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Mirror Lake Jump (official thread)

It's a shame, but probably necessary. It was pretty much a lawsuit waiting to happen, and the death of that guy pulled out earlier this year was probably the catalyst to clamp down.

Maybe somebody currently on campus can speak to this more definitively, but I also wonder whether it had jumped the shark and was attracting an out of control non-student crowd similar to what happened with Heritage Festival or Hineygate.
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Ohio State could face increased legal liability with new Mirror Lake jump regulations

A Cleveland-area lawyer said Monday the new measures could increase OSU’s liability if a student gets injured.

“It sounds like they’re increasing their liability by regulating it,” said the lawyer, who has worked in insurance defense and personal injury plaintiff practice throughout his career and requested anonymity because of the ongoing nature of the university regulations and the short notice on which those regulations were released. “Basically, at the time that they permit something to occur on their property and especially since they’re monitoring the people going in and out, they would have moral responsibility.”

The event has never been sanctioned by the university, something OSU Student Life Vice President Javaune Adams-Gaston said isn’t going to change.

“It’s not a university-sanctioned event,” she told The Lantern Sunday. “We really aren’t focused on the sanctioning versus the not sanctioning, it’s really about how can we help our students be safe as possible.”

The lawyer said, though, the liability issues don’t change even if the event is not officially sanctioned.

“(The event) could conceivably be argued to be sanctioned, and when you sanction something and let people into the area and there’s a potential for injury or danger, you acquire a duty,” he said. “When you sanction something, the expectation is that if you’re going to the trouble to sanction it, you’re going to the trouble to regulate it and if you’re going to the trouble to regulate it, you’re presumably trying to make it safe.”

The attorney also said, however, there are multiple exceptions under the law that could potentially exempt OSU from being found guilty if a lawsuit were to be filed, but he added a case would have to go through the court system for a decision to be made on whether OSU is subject to those exceptions.

A request for comment from OSU’s legal counsel was forwarded to OSU spokesman Gary Lewis, who said liability issues are not at the forefront of OSU officials’ reasoning for the new safety measures.

“The well-being of Ohio State students is our top priority, and for that reason, we will take appropriate efforts to maintain safety and security. Liability concerns, while important, are secondary to our efforts to promote the safety of our students,” Lewis said in a Monday email.
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Congrats students.

Ben Axelrod ‏@BenAxelrod 2h
Where were you when the Ohio State students took back Mirror Lake?

Jeff Svoboda ‏@JeffSvoboda 2h
The @mirrorlakejump feed is a must right now. Proud of the students for taking back their event.

Ti* Jessberger ‏@tjessberger 2h
The single most memorable event of my college career.

Not *ike Bennett ‏@mike63bennett 2h
Proud of Ohio state students!! Tearing down the fences and honoring tradition. Just try to keep us out to*orrow.

Jeff Svoboda ‏@JeffSvoboda 1h
I think the Mirror Lake wristband/fence idea is the most disliked decision OSU has made since I got here. And I was a student under Holbrook

Here are the cops keeping the students out:

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This twitter feed has been absolutely awesome. Really proud of the students showing up to protest this. While I don't think the administration is trying to be oppressive and are serious about student safety, they are trying to capitalize on an event completely unrelated to the annual jump to do so. Good for the students. Time and change will surely show...
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I think eventually the OSU bobble heads will drain the lake and make it a parking lot. They want to control the whole thing and don't like anarchy.

I don't think it has anything to do with control as much as it has to do with safety - now.

When I was stationed in Alaska a few years back, my unit (myself included) participated in the "Polar Plunge" in Anchorage, in late December. While this was indeed different because its was a sanctioned event, the principal still remains same. It was cold, deathly cold (no joke). There were rules involved that kept you from drinking and putting yourself and others at risk. You take 50,000 students, at night, in the cold, with alcohol, with adrenaline, and you have the making for a bad accident. Im sure no one wants to be the police officer calling the parents the following morning. In no way am I saying stop the event at all.

What I do agree with is the school setting up EMS and other rapid response for safety. That said I don't agree with the barriers and arms bands. Fencing and arm bands are what can make this become a controlled event in the future. What Ohio State should do is just acknowledge the event, set up safety monitors, and embrace a great tradition.
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^Agreed. The impromptu Mirror Lake jump after taking down Bin Laden was almost purely a creature of twitter. Interesting though, I thought the jump began much later than that. Never really checked into it I suppose.
Most "official" publications cite 1990 as the year the jump began. Trust me, I was there and it was earlier. Again, pretty sure it was 1987 because I remember OSU won the game which meant we had to be back the next year and do it again...superstition you know.

Picked up son from OSU yesterday...good to be back home...ate at Tommy's and started discussing the jump. Let him know I was a little disappointed he wasn't jumping (c'mon son, know your roots!) and more disappointed in administration actions. He indicated measures were in action to circumvent the new policy. Sitting on my couch last night, watching twitter feeds, seeing vines and pictures, well, I couldn't have been more proud of those students. By midnight, my son was realizing his girlfriend could have waited another day and he should have been there too!
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What I do agree with is the school setting up EMS and other rapid response for safety. That said I don't agree with the barriers and arms bands. Fencing and arm bands are what can make this become a controlled event in the future. What Ohio State should do is just acknowledge the event, set up safety monitors, and embrace a great tradition.

Agreed 100%. It was good to be in a position to remedy an emergency and in fact, I came pretty close to needing an EMS one year. It was reassuring to have some presence there to show the school is looking out for students, but they went too far this year.

And really cool story Buckiprof...I want to get back to watch the jump again soon.
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