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Game Thread Miami (FL) at tOSU, Sat Sep 11, 3:40 ET, ESPN

southcampus;1764345; said:
Jacory says Wisky is bigger than us? That's weird because last time I checked our D line and LBers are just as big.

Wiscy's starting DL and LBs against Da U:

O'Brien Schofield (DE) 6'3" 242
Dan Moore (DT) 6'2" 278
Jeff Stehle (DT) 6'6" 291
J.J. Watt (DE) 6'6" 285
Jaevery McFadden (WLB) 6'3" 226
Culmer St. Jean (MLB) 6'0" 232
Chris Borland (SLB) 5'11" 232

Our projected starters:

Nathan Williams (DE) 6'3" 260
John Simon (DT) 6'2" 270
Dexter Larimore (DT) 6'2" 310
Cameron Heyward (DE) 6'5" 288
Ross Homan (WLB) 6'0" 227
Brian Rolle (MLB) 5'11" 218
Andrew Sweat (SLB) 6'2" 238

The only position where Wiscy had a player truly "bigger" is at MLB. All other positions we're equal or bigger.

Jacory Harris knows shit...
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This is going to be a pretty damn loud game, make no mistake about it. Everyone talks about this game as being a breakout game for Miami. A "We're back!" game if you will. I think this game, especially to the OSU fans, is going to be a personal "We're back!" game to the University of Miami. We ruined your season before, and WE ARE BACK to do it again. Is Miami back? Maybe. Is Ohio State still here? HELL YEAH! Been here since we beat their asses in 2002. We haven't gone anywhere. They use excuses like losing that NCG as the reason for them sucking the past few years. That's the difference. That program folded after a big loss. You'll have big wins, and big losses in ANY football program. The great football programs pick up the pieces, and come back strong. Ohio State reloads every year. Miami takes about a decade to reload. Miami may be back. But they aren't better than Ohio State. Not this year. WRONG YEAR and WRONG TEAM to "come back" against Miami. Sorry you feel like you aren't relevant, and really really want to win this game to become important in CFB again. Not gonna happen though. This Ohio State football team is the most explosive team in college football this year. On both sides of the ball.

I do feel bad...these two programs really have gone in two different directions since we last met.

Ohio State - 6 ten win seasons, 6 BCS Bowls, (74-16)
Miami - 1 ten win season, 1 BCS Bowl, (58-31)

Okay...I lied. I don't feel bad.
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- Randy Shannon: "You're not (awed) by it because of what we see when we go out," said Shannon, who, like many of his players, is a native of celebrity-studded Miami. "You may see Alex Rodriguez or one of the Wayans brothers, or you may see Dwyane Wade. Those are big-name guys. When you go to places that are traditional like Ohio State, Michigan, places like that, you've been in awe already. I think that kind of helps us out."

nothing says pressure like playing in front of the Wayans brothers
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Per Mili's numbers.
Wisky's height + weight. (in bowl)
line average 6'4.25" 274
backers average 6'0.66" 230
combined average 6'2.75" 255.25

tOSU's height + weight (projected starters)
line average 6'3" 282
backers average 6'0.33 227
combined average 6'2" 258.25
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MightbeaBuck;1764465; said:
Per Mili's numbers.
Wisky's height + weight. (in bowl)
line average 6'4.25" 274
backers average 6'0.66" 230
combined average 6'2.75" 255.25

tOSU's height + weight (projected starters)
line average 6'3" 282
backers average 6'0.33 227
combined average 6'2" 258.25

Not to mention the most important stat......MIAMI FUCKING LOST TO WISCONSIN. DON'T USE A TEAM THAT BEAT YOUR ASS TO TRY AND PROVE HOW GOOD YOU ARE. (leave that Charlie Weiss and his biggest "win" as a head coach against USC in the Bush push game)
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Well here is a little about the U..

? 9,500 degree-seeking undergraduates
? 45% male, 55% female
? 5,000 graduate students

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Class size:
? 50% of all courses have 16 or fewer students
? 75% of all courses have 25 or fewer students
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Typical freshman class profile:
? Number of incoming freshmen: 2,000
? Approximately 83% live on campus
? Approximately 2/3 are in the top 10% of their class
? Approximately half of the new freshmen graduated in the top 5% of their class
? Average weighted GPA: 4.2
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Transfer Stats:
? Applications received: 3,400
? Incoming transfer class: 650
? Mean GPA: 3.48
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Admitted student mid-range SAT scores:
? 25th percentile: 1240
? 75th percentile: 1380
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Admitted student mid-range ACT scores:
? 25th percentile: 28
? 75th percentile: 31
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and what I found on your school...

Contact: Amy Murray, (614) 292-8385
Ohio State sets new enrollment records

University opening doors to more students than ever
The Ohio State University has set new records this fall ? in the size, quality and diversity of its student body.

There are new records in the number of students attending the Columbus campus and several regional campuses. New autumn quarter enrollment figures show a 2.7 percent increase in Ohio State enrollment, with a record 63,217 students on all campuses and a record 55,014 on the Columbus campus ? a 2.4 percent increase.

Regional campus enrollment also set a new record with more than 8,200 students ? up 4.5 percent. New enrollment records were set at Ohio State's campuses in Lima, Mansfield, Marion and Newark.

Across all campuses, there are a record 49,915 undergraduates including 9,510 new first-year students.

