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Piney;1485291; said:
Anyone test curl routes yet? Those were always left open in man coverage?

I just can't wait til I get home tonight to go crazy on the demo all night long (downloaded the demo overnight)

Haven't tested curls yet but I have noticed that posts are wide open most of the time. Actually the biggest difference I have noticed in the passing game is that the game forces you to go over the middle. Last year, it was all about the outside,
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NCAA Football 10 - Current Plans - Operation Sports Forums
ea designer said:
It's unfortunate that a we've allowed a few things to get by onto the disc in NCAA 10, this kind of thing bother us just as much as you guys... We do have time to work on some solutions, and here is the update as promised:

  • Rosters - A new file will be posted on EA locker to start and then we are planning on patching the online rosters.
  • Downloadable Content - The plan is to add the off/on toggle in a patch.
  • Game-play Sliders - Also planned on being in a patch to increase/fix the effectiveness depending on the slider.
It is extremely important to me (and everyone else on the team) to ensure that we get everything right as soon as possible. I wish I could say mistakes don't happen, but they did and we are going to do everything possible to get things right.

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I just played my first game on it, and OMG does it look bad. I'm playing the PS3 version but overall the game looks awful. IT seems like a step down from last year. I was going to buy it but now im going to wait for the reviews.
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NextBuck;1485582; said:
I just played my first game on it, and OMG does it look bad. I'm playing the PS3 version but overall the game looks awful. IT seems like a step down from last year. I was going to buy it but now im going to wait for the reviews.

Really? I've been hearing a ton of mixed reviews so far...but majority being positive. In your opinion, what's making it so bad?
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One other thing that I forgot to mention. QB Sneak is no longer a QB run. The QB takes the snap and immediately tries to dive forward behind the center. If the center gets no push, then the QB gains nothing. 2nd and goal from the one yard line, and two sneak attempts later, and I went ahead and kicked the FG. Awesome.
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IronBuckI;1485648; said:
One other thing that I forgot to mention. QB Sneak is no longer a QB run. The QB takes the snap and immediately tries to dive forward behind the center. If the center gets no push, then the QB gains nothing. 2nd and goal from the one yard line, and two sneak attempts later, and I went ahead and kicked the FG. Awesome.

As it damn well shoudl be too. Hopefully EA does the same thing in Madden.

Do you have any clue as too how many people use Vince Young as their short yardage guy? He always gets 2-3 and NEVER fumbles.
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