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mstevmac;1163054; said:

Not surprising James is a 99, our Defense in this game is gonna be ridiculous. I wonder if Beanie's Stiff Arm stat will be 99 :) just like his Trucking, and Break Tackle
89 SPD for JL is crazy. I would put him in the 80-82 range. I love Wilson's SPD at DE and am glad they recognize it. Gibson's SPD should be in the upper 80s as well.
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BrutuStrength;1163068; said:
89 SPD for JL is crazy. I would put him in the 80-82 range. I love Wilson's SPD at DE and am glad they recognize it. Gibson's SPD should be in the upper 80s as well.

80-82 is low for the game. I'd put him at 86. His acceleration is what's off the mark. A 96? Should be in the mid-high 80's.

I'm surprised Rehring is rated so high. Wilson too.

Beanie should be a 99, no questions asked.
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Does OSU really have a 99 overall offense, defense and team ranking as shown in the screen shot that someone posted on the previous page of this thread? If so then that is ridiculous! No team should ever have a 99 ranking as that is the equivalent of saying that a team has zero flaws.
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