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Game Thread Miami (FL) at tOSU, Sat Sep 11, 3:40 ET, ESPN

BuckeyeNation27;1764186; said:
check out the front page of espn.com right now :biggrin:

ESPN seriously makes me want to vomit.

I'll be perfectly honest: I'm worried about this game. What I saw from our defensive line, even though it wasn't complete, was a bit alarming. I didn't see the pressure that I expected to see against Marshall.

I dunno..... here's my prediction: tOSU 28 Miami 10.

I guess it doesn't worry me that much. I expect to see a big game out of the seniors, but particularly Homan and Sanzenbacher.
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TheIronColonel;1764225; said:
WAIT wait wait...The hurricane is named Ditka. Care to change your score predictions?

You made me Google 'hurricane Ditka', and for that, I thank you.


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bigbluebazooka;1764209; said:
No 2002 was a different team and different coaches. Were thinking blowout and statement game. If Jacory's jersey stays clean good luck stopping this offense.

Bad :shake:

bigbluebazooka;1764216; said:
Game of the year cant wait.

Better :)

MililaniBuckeye;1764234; said:
If I had eight more inches, I'd be a foot-long...neither is happening.

Best :rofl:

In all seriousness, the blowout statement game some speak of (for either team) is probably not going to happen. If this game is decided by more than 8 or 9 points I'll be very surprised.

Now would I be disappointed to see the canes getting a good ol' fashioned curb stomping in the Shoe?

Not so much.

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I will be at the game cheering the Buck onto victory. I predict early Miami success before adjustments are made and it fairly tight at halftime, Miami might even be ahead. The second half is a different story as our depth and coaching adjustments work against the Canes. Final score OSU 27 miami 23
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The Horseshoe is hardly hostile ? Miami Hurricanes ? Sun-Sentinel

CORAL GABLES ? Let?s be bluntly honest: The Horseshoe is over glamorized.
It isn?t intimidating. Nor is it much of a hostile environment.
Excuse me, but f*cking really?????!??!!?

Seriously; you can diss my mom, you can diss my grandma, but so help me god if you talk about my stadium like that.


We'd love to accuse the Big Ten in general of being just as sleepy and geriatric as many of its stadiums indeed are, but Penn State and Ohio State are both loud as Satan's pizza and beer farts, and just as noxious to play in as an opponent.* It's going to be hellaciously loud on Saturday night, and the old folks will just turn their hearing aids off if it bothers them too much.
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