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Game Thread Miami (FL) at tOSU, Sat Sep 11, 3:40 ET, ESPN

DaddyBigBucks;1764086; said:
This is not directed at you Coqui, or at anyone in particular.

From my experience, even at its best, the 'Shoe is a faint shadow of what it should be. There are way too many "fans" who fuss at those who actually make noise. At the Marshall game, my brother was admonished that he wasn't "...in the cheap seats", whatever that is supposed to mean.

I was at the 'Shoe for the '88 LSU game, and I was one of the "20,000 who stayed". Those 20,000 (probably closer to 10k) were as loud as any 100,000 I have ever been a part of. We need a stadium full of those kind of fans, but I'm not holding my breath.

during big games the shoe is as hostile as they come. during non marquee games we sound like we are toledo. unless you've been to a game like last years usc or texas or michigan you have no idea what that place becomes
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Telekinesis;1764100; said:
Here's something myself and a 'Canes fan were discussing yesterday...

We've been here before. This team has been under the pressure of big games time and time again. Lately, we've just been hungry to win the big ones. Calming down, staying loose. Not allowing the jitters to overcome the game plan.

When was the last time Miami was in a huge game with National Title implications? I watched their bowl game against Wisconsin. Harris was running for his life. They did not look good. Their game against us should spread even more butterflies in their stomach. I'm sure they're well aware by now how we handled Wisconsin last year in that 31-13 drubbing.

Personally, I'm hoping for a meltdown. That team is young and they aren't used to these situations. I'm thinking they'll find out just how hostile the 'Shoe can be when they realize it isn't the stage they're used to playing on. They aren't a bag of nerves yet because they were just thrown a little guy to pick on. We'll see how that lack of fear holds up when they line up against the Silver Bullets.

Um, that wasn't really a very good game by our offense...
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Sorry if this has been posted but I actually found this pretty funny (from CanesTime):

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kolOhioState88;1764107; said:
during big games the shoe is as hostile as they come. during non marquee games we sound like we are toledo. unless you've been to a game like last years usc or texas or michigan you have no idea what that place becomes

I've been to plenty such games and I have a very different impression
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DaddyBigBucks;1764086; said:
This is not directed at you Coqui, or at anyone in particular.

From my experience, even at its best, the 'Shoe is a faint shadow of what it should be. There are way too many "fans" who fuss at those who actually make noise. At the Marshall game, my brother was admonished that he wasn't "...in the cheap seats", whatever that is supposed to mean.

I was at the 'Shoe for the '88 LSU game, and I was one of the "20,000 who stayed". Those 20,000 (probably closer to 10k) were as loud as any 100,000 I have ever been a part of. We need a stadium full of those kind of fans, but I'm not holding my breath.

I wholeheartedly agree with you. There have been games that I have attended where I basically was the cheerleader for the section. I've had to yell at fans to get up and make noise.

I still love the fact that I was told by a Penn State fan that I was too loud (to which I courteously directed my sound away from their ears but was as loud as before)

I've seen the 'Shoe dead.....but I don't think that will be the case for this game. We've heard way too long about stealing the NC away from Miami, that this will hopefully be more raucous than the USC game.
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Woody1968;1764108; said:
Um, that wasn't really a very good game by our offense...

I was speaking about our D and its relation to the way Wisconsin locked down on Miami's QB. Harris was sacked five times in that game, I'm hoping our defense comes up with a similar result.
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I had 7 seasons of season tickets...plenty of those games were dead. The Cooper era, especially late, was notorious for quiet crowds. I will say the 2002 Michigan game was amazing, but that was a once-in-a-generation experience. So the capacity is there, but I don't think it will be as hostile as we'd like.
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Crowd Noise

I have mixed feelings about the crowd noise issue. At last year's game against Iowa, I was in the Student Section, so my perception may be a little skewed, but that was as loud as I've ever heard a game (and no, I haven't been to any of the "marquee" matchups). Yet, against Wisconsin, there was a point where you could clearly hear Wisky fans singing one of their songs (no idea what it was). I lost my voice building a section wide OH-IO. This was in the first quarter. I'm not sure what was more disturbing, that you could hear them singing, or that one person's (albeit a loud one) voice could be heard across a big enough section to eventually drown out a large Wisky section.

Again, if anyone was at Riverwatch for last year's USC game, you could hear the stadium from there for the entire game.

Last week against Marshall, three rows of people were yelling at us to sit down, immediately after kickoff.

Buckeye fans are among the best in the country, but I don't think we're consistently loud. When we want to, The Shoe can be very intimidating. otherwise, it's a huge stadium and takes more people being vocal to fill than some other, smaller stadiums. Perception is reality here and we will need the fans to be fans this saturday.

Let them hear it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't be a bunch of @#$#, We can initimidate teams when we act like we actually care about the outcome!

Let's Go Bucks!!!!!!!
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