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osucollegebuck;1494237; said:
does anyone know any sites to upload the rosters to a memory card for free?
If you have a high-speed internet connection, you'll be able to download rosters from an EA locker. You can do it all from an interface within the game. They did this last year and it's very simple to use.
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BrutuStrength;1494268; said:
If you have a high-speed internet connection, you'll be able to download rosters from an EA locker. You can do it all from an interface within the game. They did this last year and it's very simple to use.
and xbox live users just have to have an account, not an active premium (Gold) subscription, in order to download the rosters. So even if your free month of online gaming expired a few years ago, you should still be able to hop on and get the rosters.
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IronBuckI;1494311; said:
osucollegebuck did ask about a memory card download. Does anyone know if EALocker is available on a PS2?
I don't know about that. I glossed over the memory card thing since I assumed it was for a PS3 or 360 system. Most of the guys that did free downloads in the past sold their sites to a guy that now charges for the downloads. So I'm not sure which site to try.

Operation Sports and other similar sites are the best places to try and find such answers.

Edit: Try here.
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C&C Games in Bowling Green got the game early again. I just went and picked up a copy. Unfortunately, however, I will not be able to play until probably 3 AM tonight - I have a 15-20 page paper to work on :(
TeddyHeisman said:
Anderson Russell just hurt Tate Forcier.
Ohio State has the Pony formation that we have been hearing so much about...
And yes, much much smoother than the demo.

Pryor is a BEAST! Anderson Russell is easily the best defensive player in this game, too. At least EA got that much right...
I'm really liking using Stoneburner in this Pony formation...
I think he is the fastest QB (or second fastest) in the game. I can check here in a bit.
I haven't really noticed the new camera.

Actually, it does seem like you can see more of the field when passing.
I have only played as OSU.

Pryor got hurt on my first drive last night when I played USC. Anderson Russell literally beat them by himself. I won 7-6 thanks to him hitting Joe Mcknight in the open field, causing a fumble, and returning it 56 yards for the TD.

He is challenging David Fulcher for most ridiculously-awesome video game athlete ever.
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Whobebubba3;1496102; said:
Hey guys,

How do I go about checking out complete rosters? I read they are on Team builder, but how do I know they are actual rosters and not jsut some random junk someone did not make up?
when you create a team, then go to the roster tab, you can use a generic template, or you can base it off of a specific team. If you select ohio state, your custom team will then have the full OSU roster.
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I got it early so if anybody has any questions about the game you can ask them hear and i'll be happy to answer them sometime later tonight or tomorrow. Games not supposed to come out til the 15th so i got it a little early.
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