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osustamm;1150368; said:
I've got 2007. If you put a fast WR at QB you can run him every play for 20+ yards. I wonder what TP will be able to do...

It's people like you that make online experience shit...Let me guess, you pick HAIL MARY then roll out and wait for the WR's to go up field then you just run?
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methomps;1150349; said:
With a PC version of the game, you wouldn't have to pay $50 every year to get new rosters.

PC versions on all EA sports games suck compared to the consoles. On top of that there is file sharing this year, so if you are already paying for xbox live rosters are free. If not that, buy the software to download the rosters (cost $5 donation). I'm sure there will be people updating the rosters for the older games, and rosters will be continually updated.

The only reason I own a console is simply for sports games (that, and some console specific games). Madden on the PC is terrible. So is Tiger Woods golf.
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mstevmac;1150515; said:
It's people like you that make online experience shit...Let me guess, you pick HAIL MARY then roll out and wait for the WR's to go up field then you just run?

I've done it online once when Troy Smith and J. Zwick both got hurt. I put Teddy Ginn at QB, which isn't out of the question at all.

When someone did it vs me i would set up my defense with a spy or 2 and get 3 and outs until the idiot would change his offense.

Maybe you should actually read what is wrote rather than ASSume what you want.
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IGN: NCAA Football 09 Screenshots (X360) 2375000








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PC versions on all EA sports games suck compared to the consoles. On top of that there is file sharing this year, so if you are already paying for xbox live rosters are free. If not that, buy the software to download the rosters (cost $5 donation). I'm sure there will be people updating the rosters for the older games, and rosters will be continually updated.

Uh no, the console versions of EA games suck. The PC versions can be manipulated, changed, updated, etc......making them better. I really miss NCAA on the PC. Think the last one they made was 99, and it was excellent. Madden I really cant say, because I hate Madden.
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BrutusMaximus;1158049; said:
Uh no, the console versions of EA games suck. The PC versions can be manipulated, changed, updated, etc......making them better. I really miss NCAA on the PC. Think the last one they made was 99, and it was excellent. Madden I really cant say, because I hate Madden.

Madden sucks on pc...I played it all the time when I didn't have a console fwiw
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osustamm;1155569; said:
I've done it online once when Troy Smith and J. Zwick both got hurt. I put Teddy Ginn at QB, which isn't out of the question at all.

When someone did it vs me i would set up my defense with a spy or 2 and get 3 and outs until the idiot would change his offense.

Maybe you should actually read what is wrote rather than ASSume what you want.

That's different if you put Ginn in there if both QB's were hurt. But if someone puts a WR as a QB at the beginning of a game just for speed, thats called Cheese.

And those new pictures look amazing!
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Maybe you should actually read what is wrote rather than ASSume what you want.
I see, so what you want us to do is ASSume what you meant, except a positive assumption, since we clearly couldn't just "read what is wrote."

WRs at QB can run 20 yds every play.
I don't use this glitch except for one freak circumstance where both QBs went down. (and Todd Boeckman couldn't find his helmet)

Yeah, I can't imagine how we could've missed the connection :roll2:
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gameplay on the PS3 last year was beyond brutal. It's never good when you wish you had gotten the game for your PS2 or just wish you could have the previous years version with updated rosters.

I was sooo disappointed in the gameplay. It looked like the players weren't grounded, they just moved clumsily over a field below them. It was shaky at best.
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1 Georgia
2 Oklahoma
3 Ohio State
5 Florida
7 Missouri
8 West Virginia
9 Wisconsin
10 Texas
11 Clemson
12 Texas Tech
13 Penn State
14 Arizona State
15 Kansas
16 Auburn
17 Virginia Tech
18 Illinois
19 Tennessee
20 BYU
21 South Carolina
22 Alabama
23 Oregon
24 Cincinatti
25 Wake Forest
The top 25..

A few WTF's... Oklahoma at #2? Penn State at #13? Clemson at #11?
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