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Game Thread Miami (FL) at tOSU, Sat Sep 11, 3:40 ET, ESPN

BuckeyeMike80;1764618; said:
That's great. Ohio State's defense is used to seeing that type of scheme.

You hope. if Ohio State is able to achieve offensive balance, Dur U is going to have a hell of a time rattling TP.

First off, how would you rate Ohio State's DBs? slow and plodding? undersized?

Just because you have seen it doesn't mean you can stop it.

It all starts in the trenches and we feel confident in our DL.

OSU usually has good DB's, but I don't know much about your secondary. Are they up to your usual standard?
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Bruiserr75;1764614; said:
Our offense will be different and expect quick passes and no huddle to keep OSU on its toes.
That's what Marshall did. Now, I'm not saying Miami is Marshall, but I am suggesting that it's not something that Ohio State is unprepared to deal with. In fact, a lot of teams have tried attacking Ohio State like that over the years. Only a handful have beaten them with it. Illinois 2007 being one.

As for no huddle... meh... it's not a new thing. I don't know how much you know about Ohio State football in that you don't follow the Buckeyes, but... this isn't 1975 bro. Despite the perception of slow plodders, Ohio State has played against every style of offense you can imagine... including the triple option, even. lol
Our defensive line is the best we have had since the early 2000's. I would expect some scheme blitzes to rattle Pryor.
Pryor the Soph and Fresh was fairly easily rattled. That's not a bad plan, but the Pryor I saw in the opener was calm, cool, confident and collected. I have some confidence in Ohio State's O-Line, but I also expect that when that breaks down (and it will) Pryor has good legs too. Miami will get to him, I'm sure, but it's going to take fresh legs all game to do it. Miami has a good secondary, but even the best can't cover forever. So... pressure, like you say, will be key. Again, I like that Pryor can get outside the pocket and he keeps his eyes down field.
How do you feel about your DB's? We have a solid WR core with speed & size.
I give Miami's secondary a slight edge over Ohio State's. But, the "speed" thing is typical BS.... There's speed everywhere in college football, and certainly at your top tier schools - including Ohio State. No DB on OSU's roster is going to struggle with footspeed vis a vis Miami's recievers. As for size... well... Once again... Miami isn't full of "never before seen" people. It's pretty common for teams to have match up problems, or even a couple of them, on the roster. Miami isn't any different.

Bruiserr75;1764622; said:
Yup, I get X's & 0's call out, but majority of this thing is all about how horrible of a program Miami is and its terrible fan base.
:tibor: Let's not start this shit again.
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I think I am most excited to see how Pryor does when the pressure is turned up. I think Miami is going to make damn sure OSU does not run the ball at the same time making sure when Pryor does throw the heat is on.

I am hoping that this makes for huge running lanes for him or that he has progressed enough to continue to find the open space or the check downs.

Also anxious to see how we block the speed off the edge and see if we can match the physicality the teams that beat Miami last year seemed to.

I am going Bucks - 27 - Da U - 20
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BuckeyeMike80;1764626; said:
so try to disprove it by actually talking Xs and Os without being a douchenugget about it.

Starting your posting history by saying how much of a surprise Ohio State is in for isn't exactly "breaking the paradigm".....

Just jumping in on a 65 page thread. I had to get under your skin a little..lol
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The secondary has 3 returning starters.... They lost both safties from last year but last year one of those safties lost his starting job by week 2 anyways. You add those 3 with getting Moeller back and I believe our Secondary is definately good. Maybe lacks the big names like in past years but still pretty talented.

Well we've stopped most of the teams so far that try to pass quick so I honestly hope Miami does come with a quick passing game.

The teams to beat OSU in the past few years all have things in common. A) Play GREAT defense
B) No Turnovers
C) Capitalize on Mistakes

Canes' do that they got a shot, but if they come in and worry about getting the ball out quickly instead of reading the defense then forget it.
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Bruiserr75;1764638; said:
Just because you have seen it doesn't mean you can stop it.

It all starts in the trenches and we feel confident in our DL.

OSU usually has good DB's, but I don't know much about your secondary. Are they up to your usual standard?

We feel confident? am I talking to more than one person here?

Ohio State's DBs are probably the most experienced group since the 2005-06 timeframe.
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The teams to beat OSU in the past few years all have things in common. A) Play GREAT defense
B) No Turnovers
C) Capitalize on Mistakes
The vast majority of those victors dominated upfront, particularly their OL vs our DL. I'm not sure if I see that formula for a Miami win (obviously there are other ways).
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Both teams are about Equal when it comes to throwing the ball

i see this as a huge miami advantage...Harris is a winner has been his whole life.... yes he struggled some last year...but I expect improved decision making and reads this year. i think he will put 350 plus against you, i think pryor will be at 180 or so....our other big advantage i think will be on st... you guys didnt look very good last week...our return game and blocking units will excell !!
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cane4life;1764652; said:
Both teams are about Equal when it comes to throwing the ball
i see this as a huge miami advantage...Harris is a winner has been his whole life.... yes he struggled some last year...but I expect improved decision making and reads this year. i think he will put 350 plus against you, i think pryor will be at 180 or so....our other big advantage i think will be on st... you guys didnt look very good last week...our return game and blocking units will excell !!

uhh right....


who was the last QB who put up 300 yards on Ohio State? Drew Brees?
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