miniature giant space buckeye!
Except I'm not against drinking I have a case of wine and keg in my basement. Merely pointing out the hypocrisy of today's culture. People die. Accidents happen. Sounds harsh but it's reality. I'm sick of everything over reacting and pointing blame to something.You sound like a neo-prohibitionist who just wants all social drinking abolished. There's nothing inherently dangerous about alcohol. In fact there are multiple studies showing that moderate alcohol consumption is actually beneficial to one's health. Yes it can be abused, but so can a car. Maybe we should lower the highway limit to 35 mph, so everyone can be safer.
And FWIW, the campaign stopped being about drunk driving a long time ago. It's become a religious based witch hunt against social drinking with states, counties and municipalities cynically going along because it's a cash windfall for them. They're lobbying now to lower the "drunk" threshold to .05 despite the fact that the overwhelming majority of alcohol involved crashes and fatalities are at the hands of a multiple offender at twice the legal limit.