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Michael Irvin (official thread)

Unless I am missing something, he has not gotten himself into any trouble for a while now correct?

How many warrants are open on you or anyone you know right now?

According to amnesia boy he's not only "forgotten" to throw away the crack pipe in his truck he's appearently forgotten to pay his tickets as well.

I get as many tickets as the next guy but I always make sure they are handeled on time just so the next time i get pulled over I don't have an open warrant. The best part is, I'm not a convicted felon and I don't carry crack pipes in my car. You would think someone who couldn't say that would be a bit more catious, but he probably just forgot again.
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Smash the pipe with a hammer and throw it in your trash can! "Oh, I was going to throw it away at the supermarket." Come on, PLAYMAKER.

What the fuck is going on here?

Amazing. Lou Holtz is the poster boy for NCAA infractions and he's one of their college analysts.

Michael Irvin is the poster boy for everything else and he's their NFL analyst.

But Jim Tressel and Andy Geiger should be fired. That's fuckin rich!
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"We've talked to Michael, who explained the situation to us the way he did to the AP, and we will continue to talk with Michael," ESPN spokesman Josh Krulewitz said. "But you can expect to see him on 'Monday Night Countdown' on Monday evening."

I was just smoking some crack like they taught me at the U...what the big deal. The only guy on their show worth a darn is TJ
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Guilty until proven innocent.

Stupid until proven retarded

Who in their right mind drives around with a crack pipe in their car? If you don't want your buddy to use it smash it, it's made of fucking glass. I love how ESPN is treating this like a non-issue. Suspend him until he is proven innocent. He is only innocent until proven guilty in the courts.
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well for what its worth, they are now retracting the term crack. the pipe was used for pot and found with a baggie that had pot residue. Regardless of what the pipe was or wasn't Irvin is either A) a bigger lier than I thought he was or B) Dumber than i thought he was
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Stupid until proven retarded

He is only innocent until proven guilty in the courts.

He's already admitted that he's guilty of breaking the law. He admits that it was in his car. That is illegal. Being in possession of drug paraphenalia is against the law; regardless of who's it is.

In my opinion, ESPiN won't fire him right now because of his skin color. My guess is that they'll wait for the end of the season and then "restructure" the show, giving them an excuse to replace him.
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this bust is better then him stickung up for T.OWENS and sounding like a true ghettoe boy on t.v., saying that owens was correct in city slang talklike this,

yo my homey should be playing and getting paid for his talent no mtter what he does

now he's going to play POOKIE in the next new jack city
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He's already admitted that he's guilty of breaking the law. He admits that it was in his car. That is illegal. Being in possession of drug paraphenalia is against the law; regardless of who's it is.

In my opinion, ESPiN won't fire him right now because of his skin color. My guess is that they'll wait for the end of the season and then "restructure" the show, giving them an excuse to replace him.
Skin color? There are a lot of factors in this story. Race isn't one of them.
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