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Michael Irvin (official thread)

Hmm... not trying to be on any high horse, or any horse for that matter. I only pointed out that I don't do drugs because most people who are against drug laws like I am are considered wacko liberal pot smoking hippies. Everyone already knows I'm a wacko liberal, so I thought would point out that I'm not a pot smoking hippie...

From what I understood Michael Irvin was caught only with a pipe used to smoke pot. He was not arrested while driving under the influence or anything like that. I personally don't find this to be a big deal at all. If he gets fired it's not a big deal either and he has no right to complain if it was true. It is the law currently, although a supid one in my opinion.

However, everyone saying he is the biggest moron ever etc. I just don't buy that. If you don't think pot is morally wrong and you smoke it, then chances are you may sometimes forget your pipe is in your car. On top of that I add into the equation that Irvin is more likely to get pulled over by the cops than someone like myself, and I start to feel a little sorry for him.

It just seems to me like people are all over Irvin because they don't like him. If Brett Favre did something like this then everyone would be like oh what a great guy for helping out his friend.

Sorry...but the "morality police" reference struck a nerve, I suppose. I was following you until your last sentence....which is untrue. If Brett Favre did it, I would say the same thing...and that is that you're a moron if you leave illegal drug paraphanalia in your car, and then travel at excessive speeds by cops, giving them a reason to pull you over. So let's review...Irvin could have:

-Not had illegal shit in his car, or

-Not driven above the speed limit because he knew he had illegal shit in his car.

Instead, he got caught, and whatever happens to him, happens to him...you break the law and get caught, you're in trouble, no matter what the reason. Will the DA take it any easier on the guy in Phily who was arrested for running onto the field to "spread his mother's ashes"? I don't think so...even if he is telling the truth.

As to the premise that you're a wack-job for being against all drug laws, that's also untrue. I think the "war on drugs" has been an abominable failure, and I think prisons are filled with waaay to many non-violent offenders. But if you don't like the law, it needs to be changed...it doesn't give one a right to not be prosecuted if one is caught.
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<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=yspsctnhdln>Irvin stands by story that marijuana pipe belonged to friend</TD></TR><TR><TD height=7><SPACER type="block" width="1" height="1"></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>By PAUL J. WEBER, Associated Press Writer
November 29, 2005
DALLAS (AP) -- Former Dallas Cowboys wide receiver Michael Irvin reiterated Monday that a marijuana pipe found in his car belonged to a longtime friend, not his brother -- and denied any discrepancy between what he told reporters and police.

Irvin told The Associated Press late Monday that a police officer apparently took his use of the word "brother" literally when he was arrested Friday after being pulled over for speeding.
"It's my brother's, he left it in there," the officer quoted Irvin as saying in a court document obtained by The Dallas Morning News.

Irvin, an ESPN analyst and semifinalist for the Pro Football Hall of Fame, told The Associated Press on Sunday that the pipe belonged to a friend of 17 years. He told the AP on Monday that he called his friend a "brother" because the two are so close.

Irvin was arrested on an outstanding warrant for an unpaid speeding ticket in Irving, Texas, but was charged with misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia after police found the pipe.

Before the documents surfaced, Irvin told the AP he took the pipe from a friend who showed up at his house on Thanksgiving, put it in his car and planned to dispose of it later but forgot. Irvin, who has a history of drug arrests, said Monday that police never asked him who put the pipe in his car, but he was careful not to accuse the officers of anything.

"When I said 'That belongs to a brother of mine,' I guess he thought maybe he put it in," Irvin said. "I don't know. I certainly don't want any problems with the police."

Plastic baggies with marijuana residue were found in a Versace sunglasses case along with the pipe. Irvin said he found the items on the friend after patting him down when he arrived at his house in Carrollton, Texas.

Irvin appeared on ESPN's Monday Night Countdown, and ESPN spokesman Josh Krulewitz said the network expects Irvin to be on the air for his next assignment Sunday.

"Michael has told us the same thing he has told the media. He has indicated he wants to confer with his advisers, and we will continue to have conversations with Michael," Krulewitz said.

Irvin also said "I'm going to do whatever I need to do" to clear his name. Irvin said he would talk to his lawyer Tuesday about possibly taking a drug test.

Since the story broke Sunday, Irvin said his friend has volunteered to come forward, including disclosing records from a Houston treatment center and cell phone messages between the two. But Irvin said he told his friend that wasn't necessary, adding that he's not sure it would do much good.

"They're going to think I put him up to it, anyway," Irvin said.

In 1996, Irvin pleaded no contest to felony cocaine possession in exchange for four years of deferred probation, a $10,000 fine and dismissal of misdemeanor marijuana possession charges. He also was arrested on drug possession charges in 2000, but they were later dropped.

According to the new documents, Irvin was driving with his wife in the car Friday afternoon when he was pulled over for going 78 mph in a 60 mph zone. Irvin was released after paying a $335 fine for the arrest warrant and a $256 bond. The paraphernalia charge is a Class C misdemeanor, punishable by up to a $500 fine.

Irvin said Monday he "certainly understands" people who might permanently doubt him after his latest brush with the law. Given his history, Irvin said he's felt like he's had two strikes against him since turning his life around.
"This is a strike, no doubt," Irvin said.

But he said that he thinks people with alcoholics or drug issues in their families might understand what he calls a "generational curse." Irvin said his siblings have suffered with drug addictions,too. Irvin won three Super Bowls in four years with the Dallas Cowboys as part of an offense that also featured Troy Aikman and Emmitt Smith. A vocal, emotional leader, he set every significant career receiving mark in team history before retiring because of an injury suffered in 1999.
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Hey Mike...put the damned pipe in your own garbage can instead of your car! Where do you think your kids would be more likely to find it....riffling through your trash or in your car?

You are a fucking genius and a liar who has never taken responsibility for your own actions.
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I absolutely heard him say in an excerpt from the interview with Dan Patrick that it was his brother's pipe. That was an unequivocal use of the word. The way in which he said it didn't leave any ambiguity for the "I really meant close friend when I said brother" argument. He's lying about the whole thing.
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Bucknut319 said:
Hey Mike...put the damned pipe in your own garbage can instead of your car! Where do you think your kids would be more likely to find it....riffling through your trash or in your car?

You are a fucking genius and a liar who has never taken responsibility for your own actions.
He claims people go through his garbage and if they found it in there it would be the same deal.
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Here Mike, it's easier to backpeddle when you have one of

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