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Michael Irvin (official thread)

If I understand it correctly, (please correct me if I'm wrong).....

He isn't disputing the fact that the pipe was in his car (in fact, he claims to have put it there), only that he was not the actual owner. In the law's eyes, it doesn't matter. Being in possession of drug paraphenalia is illegal. From that perspective, he is already admitting guilt and could justifiably be terminated (assuming ESPiN has a drug policy).
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I really don't care if Michael Irvin smokes pot. I don't even care if he smokes pot before going on the show. It really has no effect on how I view him. Everyone already knew that he was hired by ESPN to be the wild crazy commentator, so it fits right into his "role".

This reminds me a lot of that whole Marv Albert thing. I was like what is the big deal? If Marv Albert wants to call games wearing womens underwear thats A-O-K by me as long as he still does that "YESSSS" thing.

Personally, I've never done drugs and I'm sure some of you can say the same, but I highly doubt that everyone here on this board can say that. Even those that can honeslty say that you have never done drugs, I'm sure you have at least a few friends or family members that have. I hate it when people play morality police. I think that since everyone here hates drug users so much, any member who has ever done drugs should be banned. Let's start the random testing now.
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I really don't care if Michael Irvin smokes pot. I don't even care if he smokes pot before going on the show. It really has no effect on how I view him. Everyone already knew that he was hired by ESPN to be the wild crazy commentator, so it fits right into his "role".

This reminds me a lot of that whole Marv Albert thing. I was like what is the big deal? If Marv Albert wants to call games wearing womens underwear thats A-O-K by me as long as he still does that "YESSSS" thing.

Personally, I've never done drugs and I'm sure some of you can say the same, but I highly doubt that everyone here on this board can say that. Even those that can honeslty say that you have never done drugs, I'm sure you have at least a few friends or family members that have. I hate it when people play morality police. I think that since everyone here hates drug users so much, any member who has ever done drugs should be banned. Let's start the random testing now.

Uh, I ususally don't say stuff like this, but jump off the high horse, man. I have no idea if he was on his way to work or not, but if you show up high to a job, or get high while on the job, you basically will be fired by any major company or organization in the country. Also, if you are charged and convicted of a crime, a lot of places will fire you, and almost everywhere will if it is a felony. And I'm not even going to start in on the potential of driving while high, with the stuff in his car (not saying Irvin did).

I personally do know a lot of people who smoke pot in the privacy of their abode, and you know what...I could care less. To each their own. But if you are convicted of a crime, or are high at work, you generally get fired...period. I have no idea how Irvin fits in to all this, because I don't know all the facts, so I can't say for sure, other that it appears he committed a crime, and the either lied about it, ir is a moron, or both.

It's not about morality police, it's about making responsible decisions...doesn't look like Irvin qualifies, but I can't imagine anyone is surprised by that.
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Damned little --
he just spent a good four minutes of air-time on Dan Patrick's Radio Show laughing at his own "joke" -- giggling like some demented goon at his jibe.

Which joke was that Chris Carter having hosted "Speed Clinics" was oxymoronic.

Now, I have no doubt that Irvin had some of the best physical skills of any Pro Wide Receiver - his stats however, only really exceed Chris' on yards per completion.

Chris has double the career TD's that Irvin hauled in 130 vs 65 - many of which scoring grabs happened when he was de facto the number 2 threat behind Randy Moss.
Chris has a larger number of Pro Bowl appearances (8) to Irvin (5) and more
receiving yards total at 13899 vs 11904.

Irvin should simply shut his classless mouth, stop smoking weed before appearing on radio, and pay respect to the better team player.

He may have those Super Bowl rings, but in raw numbers he doesn't equal the effort Chris gave over his time in the NFL.

And as a person Irvin cannot sniff Chris Carter's Jock.

Don't get me wrong, C squared is the man, but remember he also had his own troubles with drugs and alcohol.
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It pisses me off when people get opportunity after fucking opportunity to straighten their lives around and they blow it. Michael has one of the cushiest jobs in the country -- tons of people would love to have the opportunities he's had. I'd love to make 1/100 of what he makes. What a joke.
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Thump said:
The only reason I'm saying that is b/c people have admitted guilt but the admission wasn't admissable in court or a case can be thrown out on a technicality, so even though we all know he is guilty, he's innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
And none of that matters when it comes to his employer, which is why 'innocent until proven guilty' doesn't apply in that discussion.
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Uh, I ususally don't say stuff like this, but jump off the high horse, man. I have no idea if he was on his way to work or not, but if you show up high to a job, or get high while on the job, you basically will be fired by any major company or organization in the country. Also, if you are charged and convicted of a crime, a lot of places will fire you, and almost everywhere will if it is a felony. And I'm not even going to start in on the potential of driving while high, with the stuff in his car (not saying Irvin did).

I personally do know a lot of people who smoke pot in the privacy of their abode, and you know what...I could care less. To each their own. But if you are convicted of a crime, or are high at work, you generally get fired...period. I have no idea how Irvin fits in to all this, because I don't know all the facts, so I can't say for sure, other that it appears he committed a crime, and the either lied about it, ir is a moron, or both.

It's not about morality police, it's about making responsible decisions...doesn't look like Irvin qualifies, but I can't imagine anyone is surprised by that.

Hmm... not trying to be on any high horse, or any horse for that matter. I only pointed out that I don't do drugs because most people who are against drug laws like I am are considered wacko liberal pot smoking hippies. Everyone already knows I'm a wacko liberal, so I thought would point out that I'm not a pot smoking hippie...

From what I understood Michael Irvin was caught only with a pipe used to smoke pot. He was not arrested while driving under the influence or anything like that. I personally don't find this to be a big deal at all. If he gets fired it's not a big deal either and he has no right to complain if it was true. It is the law currently, although a supid one in my opinion.

However, everyone saying he is the biggest moron ever etc. I just don't buy that. If you don't think pot is morally wrong and you smoke it, then chances are you may sometimes forget your pipe is in your car. On top of that I add into the equation that Irvin is more likely to get pulled over by the cops than someone like myself, and I start to feel a little sorry for him.

It just seems to me like people are all over Irvin because they don't like him. If Brett Favre did something like this then everyone would be like oh what a great guy for helping out his friend.
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