them.

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Do the guys making the decision about the punishment get any of the milk? Are they influenced by those who do?

You can't just ask what will happen if the hammer comes down, you must also ask "what if it does not?".

Ultimately the guys making the decision are the schools that make up the NCAA.

The rules aren't there to prevent prostitution and armed robbery. They are there to create a level playing field. If you don't enforce the rules the only way to compete is for everyone to cheat. At some point you have to say "no more".

But alas, I don't see it happening either.
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y0yoyoin;1702538; said:
Well that quote is pretty stupid. No reflection on you but what is he going to say that he knew everything and his staff do everything that was going on and they knew it was illegal but we continued to do it anyhow. I guess I will believe the sanctions when I see them in print. I am one of skeptics that also thinks that the NCAA infractions committee will not harm one of their sacred cows :tongue2:
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OC Register article on upcoming NCAA report. Seems to focus on cost to USC of returning bowl appearance money.

NCAA could set USC back $4 million | ncaa, usc, million - Sports - The Orange County Register

Also, see the last line of the article...

USC had athletic-related revenue of $80.1-million for the 2008-9 academic year, according to records filed with the U.S. Department of Education. Football accounted for $35.2-million of that revenue.

How can that be? Does their surfing team bring in the other 45 mil?
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