Ohio State President E. Gordon Gee says while many colleges have reduced the size of their freshman class, Ohio State has done the opposite, providing more students than ever access to higher education.

"Thanks to remarkably strong bi-partisan support for higher education at the state level, the University has been able to open its doors wider to greater numbers of well-prepared students, including 500 more Ohioans in our freshman class," said President E. Gordon Gee. "Assuring that talented young people can pursue their educational aspirations and improve their communities is very fully a part of our founding mission."

On Ohio State's Columbus campus, there are 6,607 first-year students ? a 9.4 percent increase over last autumn. The class set records in average ACT (27.5) and SAT (1230) scores. It also set new records in out-of-state enrollment (up 3.7 percent to 906) and international students (up 15.8 percent to 271). Students of color accounted for 15 percent of the freshman class.

Other enrollment highlights:

? Ohio State students come from all 88 counties in Ohio, all 50 states and 118 countries. Approximately 81 percent (51,475) students are from Ohio. Nearly 12 percent (7,504) are from other states, territories or are U.S. students from foreign countries.

so if I read this right you have 5 X the number of students....of course you should sell out every home game..take that 50k and turn it over every 4 years and your allumni rolls should be mind blowing!! the fact that a small private university was probabley THE dominate team from 83 till 2003 is astounding..whether u like us or not !! thug U started with the Cathoics vs convicts SI article ( still and will always hate ND and SI ) but the facts don't really bare that out.. since Shannon took over we have had 1 arrest...how many arrests has your team had in the last 5 years? ( don't know, an honest question)...... so to call us fair weather fans is not really that accurate.. we have a small fan base as we are really a very small school...and the ghetto fans(usually a players family unfortunately)... well i have a feeling u have them as well, but they are drowned out among the larger crowd..nothing about the U is thug or ghetto...but I guess stereotypes die hard!!

As far as my statement about "over rated big game choking big ten teams"..the big ten is 8-10 in all bcs bowl games with a 1-2 record in the championship game and twice being the no 1 team....that's were that perception comes from... again not my view..but that is a not uncommon view of big ten teams....again I am sure you guys will hit us square in the mouth to start the game(figuratively.).. what i want to see is how do we react to this given the hostile environment and all the press etc...can't wait to find out!!
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That may be true but the B10 also faced USC multiple fucking times jerkoff...must be nice to play BCS and NCG in your home stadium chump. You got manhandled in your home state and still bitched about how cold it was...what a bunch of fucking pussies.

3 years ago the B10 played in 8 bowl games and 7 of them was in the opponents home state.

Glad to see you grew some ball and decided to come above the Mason-Dixon line...to bad it wasn't in November so we could here you bitch some more fucking crybabies. If its not refs its the weather...and their macots a fucking hurricane no less.

Get the excuse book out...maybe this time it will be too cloudy.
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Jaxbuck;1762332; said:
Couple of other points to consider with this opening line;

-contrary to popular belief sportsbooks do not mind lopsided action as long as they think they are on the right side of it.

-lines are not meant to educate the public on the books view of who is the better team. It is either meant to split the public or give the books the number they want to be on the opposite side of lopsided action.

-OSU is a team like the Yankees and Cowboys where the fanbase is so large and bets their team so heavily it has to be factored into their lines. Especially in a premier matchup.

What that tells me is that they know they are going to get lopsided action on OSU. Therefore if they opened it any lower than 9.5 they would be left holding a very lopsided position in which they'd need Miami to stay within at least a touchdown to make money. So to continue the logic chain, the books obviously feel a line of anything lower than 10 is going to be hammered by the public AND they don't want to be on the other side of it. This also had to be confirmed by sharp action on the float or the opening line would have come out lower.

Now, I am no expert I could be misreading this. Also, the books do make mistakes or there would be no sports betting market. That said, keep an eye on the line movement and volume this week. If the public is over 60% to OSU and the line drops we have a problem, if it goes normally the volume will be heavy to OSU and the line will continue to go up.

You're actually very, very right. Sportsbooks ideally want 50% on both sides, because they made the juice anyway. The juice is the extra 10% you pay to make a sports wager in las Vegas. If I bet $110 to win $100 on Miami, and you bet $110 to win $100 on the Buckeyes, when Ohio State wins, they keep my $110, and pay you $100 (plus your $110 back), so they've made $10 bones! This is why they move the line around. As of last night, at VegasInsider.com, 82% of the action was on Miami +9. Today only 80% of the action is on Miami +8.5. Usually when the public hammers something to the tune of 70-80%, they're wrong. These billion dollar casinos here in Vegas are proof positive of that.
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cane4life;1764502; said:
so if I read this right you have 5 X the number of students....of course you should sell out every home game.

The vast majority of those in the stands aren't students, and I'd bet that well over half aren't even alums.

The metro Miami area has just short of 5 million people, so there's no reason why 1 person out of every 60 can't attend a Miami home game to fill the stadium.
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The Big Ten is 10-11 (.476) in BCS bowls

The Big East 6-6 (.500)

The ACC 2-10 (.167)

combined 8-16 (.333)

Va Tech (0-1) miami (1-1) and FSU (1-2) combined 2-4 (.333) in championship games (same % as the Big Ten).

So the Big ten is "over rated big game choking" WTF does that make your conference(s)?
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