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NCAA punishes USC - Reggie Bush, OJ Mayo, Dwayne Jarrett, Joe McKnight investigation

cincibuck;1702545; said:
And in the 90s the TV ratings for college football west of the Rockies were where? ESPN and 24/7 sports networks were in their infancy. You need product to keep the screen on in living rooms and bars and without USC it comes down to the rest of the Pac 10 and BYU - Boise State.

Finally, in the 90s there were 2 NFL teams operating in LA and that took a ton of interest out of the Trojans.

USC sucked after the Raiders and the Rams bolted. They had a winning season in 1995, when they beat Northwestern in the Rose Bowl, but they tanked the year after, and into the 2000s.
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I'm expecting the NCAA to never actually announce anything, and just pretend this never happened.
the NCAA will have an announcement once a month. it will be that they will be releasing their findings some time that month.

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Breaking news.

I have gained access to a draft of the press release for USC sanctions.

The NCAA has determined that, among other things, USC has used "hostesses" to influence recruits.

Not just any hostesses.

Young, blond hostesses.

Hostesses with firm breasts and smooth, silky skin.

Firm bodied, nubile hostesses.

As a result, the following scholarship reductions will be imposed:

Oregon: 2 for 2011 and 3 for 2012.
UCLA: 4 for 2011 and 6 for 2012.
Stanford: 5 for 2011 and 11 for 2012.

Oh yes... and USC will forfeit their National Championships for 2005 and 2008.
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cincibuck;1702545; said:
And in the 90s the TV ratings for college football west of the Rockies were where? ESPN and 24/7 sports networks were in their infancy. You need product to keep the screen on in living rooms and bars and without USC it comes down to the rest of the Pac 10 and BYU - Boise State.

ESPN wasn't in its infancy in the 90s....

Finally, in the 90s there were 2 NFL teams operating in LA and that took a ton of interest out of the Trojans.

So? USC isn't the national brand they are being made out to be....the NCAA IS a joke, but the lack of a truly deserved sanction here isn't going to be because of the TV ratings....
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The reporter from Yahoo that has been angling this story just flew to Los Angeles, via his twitter. Expect an announcement soon.

The boards at wearesc.com are about to go to meltdown mode. There is already a long thread there discussing racism and the NCAA: it is getting bad. This should be interesting. Also, the homers there are hilarious in saying that really, despite the cars and apartments and houses and cash and hush hush coaches and agents on the field, etc., they really did nothing wrong and are victims. This is going to be epic. It makes me proud to be an Ohio State fan reading their boards: most of the posters for USC essentially treat the school like a pro sports team and obviously know very little about college football.

The news may come today, supposedly, though from what I remember usually the NCAA sends a fax 24 hours ahead of time to alert the University and reporters. We'll see.

All indications however are that there will be stiff sanctions. I wouldn't bet on it being otherwise, though I would have in the past.
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buckford;1706148; said:
"NCAA probe continues to zero in on USC Cheerleaders."

Who can blame the NCAA. After all, whose probe wouldn't similarly zero in on such a target.
Only problem is that the NCAA seems to frown upon alcohol consumption and such probing is really only effective when plying with alchohol.
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BuckeyeMike80;1705971; said:
ESPN wasn't in its infancy in the 90s....

So? USC isn't the national brand they are being made out to be....the NCAA IS a joke, but the lack of a truly deserved sanction here isn't going to be because of the TV ratings....

So true. Truth is that there is no "to big to fail" in the NCAA. CFB is the Golden Goose, not any single program. CFB has trucked right along while Chubba and DickRod bludgened two of the most historic programs.

Meanwhile, if reports are true that USC is paying Kiffin $4 MM per year, then they deserve any sanctions they get and more for that injustice alone.
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