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Game Thread Miami (FL) at tOSU, Sat Sep 11, 3:40 ET, ESPN

Rookie;1764268; said:



Jim Tressel, seen here in one of his two home stadiums. (AP Photo/Paul Sancya, File)
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Rookie;1764268; said:

That article is made of win:

The same principles explain why Michigan stadium, hallowed though its gently sloped bleachers might be, doesn't generate the same noise. (Well, that and old people shaking keys who just grimly stare and likely think Denard Robinson is just out there hoolyfootin' and lollygaggin' around instead of handing the ball to the running back like he should.)

The fans actually have to show up and care, too. This element is missing from Miami Hurricanes games, both because of their relatively small fanbase and their venue, Sun Life Stadium, the former Landshark/Pro Player/Joe Robbie stadium, a brightly colored multipurpose heap located nowhere near Miami's campus. It's a cavernous game environment, and a step down from even the decrepit Orange Bowl, a frying pan that randomly leaked sewage and rotting chunks of concrete and gave Miami's games an added edge of danger in being seconds away from falling down at any minute.

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Was Damien Berry really stupid enough to say this?

"I really don't think it's going to have an effect on us because wherever Miami is...[Young] Jeezy said it best, 'We're going to bring the whole city out.' Everybody wants to come see us. They ain't coming just to see Ohio State."

Iz dat raight, Snoop Dope?
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Well remember, Miami sees what...one sellout every 5 years? Can't blame the players for thinking packed houses are all about who the visitors are when that's the case for their own fanbase.
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Hmmph. Some home field advantage.

"It's a realistic fact that happened. He became mentally disturbed for the first time since he's been a starter for us because of his inability to communicate."

-- Hayden Fry

"First and foremost, those Columbus fans, those Buckeyes, they know, they really know how to intimidate a team. Especially the young guys; they're very rowdy, they're very loud and they come out in an abundance. They are crazy from the start of the game on... (actually) the start of the week of the game, when you first come in and you are checking out the stadium you see all these people yelling at you, cussing at you, wearing that scarlet and gray, and they have that scarlet and gray in their eyes. Man this is more than a game, this is more than what I expected.

When the game starts and you run on the field and you hear the boos of 100,000 people... I mean it's crazy. Then Ohio State might get their first big play or touchdown... and man, I've never heard anything as loud as when Maurice Clarett came on the field. Now I know he might not be real high in columbus right now... but I've never heard anything as loud as when he came onto the field when we played in 2002 down at the Shoe and he had that 30 yard play, I've never heard anything that loud in my life. I couldn't hear myself think, I couldn't hear the playcalls, we were kinda guessing. And the last play of the game, when we ran all post routes and it got intercepted, that wasn't even supposed to be the play call. But it was so loud down there, Navarre couldn't hear, gave the wrong play call, and we ran the wrong route. And so it was an easy interception, so that's just an example of how it is down there."

-- Braylon Edwards

"Ohio State, man, Ohio State was the loudest place I've ever played. The Rose Bowl is wider and more open, but Ohio State is more closed in and everyone is so loud and on top of you. You could hear all the little things people said about you. Man, that was the toughest place I've ever played."

-- Vince Young

"It was really loud. I think my ears are still ringing a bit. Some of the time the tackles and tight ends couldn't hear me."

-- Matt Barkley
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bigbluebazooka;1764209; said:
If Jacory's jersey stays clean good luck stopping this offense.
You know, I just knew that someone would make a comment like this....

In the past five years, Ohio State has shut down Vince Young, Brady Quinn, Jake Locker, Jeremiah Masoli, Colt McCoy (twice), Daryll Clark (twice), and Chad Henne (thrice). The only QB's that gave the Buckeyes any real trouble were Mark Sanchez (first round draft pick) in 2008 and Juice Williams (career game) in 2007. I'm not saying that it will be impossible for Harris to be the difference maker ... but good luck.
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kolOhioState88;1764107; said:
during big games the shoe is as hostile as they come. during non marquee games we sound like we are toledo. unless you've been to a game like last years usc or texas or michigan you have no idea what that place becomes

After the 02 Michigan and 05 Texas game, I was pretty much deaf the next day...and hoarse.

It always seems like the crowd is much older for the opener. Nothing against older fans, but they do tend to be on the quiet side. :tongue2: I got tickets to the 06 NIU game through my grandmothers alumni status, and I swear I could not see anyone without white hair 15-20 seats in any direction. Everyone sat pretty much the whole time and barely made any noise. It felt like a pro game.
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What I'm most excited for, what excites me more than anything else this year, is to simply see the Miami Hurricanes run onto the field, throw up their hand signs, dance around on their sidelines, all of that shit, up until they start gettin popped. Jacory says Wisky is bigger than us? That's weird because last time I checked our D line and LBers are just as big.

Give me OSU 27 Miami 16
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