Assistant Coach
Gameplay Camera Presentation Updates: This year we were able to convert our gameplay cameras to a new system that can be tuned by the designers on the team while playing the game. The benefit to this is we now have the ability to prototype new camera angles quickly and see how we can make your view of the game even better and more dynamic.
One aspect of the new tech is the camera's ability to frame all of your receiver options on-screen as much as possible. What we do is have the camera behave like a turret on your head and as you and the receivers move on the field the camera will focus at a calculated point on the field (called a proxy target) that will give you the best vantage point. We are able to add weights on the calculation that can force the camera to pay more attention to the QB's location, the receivers, or even the player going out for the screen pass. In addition, we can lock this point to be a set distance from the line of scrimmage so that its location keeps a steady position instead of flying up, down, and all over the field as your receivers move in real time.
Using this proxy target can really open up your ability to read the coverage on the play and make an educated decision on which player to pass the ball. And if there are no options available, you'll be able to determine if you should tuck the ball and scramble. Also, we'll be paying attention to how this benefits/burdens the defense's perspective as well and update the camera's placement and proxy target weights accordingly. The camera is a work in progress at this point, but you can see some examples of things we've can do with this new system.
In addition, we are also able to create dramatic camera angles for some of the areas of the game. One example of this would be during kickoffs. With the new system we are able to cut from one camera to another and create some really interesting transitions. For instance, we can fly down to the ball on the kick off and create some great shots that weren't necessarily easy to do on the old system. Also, when the ball is in the air we can give you a better view of it coming into your return man as well as show if someone is flying down a lane untouched.
Lastly, this new system has given us the ability to implement another feature that has been requested by the community a number of times. However, we're not quite ready to announce what it is, so stay tuned...
-Greg Heddlesten
P.S.: You've probably noticed the passing icons are somewhat transparent in the images. New to NCAA Football 10 is the hiding of the passing icons as you run further from the line of scrimmage. If you are looking to run 20 yards backwards and launch a crazy arcade-like pass, we hope you memorized the routes your receivers are running and their assigned button on the controller. Otherwise, you could end up throwing into double/triple coverage and giving the ball away.
About time they do something to keep people with speed QB's from just running around the backfield and throwing up junk.