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Michigan Coaching Speculation

I guess Herbie wasn't the only one with "sources". I think Miles was on his way to Ann Arbor when the media stories broke and pissed off LSU. I'm sure Miles never dreamed that WVU would lose and LSU could end up in the title game. I think he planned on taking the UM job all the way. Now he is stuck because of the NC game.

Here is a bit from Pete Fiutak:

My man Richie Cirminiello got inside word on the Friday before the SEC Championship that the Tiger players knew that Les Miles was going to take the Michigan job and that Bo Pelini was off to Nebraska. This was a big-time inside tip, but doing our due diligence, we held off on the story (trust me when I say almost any other outlet would've gone with the info we had) until we could get absolute, 100 percent confirmation. By that time, other media outlets had heard the same thing, and from different sources. Then on Saturday morning, ESPN and Kirk Herbstreit went public with it causing LSU to react swiftly with great vengeance and furious anger.
Again, this wasn't exactly exclusive insider knowledge to Herbstreit. So even after the cat was totally out of the bag that Miles was at least thinking about Michigan, what does Miles do? He has the temerity, the unmitigated gall, to hold a press conference just before the SEC Championship game and feign righteous indignation by basically suggesting that the story was made up. The LSU official web site had in the SEC Championship game story that Miles had "debunked an ESPN rumor," like the story came from a Tennessee fan on a message board. Just because someone yells and acts all mad, that doesn't mean what he's saying is necessarily true.
What possible good would it do ESPN, or any reputable media outlet, to lie about something like this? It's not like GameDay is at the forefront of investigative journalism, and it's not like it's known for being anything more than a very, very good "Up With College Football" show, so if Herbstreit is going to report on something that big, it's going to be relatively rock-solid. Remember, ESPN could've gotten it right, and then the story changed because of it.
Again, we didn't have the story cold and didn't go with it, but all indications were that Miles was at least mentally in Ann Arbor and thinking about the opportunity, LSU stepped up to squash the situation before the biggest game of the year, and the marriage in Baton Rouge apparently remains intact ... for now.
Now this gets really, really interesting because Miles is stuck. He can't go take his dream job and he has to be Mr. LSU, even though he's a worse actor than Keanu Reeves when it comes to talking about the Michigan gig. Now that his team actually won the SEC title and is playing for the national title, he can't go after the job, Michigan needs to move on, and LSU fans are left wondering if they really have an LSU guy coaching their beloved team. Here's the deal. If Miles actually signs the long-term contract with LSU, then the situation is squashed and life goes on. But if Miles ends up taking the Michigan job, he has to go to each and every LSU player and fan and personally apologize for yanking their chain. Let's wait until Michigan actually hires someone else before closing the book on this. ? Pete Fiutak
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From a Husker guy....

A lot of people are bouncing around on boards talking about Herbstreit (and not positively, either). LOL

That being said - Pelini will more than likely help coach LSU in that game. It'll be interesting to see how Pelini does against you guys, kinda helps our recruiting if his D does well (notice I didn't say win, cause Les will screw that up for LSU).

Go Big Red
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alexhortdog95;1018164; said:
A lot of people are bouncing around on boards talking about Herbstreit (and not positively, either). LOL

That being said - Pelini will more than likely help coach LSU in that game. It'll be interesting to see how Pelini does against you guys, kinda helps our recruiting if his D does well (notice I didn't say win, cause Les will screw that up for LSU).

Go Big Red

Considering the shape of the Husker program, I'd be praying that Bo doesn't step foot outside of NE except for recruiting trips. Regardless of what happens in the NC, your D won't look like that for years.
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And then there is this - a loop left open.

Les Miles and LSU will not sign the deal ...

Till after the BCS Championship game?

BATON ROUGE -- LSU Coach Les Miles' new contract will be put on hold until after the Jan. 7 BCS championship game against Ohio State, LSU Athletic Director Skip Bertman said. Miles reached an agreement late Friday night with the school to stay on instead of leaving for his alma mater, Michigan. Miles on Saturday angrily denied an ESPN report that a deal with Michigan was done hours before the Tigers defeated Tennessee 21-14 in the SEC championship game.
Because LSU vaulted into the BCS title game, Bertman said the schedule for finalizing contract details had to be adjusted.

