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I've only played one game on the demo, but two things immediately stood out to me...

1. I completed a 40 yard touchdown pass on 3rd and short when I went over the top. My WR actually battled with the DB for a second, made a move on him, and got behind him. I put some touch on the pass and my WR had a step, just one, and the DB couldn't get it and it was a touchdown. Very encouraging to see that going deep is possible in this game. Also I thought it was cool to see the CPU play press coverage on a short yardage play and then have it bite them when my reciever went up top.

2. I really like the player lock thing for defense. On one third down I locked on a defensive end, it was a much better angle for pash rush and I made a move on the offensive tackle, hit Tebow, and forced and INT. Nice little feature they added in there that is optional every play.

Overall, this game seems to be pretty good and Teambuilder makes it better. I also heard the demo doesn't include some of the gameplay changes, or some things from the demo have been fixed for the release game. I also heard that a patch for the rosters will be available on EA Locker on the release date of the game. This is definitly worth the money IMO.
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I just played another game, this time on heisman and won 21-0. I had another 2 snaps go over Bradford's head and then count as incomplete. Running is harder but the passing game feels better. Couldnt tell much difference in Heisman vs All American.
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fanaticbuckeye;1486080; said:
I just played another game, this time on heisman and won 21-0. I had another 2 snaps go over Bradford's head and then count as incomplete. Running is harder but the passing game feels better. Couldnt tell much difference in Heisman vs All American.

I vaguely remember having a fumbled snap on a shotgun in 09 and they counted it as an incomplete pass.

I was at Hastings (video game/movie rental place) and they had a list of upcoming releases at the check out counter. They had Beanie Wells as the cover for NCAA 10.
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fanaticbuckeye;1486080; said:
I just played another game, this time on heisman and won 21-0. I had another 2 snaps go over Bradford's head and then count as incomplete. Running is harder but the passing game feels better. Couldnt tell much difference in Heisman vs All American.
Maybe you're just the BN27 of snapping.
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Going back to play 2009 just makes me appreciate this demo even more.

The field is so much larger this year with the changes in spacing, throwing angles/lanes, and more realistic athleticism. You can no longer wreak havoc in about a 15-20 yard circle just by dropping your speedy DE into coverage.

I'd like to see them let the RB get a quicker first few steps after the handoff, but after that the toned down athleticism makes for a lot better football.
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jwinslow;1486898; said:
Going back to play 2009 just makes me appreciate this demo even more.

The field is so much larger this year with the changes in spacing, throwing angles/lanes, and more realistic athleticism. You can no longer wreak havoc in about a 15-20 yard circle just by dropping your speedy DE into coverage.

I'd like to see them let the RB get a quicker first few steps after the handoff, but after that the toned down athleticism makes for a lot better football.

To piggyback on that sentiment this demo shows me the potential for years to come. The toned down athleticism is a good touch. I agree the RB's first step is off...but workable. Excited to get into the OD's
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jwinslow;1486901; said:
It sure is a good thing that the Miami Sharks also have a polished pocket passer on roster :evil:
I think we should do Dynasty Reports for these OD's jwins...what do you think? Coming up with storylines and giving some depth to the behind the scenes decision making. We could be BP pioneers!
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Is that a thing somewhere? Like where others explain the backstory? Or just something we'd start?

I wish there was a way to explain some of our decision making, because I think we're going to have some of the more exhaustive teams on the ea site.
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Something like a toned down version of these:

iou1's COE College Dynasty - NCAA Football 10 & NCAA Basketball 10 at ncaaStrategies

Mudcat's Butch Davis Career Dynasty, Part 2: Washington Huskies - Page 2 - NCAA Football 10 & NCAA Basketball 10 at ncaaStrategies

Obviously we don't have the time to be as in depth as these guys; but I've kinda wanted to try my hand at this kind of thing. But winning all the time wouldn't make for a very interesting storyline...maybe I should build a weak team and build them up from scratch up to CFB supremacy.
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I wish they had shown another custom uniform... perhaps one that wasn't so ugly and dull, but there it is anyway:

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