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Michael Irvin (official thread)

Well, Thump, you have your opinion, and I have mine. I wont debate you on the amount of venom I used since there is no point in arguing with you publically about my posting style.

No worries, just felt that comparing him to a racist org. for simply stating a point was over the edge.

Anyhoo, as much as I dislike Irvin, last time I checked, you are innocent until proven guilty so they can't fire him just yet.
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Anyhoo, as much as I dislike Irvin, last time I checked, you are innocent until proven guilty so they can't fire him just yet.

They can fire him for whatever they want to fire him for (save for race or other Federally protected rights)... Even if he's under a contract, they could no doubt fire him for breech of some clause about conduct detrimental to ESPN.
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There's a ton of black guys working as on air talent for ESPN.

I'm not saying Irvin isn't low enough to try and play that card, I'm saying it would be nearly as futile as trying to tell people he forgot to throw away his buddies drug paraphanallia.

BTW, I'm think of telling the IRS I forgot to file a tax return this year, telling my wife I forgot we were supposed to be monogamous and telling my boss I forgot I was supposed to come to work everyday.
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Either way, it was made known to him that he wasn't welcome back. Trev Alberts was also fired for less publicly-known reasons.
Alberts refused to come to work. That's grounds for dismissal, unless there's some kind of emergency, or tragedy. Rush quit because made ridiculous comment that his employer and other media were desirous of having a superstar black QB, and that McNabb was the guy they picked, even though he wasn't a good QB. He basically called out his employer for lying about a player's abilities so they could have their token black. That also seems to be a call for a forced resignation to me.
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So if they fire him and he's somehow proven innocent, the network can't be sued for breach of contract?

Well, they can always be sued, but I'd say Irvin loses because the damage to ESPN's image is already done. Irvin was at the very least in the position of being arrested on drug related charges, and that should be enough even w/o a conviction. If he's an "at wil" employee they can shitcan him for not liking his socks.

Open apology to AJHawkfan - thanks for the PM. I didn't mean to pair you with the Klan so much as it was just my way of saying race isn't an issue.
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Well, they can always be sued, but I'd say Irvin loses because the damage to ESPN's image is already done. Irvin was at the very least in the position of being arrested on drug related charges, and that should be enough even w/o a conviction. If he's an "at wil" employee they can shitcan him for not liking his socks.

Makes sense.

I knew with your legal background that you could clarify.

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I don't know that race isn't an issue in the way I read the initial post on the subject. Any prudent employer would consider the possible ramifications of such an employee's race in deciding whether or not to fire him. I think that was all that was meant originally and I'm no Klan member. ESPiN has to decide whether they want to deal with the potential and probable race card backlash if they fire Irvin. Maybe they fire him, maybe they don't, but because of the ass clown he is (not just because of his race), his race is part of this little drama.
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Thump said:
No worries, just felt that comparing him to a racist org. for simply stating a point was over the edge.

Anyhoo, as much as I dislike Irvin, last time I checked, you are innocent until proven guilty so they can't fire him just yet.
they can fire him whenever they want. innocent until proven guilty applies to the law. i wish people who quote that actually understood it.
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