"We didn't know we were going to a national championship game," Bertman said, laughing. "We had arranged to sit down at a leisure time and fix it so it could be brought to the (LSU) Board (of Supervisors) Thursday with our bowl budget.
"Now the chancellor (Sean O'Keefe) and other board members might delay that until the next board meeting in January after the game."
So, if LSU was going to a December 31 or January 1 bowl the deal is signed. Yet, because the game you found your school in happens 6 days later you cannot handle it at the first available Board meeting?

That doesn't jive, it simply doesn't make sense.

OK - putting it simply, that is Bullshit.

Should Michigan come back to Miles in the meantime with a "we'll match anything" offer, this could also blow up in LSU's faces.
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sandgk;1018344; said:
And then there is this - a loop left open.

Les Miles and LSU will not sign the deal ...

Till after the BCS Championship game?

So, if LSU was going to a December 31 or January 1 bowl the deal is signed. Yet, because the game you found your school in happens 6 days later you cannot handle it at the first available Board meeting?

That doesn't jive, it simply doesn't make sense.

OK - putting it simply, that is Bullshit.

Should Michigan come back to Miles in the meantime with a "we'll match anything" offer, this could also blow up in LSU's faces.

Kinda explains why he's not on the agenda at the LSU Board of Supervisors meeting agenda for Dec. 6/7 meeting (link). They haven't published the agenda for the Jan. 17/18 meetings.
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HailToMichigan;1018029; said:
Mary Sue Coleman has always been a moron. I will never forgive her if it turns out she meddled in the hiring process and demanded the hiring of a less-competent coach (Ferentz).

Maybe ol' Mary Sue has been Kirk's private "blocking sled"...
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sandgk;1018344; said:
So, if LSU was going to a December 31 or January 1 bowl the deal is signed. Yet, because the game you found your school in happens 6 days later you cannot handle it at the first available Board meeting?

Miles has a clause in his contract that state if he wins a NC, he is to become one of the top 3 highest paid coaches in the country. On Friday the deal they agreed to may not have quite put him there. So if we win this game, a new had to be written in January anyway. So just as soon wait, and only sign one deal instead of 2.

Rumor has it (and I have no way of confirming) that Les signed something saying that if he pulls a Saban (I will not be the coach of Alabama) it will cost him BIG. Much bigger than his current buyouy.
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That though Nutriaitch isn't the reason given by LSU's AD.

That clause could still be invoked immediately after said win - an automatic bump in compensation if you will.

Point being, it isn't a reason to delay the deal, at all.
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sandgk;1018425; said:
That though Nutriaitch isn't the reason given by LSU's AD.

That clause could still be invoked immediately after said win - an automatic bump in compensation if you will.

Point being, it isn't a reason to delay the deal, at all.

A little update for y'all from today Advocate (Baton Rouge newspaper)

Although LSU Athletic Director Skip Bertman said on Sunday that the contract may not be formally approved until January because of the national championship, O?Keefe said that is not true.

The contract will be ready for the LSU Board of Supervisors to approve during Thursday and Friday meetings, O?Keefe said Monday.

?We are moving this for Thursday consideration,? O?Keefe said. ?That?s the plan. There was no other date discussed.?

The contract should be completed today or Wednesday, O?Keefe said, and then voted on.

?I assume they?ll have it ready,? said board member Charles Weems of Alexandria. ?I don?t think there?s any issues with it. The matter has been worked out.?

2theadvocate.com | LSU Sports | LSU will 'amend' Miles' contract — Baton Rouge, LA

This article says the dollar amounts are based on accomplishments this year (i.e. Winning a National Title).
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sandgk;1018697; said:
(Get your admins in Baton Rouge on the sme page :))

Skip is on his way out, so I'm not sure how involved he really is other than for PR purposes. He's set to retire next year I beleive. So chances are the Chancellor is he guy with the answers. Skip now just walks around as our living lengend, with the best seat at the Box (our baseball field).
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