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3074326;1159878; said:
Do I see a 99 defense rating for OSU? I can't tell for sure.

I just watched again and was able to pause it perfectly first try (I don't know how lol), and take a print screen:


Looks like Overall were around 90..., Defense 99, and offense upper 80's.
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Theirs only a few things I really want, I want the old system for Home Advantage (the one where the stadium would shake if you were playing in a tough environment) and then the little details such as Team end zones in bowl games and bowl patches
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Wells4Heisman;1160666; said:
Theirs only a few things I really want, I want the old system for Home Advantage (the one where the stadium would shake if you were playing in a tough environment) and then the little details such as Team end zones in bowl games and bowl patches

Agreed with the home field advantage and team end zones for bowl games but the bowl patches, I don't care as much about. But I did read somewhere that they did bring the refs back and you'll be able to see them in the field again.
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Updated rankings

1 Georgia
2 Oklahoma
3 Ohio State

5 Florida
7 Missouri
8 West Virginia
9 Wisconsin
10 Texas
11 Clemson
12 Texas Tech
13 Penn State
14 Arizona State
15 Kansas
16 Auburn
17 Virginia Tech
18 Illinois
19 Tennessee
20 BYU
21 South Carolina
22 Alabama
23 Oregon
24 Cincinatti
25 Wake Forest
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I am pumped for this game...I went to the video session here on campus during the fall, they were taking videos for the opening cut scenes of people doing things. Hopefully they pick one that I was in!! It was pretty cool; in one of them we sang "Buckeye Battle Cry"

Drive, Drive on down the field,
Men of the scarlet and gray;
Don't let them through that line,
We've got to win this game today,
Smash through to victory,
We cheer you as you go!
Our honor defend we will fight to the end
for OHIO!

Then did the EA Sports, It's In The Game!!
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