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Game Thread Miami (FL) at tOSU, Sat Sep 11, 3:40 ET, ESPN

I dont understand why everyone is freaking out about our secondary. Jermale Hines was pushing Anderson Russell for the starting spot last year, and has been on the field alot during his 3 years being here. We return both of are CBs. So the only inexperienced player back there is CJ, and i think he will be just fine.
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bigbluebazooka;1764193; said:
Dude your gators suck and will be lucky to beat USF. Go away geek. This game is bigger then any gator game will be and its only week 2.

Gator might be quirky, but he's paid his dues on BP and has a lot of respect here. Florida might have sucked in their opener (switching offensive schemes & all that), but your beloved Canes haven't done crap for years...so I'd relax a bit and appreciate the fact that he wasn't being a homer, just stating a simple fact.

That being said, the more I read about this game, the less faith I have in Harris to deliver under serious pressure. He has yet to prove he can dominate in a big game and that's what he'll have to do here for UM to be in the conversation of a win. If Harris plays subpar, game over. Our run D isn't giving anything up and our pass rush should be steady.

Also, just saw some more ignorant "revenge" talk over on ESPN. Might want to go make your fellow Canes look a little less childish & outrageous and stop worrying about a guy on here who is a harmless sideline commentator.
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BuckeyeNation27;1764186; said:
check out the front page of espn.com right now :biggrin:

That wonkette might have written the stupidest article I've ever read. Hell I hope Cryami is still obsessed and distracted by 2002...if that's all they're thinking about, some ridiculous form of righting a nebulous wrong like some bizzare 21st century Remember the Alamo moment, all the easier to get them frustrated and discouraged if they get down early.
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Bucklion;1764206; said:
That wonkette might have written the stupidest article I've ever read. Hell I hope Cryami is still obsessed and distracted by 2002...if that's all they're thinking about, some ridiculous form of righting a nebulous wrong like some bizzare 21st century Remember the Alamo moment, all the easier to get them frustrated and discouraged if they get down early.
No 2002 was a different team and different coaches. Were thinking blowout and statement game. If Jacory's jersey stays clean good luck stopping this offense.
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