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Game Thread Miami (FL) at tOSU, Sat Sep 11, 3:40 ET, ESPN

hey jwinslow....if you read my post the football discussion is what i came here for...
Sometimes thick skin is in order. I appreciate your football talk and look forward to more of it.
but a lot of posts seem to be about "dissin da u" etc.... which is an obivious shot at saying we are a ghetto school or saying that U fans speak in eubonics
There is obviously a lot of history from:
a) The bad boys of the 80s, 90s and then the field fight a few years ago
b) The past matchup, and all of the slapfights over the outcome (as well as the disrespect before the game)
c) Having to talk to ourselves and look at absurd posts on grassy (and yes OSU has plenty of their own types) and elsewhere in lieu of actual humans to debate with
d) Da U being shoved down people's throats as a saying, so obviously it is going to be thrown back at them. Just like folks mock OSU for the emphasis of 'THE' and say another OSU, fOSU, etc.
it is what it is....have learned some football stuff... seems like your LB's are smaller and faster then I thought....maybe not such an edge in our passing to our RB's as I thought....but maybe we will run at them more then I thought....can't wait till Sat !!
Same here.

What are the reports on Seantrel so far?
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1764596; said:
We are? How so? Because you said something on the internet? Or... do you have some Xs and Os to talk about?

Our offense will be different and expect quick passes and no huddle to keep OSU on its toes.

Our defensive line is the best we have had since the early 2000's. I would expect some scheme blitzes to rattle Pryor.

How do you feel about your DB's? We have a solid WR core with speed & size.
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I think he will be starting by the end of the year... he playing when we pulled our starters in the 2nd quarter of our practice game.... he is as advertised...honestly shocked we ended up with him....and yes ESPN throws the U is back crap all over the place.... lets just say espn showed there character to me over the whole mike leach TTU INCIDENT !:biggrin:

Kosar beat out Vinny for our no1 ... yes i know who he is... just having someone who graduated the year i was born continually cuss and now act like he wants to fight me... thats funny....love internet toughies... especially when they're almost 60
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Bruiserr75;1764614; said:
Our offense will be different and expect quick passes and no huddle to keep OSU on its toes.

That's great. Ohio State's defense is used to seeing that type of scheme.

Our defensive line is the best we have had since the early 2000's. I would expect some scheme blitzes to rattle Pryor.

You hope. if Ohio State is able to achieve offensive balance, Dur U is going to have a hell of a time rattling TP.

How do you feel about your DB's? We have a solid WR core with speed & size.

First off, how would you rate Ohio State's DBs? slow and plodding? undersized?
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cane4life;1764601; said:
hey jwinslow....if you read my post the football discussion is what i came here for... but a lot of posts seem to be about "dissin da u" etc.... which is an obivious shot at saying we are a ghetto school or saying that U fans speak in eubonics....it is what it is....have learned some football stuff... seems like your LB's are smaller and faster then I thought....maybe not such an edge in our passing to our RB's as I thought....but maybe we will run at them more then I thought....can't wait till Sat !!

Yup, I get X's & 0's call out, but majority of this thing is all about how horrible of a program Miami is and its terrible fan base.
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Guys, I just moved out a bunch of smack talk. And in fairness, most of the garbage I moved didn't come from the Miami posters.

That's not what BP is about. We want to talk football in this thread. Let's be more civil and leave the nonsense out of here.
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Bruiserr75;1764622; said:
Yup, I get X's & 0's call out, but majority of this thing is all about how horrible of a program Miami is and its terrible fan base.

so try to disprove it by actually talking Xs and Os without being a douchenugget about it.

Starting your posting history by saying how much of a surprise Ohio State is in for isn't exactly "breaking the paradigm".....
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Bruiserr75;1764614; said:
Our offense will be different and expect quick passes and no huddle to keep OSU on its toes.

Sounds like Oregon's gameplan.

Bruiserr75;1764614; said:
Our defensive line is the best we have had since the early 2000's. I would expect some scheme blitzes to rattle Pryor.

I don't know much about your dline but many think this is the best OSU O-line since 2003. I like our chances with the brew crew+boren+browning. O-Line has been an eternal struggle for us over the last several years. This is the first year that I feel confident about them.

Bruiserr75;1764614; said:
How do you feel about your DB's? We have a solid WR core with speed & size.

corners have a ton of experience. Chekwa is starting for his 3rd year...may have started some games as a freshman as well. Torrence is solid in coverage, not spectacular but is above average in run support. Hines is a Sr. at Safety but a first year starter. Has been the nickel back since his freshman year. tons of snaps under his belt. Moeller is an absolute stud as our nickel back. don't know much about CJ Barnett or Orhian Johnson both are good athletes but very young with little to no experience.
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cane4life;1764625; said:
i hope we blitz the hell out of pryor....lets see how accurate he is after getting hit a few times...i am sure osu will try to do the same to us!

I hope you blitz him too... Because getting to him is one thing, but tackling him is another. Not to mention watch the Marshall game, when they blitzed he often would find the open man pretty fast.

I can't say the same about Harris though. If we blitz him and get to him, he's going down and he's going down quite hard frankly. Sure Harris could find the open man as well but the quick passing game is something OSU see's week in and week out. I'm more confident in that OSU can drive the FIELD where as Miami I don't believe will be able to sustain drives.

Both teams are about Equal when it comes to throwing the ball, and to an extent Defense. However, a place Miami can't touch OSU is their ability to RUN the ball. Which is where we will win this game IMO.
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