Louis Winthorp The Third is the boss. Everyone else is window dressing brought on because they can lure in recruits. And it's only going to get more interesting as the NevadaBucks and his crowd start to feed around this mess like a bunch of hungry bottom-feeding carp because they view it as a path to real power and influence in the athletic department. This is a looming shitshow of epic proportions combining respect hungry Little Lord Fauntleroy, a couple of ex-players with not a hell of a lot of achievement off the field and an ex-coach who thinks he's bigger than the entire university and--after his comically disgraceful exit from the NFL--is apparently hellbent on coming back to Columbus and proving the Board and Michael Drake (who's not even around any more) wrong for running him off.
And as far as Urban goes, I have one thing to say: just go the fuck away. You left in disgrace, so stay away. The President of Battelle was right when he resigned from the board because we didn't whack him and dump the body in the Olentangy. We should have fired him...humiliated him...and ground him down into the dust and said, "good riddance." He had that coming, and he would have stayed away. Instead, we gave him the graceful exit...the suspension followed by the resignation...and then the comically embarrassing post of letting him teach a god damned ethics class at the Fisher School. And now--like a bad genital wart--he's back to attach himself to Ohio State University.
Anyone who looks at this and the people involved and says, "great...this is really going to be great for Ohio State University!" is going to end up very disappointed.